Tags SEC

Tag: SEC

The Constitutional Court’s decision has questioned the conditions for fair elections on June 5 say civil society organizations

A large part of the activists, civil society organizations and opposition parties believe that yesterday's decision by the Constitutional Court will allow the President to pardon people who have been prosecuted or sentenced of electoral fraud, and will only worsen the grounds for free and fair elections. They say that with this decision, the court has helped people planning to commit electoral...

Field tests for the electoral register have been postponed

At today’s meeting of the State Election Commission, members of the commission decided to conduct additional tests and cross-check more of the data, inform the SEC. "The State Election Commission, after reviewing the first report from the implementation of the cross checks on the databases through the relevant institutions, decided to carry out additional control tests to cover all questionable...

Half a million questionable voters on the electoral register?

Exactly 495,258 voters have been found to be questionable and need to subjected to additional verification, it says in a report after data was cross checked by the Interior Ministry and ten other institutions, which “Telma” managed to get a copy of the report. More than 190,000 were found to be fictitious voters,  according to the report, it is the voters...

Cross-checks finished, field testing next – New challenges for the SEC

The cross-checking of the databases of the voter lists is now over, and tomorrow at the session of the State Election Commission, the IT sector will have to present their data and then they will have to vote on the report, an unofficial source from the SEC told “Meta”. Once the report has passed the vote, the methodology that...

SEC are closing the online option for reporting irregularities in the voters’ list

The State Election Commission from midnight tonight, are going to close the option for reporting irregularities in the voters list on the official website of the SEC. From the date of the publication of the voter lists on the website, until now, around 5,000 people used the possibility of reporting irregularities in the data. All citizens who took the opportunity to report...

The SEC will intersect data to investigate the integrity of the complaints from citizens

Tonight, the State Election Commission (SEC) unanimously decided , that after hundreds of complaints from citizens, they will intersect data to investigate the integrity of the complaints made by citizens by cross-checking the data from various institutions, reports TV "Telma" "This is in regard to all the reports from citizens about people who do not live at reported addresses, or have emigrated abroad....

“Most”: The dysfunctional system is the reason for the lack of confidence in the electoral register

Whatever the SEC does in the upcoming period, it will not be able to cleanse the voters list without the cooperation of the other relevant institutions to submit data on the voters list, say the civic association “Most”. “Most” realized that some of the problems arising in the electoral register are from the strange need for the frequent change of street...

Cichakovski: We will do every we can to cleanse the voters’ list by April 17

The State Election Commission will take all actions to reach the deadline on April 17 to cleanse the voters list, said the SEC chairman Aleksandar Cichakovski, after meeting with representatives from 20 Embassies at the MPs Clubhouse in Skopje. According to him, at today's session the SEC has to find a solution on how to check complaints coming from citizens. “We...

DPDP: The publication of the addresses on the electoral roll is in accordance with the law

The publication of the addresses of voters in the electronic inspection of the voter lists is in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection, said the Directorate for Personal Data Protection (DPDP) to “Meta”. In the letter from the Directorate, it states that the Directorate has already pointed out to the State Election Commission not to use the identification...

Crowded apartments reveal why we had 1.8 million voters out of 2 million people

With the discovery of buildings, apartments, and houses full with phantom voters, it became clear how it was possible in a country of 2 million people, to have 1.8 million people on the electoral roll. The enigma was solved after the launch of the web application for checking the voter lists. Only one week before Ilija Dimovski from VMRO-DPMNE, wrote that...

SDSM: The chaotic electoral register confirms electoral fraud

It just confirms that Nikola Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE have been involved in criminal activities over the election through phantom voters and abusing state institutions.The public daily goes through the chaotic voters list ", says the SDSM statement of SDSM. The opposition party even added that only there is a few examples show of absurd figures such as one address, one...

“Most” urges the SEC to issue precise instructions for reporting suspicious data

“Most” in a statement urges the SEC to clarify the rules of accessing, changing and deleting data on the voters’ list for citizens to understand the whole procedure properly. The civil association added that after they release of a new opportunity for voters to check the voters’ list, by name and address many indications appeared which were inaccurate, but also...

Phantom voters, dead souls, and packed apartments on the Electoral List

A string of irregularities have been discovered while citizens were checking their personal data on the voters’ list through the web application which has been available since yesterday on the official website of the State Election Committee. Citizens have turned to the social networks, saying that people they do not know are registered as living at their addresses. The list...

From today, citizens can check their data on the voters’ list with the new web application

The State Election Commission have launched their new web application so civilians can check the electoral register, which is available on the official website of the SEC. With the new web application, citizens can check the voters’ list in three ways: through their identification number, by first and last name, or by address. The voters' list is active today from 14:00,...

Dimitriev: Members of the SEC assured me that they will meet their obligations by June 5

Today or the latest tomorrow, we can start cross-checking the Voters' List, said interim Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev after his meeting with members of the SEC. He said that the members of the SEC assured him that today the valorisation of the databases ends, and in a day or two they will start to purge the list, and it will be...

SEC received un-cleansed databases from institutions

“The State Election Commission from institutions received unclean and different data from different databases. From some institutions they received less data, and from others - more than what was required. However, it was decided to use a total of 11 databases from 11 different institutions”, said Michael Burg, an IT expert from the USA, and member of the SEC's...

Political Crisis: Everything is the same, apart from the new date for elections

It's been two days since Parliament voted the new date for its dissolution (April 7 2016), however it is still unclear what was exactly agreed. What is going on with the media, is it a condition for June 5 or not? Are there other conditions which need to be negotiated? Will the daily meetings continue at the MPs Clubhouse? Will Peter Vanhoutte stay,...

Dimovski: The SEC today, at a public session will clarify when the voters’ list will be cleansed

The ruling party VMRO-DPMNE today called on the State Election Commission (SEC) to urgently hold a public session to clarify all dilemmas and doubts about how long it takes to cross check data bases concerning the electoral roll, and to include the eventual field-test. Ilija Dimovski, MP and member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee said that the only way to...

Electoral list still inaccessible on the SEC’s website

The opportunity for citizens to check if they're on the electoral register and which polling station to go to, has been unavailable for ten days now. If you click on the button to check the list on the official website of the State Election Commission, the page redirects to the main page of the SEC. A member of the SEC...

Electoral List inaccessible due to a security problem on the SEC website

For a week now, people have been unable to check their own data on the official website of the SEC. The website's option whereby citizens can check their personal data, including which Polling Station to vote at, is not available online, after clicking for the option to check the Voters' List, the page redirects the user to the official...