Tags SEC

Tag: SEC

Zaev called for a wider civil front for a free Macedonia

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev today called for a wider civil front for a free Macedonia and against Nikola Gruevski. He called on the people for a free Macedonia to join the coalition partners of the SDSM, political parties, NGOs, associations, trade unions and others. “Together with the citizens we can restore democracy and bring back freedom, because now it is...

The SEC continue to cleanse the electoral roll

The State Election Commission (SEC) today at 11:00 am will hold a regular meeting for the purging of the voters’ list. "Meta" was informed that the members of the SEC, are continuing work as usual, and are examining disputed voters found on the list. Last night the SDSM leader Zoran Zaev announced that today he will meet with SEC members...

“Most”: Pre-election pressure has begun

Citizens Association "Most" said from February 17 to April 3 they have noticed more and more electoral violations. Lists are being prepared for potential VMRO-DPMNE voters in the administration, which is a breach of the principle of the separation of state and party while addressing state officials. Also, the use of state vehicles for party purposes, and pressure on...

Conditions have not been met for the dissolution of Parliament, says the civil sector

According to civil society organizations,while addressing the International Community, minimal requirements have still not been met to dissolve parliament and to call for credible elections the citizens of Macedonia will believe in. "If Parliament was dissolved on April 7th, 2016 and the Chairman of the SEC does not sign the electoral roll, or does not give his approval for its...

SEC: Field checks in their final phase

Field checks which have been carried out on questionable voters by all departments of the State Election Commission (SEC) are in their final phase, announced the SEC this evening. They added that at present, the Commission is focused on inputting and processing the data from the questionnaires into a single electronic application. The State Election Commission, in a statement rejects...

Mancevski: The SEC has to tell us whether it is possible to have a credible electoral register for elections in June

In consensus, the SEC concluded that there are over 330,000 'questionable' voters. This is the most serious confirmation until today that recent elections in Macedonia have been illegitimate all along, said Damjan Mancevski, Vice-President of the SDSM at Monday's press conference. He urged the SEC to say whether the process of checking the voter lists is credible? Do they know how to...

The SEC has published on their official website a list of all disputable voters’

The State Election Commission (SEC) today announced the list of voters by name, surname and address who are being going through field checks. The list is available on the official website of the SEC. At yesterday's session, all members voted on the proposal by VMRO-DPMNE member, Silvana Boneva and DPA member Bedredin Ibrahimim to publish the list of names who will...

The SEC will begin with field tests on disputable voters with 374 interviewers

Field checks start today of 89,383 questionable voters, announced the State Election Commission (SEC). They say that a number of 374 interviewers will start making visits to the addresses where voters are registered and will help citizens fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaires are printed in the names of the voters, and the interviewers should only take data from the names of...

The SEC will discuss whether to publish all inconsistencies on their official website

The State Election Commission at its next session will discuss the possibility of publishing all inconsistent entries on the official website of the SEC, to make the process more transparent. The SEC also said there were intensive preparations for the commencement of field checks on disputed voters from the Voters' List. "We have finished printing all necessary material for the implementation of the...

The SEC have delayed the start of field checks on questionable voters

The State Election Commission today postponed the start of the field checks on the voter lists, because the they had not completely finished procedures. So far no-one has revealed how long it will be postponed for or when it will start. The SEC announced that on April the 3rd, they would begin to conduct their on-site field checks of 89, 383...

The SEC have started field checks on questionable voters

State Election Commission from today until April 3 will conduct field checks of 89,383 voters from the electoral roll, which have proven disputable in cross-checks. As announced by the SEC, together with the investigators the information campaign "Open Doors" will begin. The SEC said that deleting data will be carried out on three grounds, at the request of citizens, at the...

Auer: Now the work of the SEC is most essential

Now the work of the State Election Commission (SEC) is essential, as they have to conduct the hardest work, that is a month before the elections, they have to have a voters’ list which will be stable and cleansed so that all voters have confidence in the elections, highlighted the French Ambassador Laurence Auer, at the open day with...

Field-tests for disputed voters to start by the end of the week

By the end of the week, field-tests will begin on the issue of questionable voters on the electoral roll.  A total of 100,436 entries (first names, surnames and addresses) will be checked by a force of 374 authorized field-investigators who will conduct interviews. The work of the field-investigators will be managed under the supervision of various heads of regional offices...

Members of the SEC from the SDSM walk out of session

Igor Milev and Violeta Duma, members of the State Election Commission and members from the SDSM party walked out of the session, especially when they began to discuss how much of the 310,000 voters should undergo field checks, confirmed the SEC for "Meta". Before the break, the SEC members talked about voters who have moved out of country and are on...

VMRO-DPMNE: We support all legal and constitutional decisions made by the SEC

"The VMRO-DPMNE supports all decisions made by the SEC which are will be made in accordance with the Constitution, laws and international standards. The number of voters which need to be additionally checked is the SDSM's excuse for all its current and future electoral defeats. The SDSM's actions are harassing the country, and in the next up period coming...

The SEC will check 111,440 questionable voters, more than 62,000 remain to go through additional checks

The State Election Commission (SEC) yesterday decided to conduct a field check of 111,440 questionable voters. An additional administrative check will be done on 62,837 people and if necessary, and this group of voters will go through a field check. 35,859 voters will go through an administrative data check who are believed to be most likely dead and for another 7345...

VMRO-DPMNE: The SEC can check everyone, they need to do their jobs faster

"The SDSM for months have wanted to show a false image to the public that there is a huge number of so-called phantom voters, once they said 30,000, then thy said 100,000 and now the number has reached half a million," reads the statement from the VMRO-DPMNE. "Yesterday, the SDSM terrorized the SEC, using all means and manipulation in an...

Spasovski: Every questionable voter has to be checked

The State Election Commission (SEC) as an independent institution should fully put all their effort into cleansing the voters' list and create a sense of security for the citizens of Macedonia that the voting rights will not be abused, said the SDSM Secretary General Oliver Spasovski, from Strumica. "The message should be clear and unambiguous - the SEC should purge the...

“Most” called on the SEC to publish their report without additional intervention

The civil association “Most” called on the State Election Commission (SEC) to announce the initial report of the data base cross-checks of the voters’ list, as it is, without any additional intervention. "The SEC must publish the initial report of the cross-checks as it is has been prepared and submitted by experts, ie without any additional interventions, and its adoption...

SEC: The number of questionable voters is speculation

As long as the members of the State Election Commission do not adopt the results of the cross-checks from the report, all numbers that appear in public are made on the basis of speculation - said Ljupka Guguchevska, an adviser with the SEC at a press conference today. She refused to answer journalists' questions whether the number is the same...