
IVZ condemned the terrorist attack in Paris

Islamic Religious Community (IVZ) issued a statement categorically saying that violence is not part of Islam, alluding to the terrorist attack on the editorial office of the French satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, in which ten journalists and two policemen lost their lives. “With deep resentment,...

Macedonian journalists condemn attack on freedom of expression

Association of Journalists of Macedonia (ZNM) and the Macedonian Association of Journalists (MAN) expressed condolences to the families of journalists who were killed in the terrorist attack on the weekly “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris yesterday. “In these sad moments, we express our condolences to the...

Homage in the French Embassy for the victims in Paris

Homage for the killed in the terrorist attack on the weekly “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris was held today at the Embassy of the Republic of France in Skopje. Ambassador Laurence Auer said that today is a national day of mourning in France and in...

Охрид се подготвува за Водици

Во Охрид привршуваат подготовките за одбележување на празникот Богојављение – Водици, на 19 јануари, како и за Денот на рибарите – наредниот ден. Организатор на манифестацијата е здружението „Богојавление“, заедно со локалната самоуправа, донатори и други помагатели. Се вклучија и охридските хотели и угостители, кои понудија...

Dojran Lake freezes

The lowest air temperature this morning was measured in Berovo, where -17 degrees Celsius were registered. In Gevgelija were measured -8, while a temperature of -7 degrees Celsius was measured in Dojran. Due to the low temperature, Dojran Lake froze. In other cities, the following...

Session of the Committee on Education delayed: 24 hours for new proposals

The meeting of the Committee on Education, which was to discuss the proposed amendments to the Law on primary, secondary and higher education after the first reading at the Assembly was taken off the agenda. Unofficially, we learned that the session is suspended for...

SSNM: Attack in Paris is a barbaric act of violence

Through a statement, Independent Union of journalists and media workers (SSNM) expressed the shock and disgust of today, as they say, barbaric attack of the editorial office of the French satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo”, in which 12 people were killed, of who 10 journalists,...

“National Geographic” wants to broadcast the reconstruction of the crash of Trajkovski’s plane

The TV channel “National Geographic”, which recently ceased to broadcast in Macedonia, is interested in making the TV reconstruction of the crash that killed President Boris Trajkovski and his associates near Mostar, stated chief investigator of the Commission which investigated the crash, Omer Kulik,...

Professorial plenum demands withdrawal of the amendments to the Law on higher education

The initiative “Professorial plenum” today released a statement saying that they have only one suggestion to the Government for amendments to the Law on higher education (state exam), and it is they to be immediately withdrawn. “Dear Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, with...

Gruevski at a liturgy in Tetovo, Ivanov, Veljanoski and Trajanovski in Skopje

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski today attended the liturgy and the celebration of Christmas in the church St. Cyril and Methodius in Tetovo. Religious rites were performed by g. Josif, along with several priests from Tetovo archbishop territory of the Macedonian Orthodox Church - Ohrid Archbishopric. Foreign...

The Government requested proposals for reform in education to be submitted in written

Government of the Republic of Macedonia today invited universities to submit proposals for reforms in higher education. “Government of the Republic of Macedonia today directs another invitation and appeals to all parties who have an interest and specific and grounded ideas and suggestions for further...

Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Eve

This morning, with the children’s carols, Orthodox Christians began to celebrate the day before the big holiday Birth of Christ - Christmas. Traditionally, the celebration will be marked with a gathering in front of the Cathedral “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Skopje. Christmas Eve godfather, Aleksandar Dzhikovski,...

PASOK warns Samaras not sound like Golden Dawn

PASOK has warned Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras for the views similar to Golden Dawn on the immigration policies of New Democracy. During yesterday’s visit to Evros, a place which is on the border with Turkey and where most immigrants are entering Greece by...

Ademi: Proposals of MP groups will be accepted in the form of amendments

I will make maximum efforts to end the negative phenomena in education because it is our responsibility to provide quality education for a healthy society and a European vision of our country. I hope that you, the academic community, will give me your support...

Gruevski: We invited you to discus, not to delay

The debate on the Law on higher education began in the Assembly, but the professors from “Professorial plenum” and members of “Student plenum” were not a part of it. Earlier, at the request of the professors, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has changed the location of...

Everyone is “stuck” on two weeks old statement of Alfeyev for the dispute between MOC-OA and SOC

The statement of the Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church Hilarion Alfeyev in which he talks about the dispute between MOC-OA and SOC and the offer of mediation by the ROC, which is today reported by Serbian media, citing Religious Informative Agency (VIA), and...

The debate at the Assembly began, professors refused to participate

The debate on the Law on higher education at the Assembly began, but the professors from “Professorial plenum” didn’t take part in it. Earlier, at the request of the professors, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has changed the location for the debate from the hotel “Aleksandar...

A petition for Law on freelancers to reach the Constitutional Court is being prepared

A petition to the Constitutional Court to challenge the legal solutions for freelancers is being prepared by part of the trade unions, NGOs and civil movements that protested against the law to pay social contributions for fees. In accordance with recent amendments, some freelancers whose...

Russian Church offers mediation in the dispute between MOC and SOC

The second man of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, said that Moscow wants to mediate between Belgrade and Skopje on the church dispute, reported Religious Information Agency (VIA) today. “Russian Orthodox Church can not unilaterally recognize the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC). It should...

MES accepts the proposal of the Student Parliament

Ministry of Education announced that it accepts the proposal of the Student Parliament, which provides opportunity for students to take a third of the subjects in the third academic year, regardless of whether or not they’ve passed the first part of the state exam. This...