Tags Health ministry

Tag: health ministry

In last two days in North Macedonia 9 009 doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered

In the past two days, a total of 9 009 vaccines were administered in North Macedonia. Out of the total, 1 873 were a first dose, 1 580 were administered as a second dose and 5.536 citizens got the third dose. By the 2nd of November, total of 806 781 citizens of North Macedonia were vaccinated with at least one dose,...

North Macedonia adopted the last Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Health Sector in 2011

It was in 2011 when Macedonia prepared the latest National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Health Sector and the corresponding Action Plan. In the meantime, the data concerning the Skopje valley provided by the National Hydrometeorological Service of North Macedonia (UHMR) are showing that 9 out of the past 10 years are among the hottest 20 years in...

Health Ministry: Out of 416,614 persons vaccinated with two doses, only 167 got infected, and 11 were hospitalized

The Health Ministry (HM) informs that as of 5th of August, out of 416,614 persons vaccinated in North Macedonia with two doses of vaccine against COVID-19, 167 persons got infected 14 days after they received a second dose, and only 11 of them were hospitalized. "This is an indicator that the number of people infected among the vaccinated is very...

North Macedonia’s Commission for Infectious Diseases didn’t recommend any new protective measures against COVID-19

During today's meeting, the Commission for Infectious Diseases was analyzing the epidemiological situation in North Macedonia and at the moment it won't recommend additional measures against coronavirus. They would be tightened when such a need arises. "There is a slight increase of people tested positive to COVID-19 in Skopje and Tetovo. According to the analyses in Tetovo, the spread of...

Another shipment of 9,360 doses of Pfizer vaccines arrived in North Macedonia

Health Ministry of North Macedonia informed that yesterday a shipment of 9,360 doses of Pfizer vaccines arrived in Macedonia. Out of these quantities, 4,680 doses are a result of a direct agreement that our country has with this producer. According to the agreement, Pfizer will be delivering shipments each Monday of 5,000 to 7,000 doses of vaccines i.e. 26,000...

730 citizens in North Macedonia vaccinated against COVID-19 yesterday, on the first day of mass vaccination

Yesterday, 730 people were vaccinated at various vaccination sites throughout North Macedonia, on the first day of the vaccination of the general population in the country, and on average, 30 to 55 people have received a jab at one vaccination site, announced the Health Ministry. According to the data provided by the Moj termin e-service, the turnout of people aged...

The 10 pm – 5 am curfew in North Macedonia continues

The Health Ministry of North Macedonia informs that starting from today, the 10 pm -l 5 pm curfew continues. This measure was adopted by the Government on the 10th of March on the proposal of the Infectious Diseases Commission and it was initially announced it will last until the 22nd of March. With this decission, the curfew was prolonged...

Health Minister Filipche: The number of infections on the rise, tightening of the measures will follow if the current ones don’t bring results

We are in the middle of the third wave since the start of the pandemic. From the end of the last month, we are witnessing a continuous rise in the number of active cases. According to the Public Health Institute, we have 11.889 active cases and there is a rise of 5.000 new cases during the last month. We...

Advance payment to Sinofarm withdrawn – authorities assure Chinese vaccines will arrive in North Macedonia shortly!

In his appearance in Kanal 5 TV's show, Venko Filipche, the Health Minister of North Macedonia, disclosed that the advance payment for the Chinese vaccine "Sinofarm", which North Macedonia was supposed to receive 200.000 doses of by the end of February, was withdrawn for "our safety." But he assured that, notwithstanding, the vaccines will soon arrive in the country. "Taking...

In North Macedonia 453 health workers inoculated in two days

In two days, 453 health workers that are working at COVID centers were inoculated against COVID-19, announced the Health Ministry of North Macedonia "The immunization of the health workers is proceeding without problems and with full capacity at the modular hospital in Skopje where 6 vaccination stations were placed. The personnel is working in two shifts from 8 am until...

With the 4.680 Pfizer vaccines from Serbia, North Macedonia will vaccinate 2.430 health workers

The vaccination of the health workers that are working in the COVID-19 centers in North Macedonia will start on Wednesday, in the modular ward of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje, informs the Health Ministry of North Macedonia. This will also be the official start of the vaccination against COVID-19 in the country, which will continue when the...

175.200 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to arrive in North Macedonia through COVAX

The Health Ministry of North Macedonia informed that the COVAX initiative informed that the first shipment of vaccines against COVID-19 through its mechanism will arrive in North Macedonia in March. The first vaccine to arrive will be Astra Zeneca, which is manufactured by the AstraZeneca company in cooperation with Oxford University. "COVAX informed that between 103.200 and 175.200 of this...

This season, 433 people in North Macedonia were infected with seasonal flu, 73.2% less compared to last year

The total number of people infected with seasonal flu in North Macedonia during the 2020/2021 season so far is 433 people, which is a drop of 73.2% compared to the same period last year and is 86.3% less compared to the typical season curve, announced the Health Ministry. "The COVID-19 protection measures have contributed to lowering the number of infected...

COVID-19 cured patients in North Macedonia will go through rehabilitation at the Institute of Physical Medicine

The Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, with the support from the Health Ministry of North Macedonia, has prepared a small ward intended for patients for post-COVID rehabilitation, informed the ministry. They explained that this is due to the long-term lingering consequences of the coronavirus infection and the growing need for rehabilitation of recovering COVID-19 patients. The Health Ministry announced...

Health Minister Filipche: Restrictions on gatherings in order to avoid parks full of people

The new government decision to ban groups of more than four people in public spaces was made when we saw that the parks during the weekend are full of people, said the Minister of Health Venko Filipche. "The restriction on groups was made in order not to have gatherings in the parks. After 9 p.m. we saw that the parks...

Health Minister Filipche: The whole Internal medicine clinic at the Clinical campus will be transformed into COVID treatment center

The beds that at the moment are available in Macedonian hospitals where COVID-19 infected patients are being hospitalized are quickly filled up. The number of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 has reached 890 which is around 7% of all people registered as infected. Apart from that, as was announced by Minister Filipche at today's press conference, the plan for additional...

North Macedonia registers 2.676 new COVID-19 cases and 49 deaths in one week

During the period between 12 and 18th of October, 13.213 materials were tested in the laboratories which detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2. 2.676 new positive cases were registered in 34 cities in North Macedonia, with an increase of 19.3% compared to the week before. Most of the cases were registered in Skopje (51.4%) and the highest weekly incidence was...

Dr. Karadzovski: If we aren’t disciplined, neither 500 doctors nor 20 more hospitals will be able to help us

If we don't help ourselves, then neither 500 doctors nor 500 nurses or 20 more hospitals will help us. Therefore, we are asking everyone to help, the whole population. We urge them to adhere to the measures and we should do that for us, for our families. Otherwise, the hospitals will be overflooded with patients. Personnel rotations will be...

The Commission for Infectious Diseases proposed border opening with Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo

The Health Ministry informed the public that this morning the Commission for Infectious Diseases issued a proposal for opening the borders with Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Albania, without the obligation of PCR tests. "According to the analyses, at the moments there isn't any indication i.e. there is no higher number of imported cases with COVID-19 in the country. In accordance...

152 new COVID-19 cases in North Macedonia, 126 recoveries and 2 deaths

In the past 24 hours, 1.630 COVID-19 tests were conducted in North Macedonia and 152 new cases of COVID-19 were registered, informs the Health Ministry. Two people have died in hospital - a patient from Ohrid (aged 77) and a patient from Radovish (aged 62). According to the latest data, the total number of COVID-19 cases in North Macedonia since the...