The opportunity for citizens to check if they’re on the electoral register and which polling station to go to, has been unavailable for ten days now. If you click on the button to check the list on the official website of the State Election Commission, the page redirects to the main page of the SEC.
A member of the SEC and the party DUI Subhi Jakupi, told “Meta” two days ago, that the SEC website had problems with its security and protection, and the list had appeared on another site that is not under their jurisdiction.
“The Voters’ List is currently closed because there was a problem with the protection and security of the site, and the voters’ list appeared on another web site. The IT sector are currently creating a new method so citizens can check their data. Once the new method is completed, both ways will be placed on the official website of the SEC and citizens can check which polling station to go to and vote”, said Jakupi.
This happened after information from Kalina Zografska, a computer engineer, appeared on her blog and exposed that there was a personal data protection flaw on the electoral register and that the list remains 100 percent open for a takeover or download, along with all the personal data of all citizens.