Mon, 20 January, 2025
Tags Constitutional Court

Tag: Constitutional Court

АЈМ: European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of Focus journalists in the case against Sasho Mijalkov

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled in favor of Focus journalists in the case against Sašo Mijalkov, former head of the secret service in Macedonia. The ruling in Strasbourg comes after in 2014 Macedonian domestic courts ruled that Focus newspaper editor Jadranka Kostova and journalist Vlado Apostolov had to pay more than 9,000 euros as damages to...

VMRO-DPMNE lodges motion in the Constitutional Court on the Law on Languages

VMRO-DPMNE lodged a motion in the Constitutional Court asking for ruling on the constitutionality of the Law on Languages, after identical initiative was submitted last week by the university professor Jove Kekenovski. According to the party, the law was passed brutally by the ruling coalition, with complete disregard of the Constitution, the law and the procedure for adopting and...

Ivanov: The laws on languages and its ratification were published unconstitutionally

The publishing of the Law on use of languages and the Law on ratification of the Prespa Agreement in the Official Gazette without the signature of the President of the Republic of Macedonia are contrary to the Constitution, stated the President of the state, Gjorge Ivanov in his press release. He said that the procedure itself behind both laws to...

Constitutional Court says the decision to call the referendum is constitutional

With 7 votes "against" and 2 "for", the Constitutional Court decided that there are no constitutional obstacles regarding the process for announcing the referendum on September 30. According to the majority of the judges, there is no doubt of the constitutionality and legality of the referendum. The court said, they could not find "any doubt regarding the constitutionality and legality of...

Constitutional Court to decide on constitutionality of referendum decision on September 19

At a scheduled session starting at 9.30 am next week, September 19th, Judges from the Constitutional Court will review initiatives for assessing the constitutionality and legality of the decision for announcing the referendum adopted by Parliament on July 30th this year. Nine constitutional judges are expected to decide whether to initiate a procedure for assessing the constitutionality of the decision on...

Zaev: A possibility SDSM will ask the Constitutional Court to decide over Ivanov’s signature on Law

One possibility, in the current situation whereby the president will not sign off on the Law on Languages, is for the SDSM parliamentary group to file an initiative with the Constituional Court, in order to consider whether president Gjorgi Ivanov is adhering to the Constitution, said prime minister Zoran Zaev, while responding to a journalist's question at today's press...

LP: The Law on Languages is invalid

The Liberal Party (LP) believes that the Law on the Use of Languages ​​has been passed without proper procedure and is invalid, explaining that the situation is the way it is, because of the violation of the procedure. The party says that since the President of the Republic of Macedonia did not sign the decree after the first vote, Parliament...

Parliament can not elect new Constitutional judges due to a lack of quorum

Today, Professor and Dr. Osman Kadriu and Dr. Darko Kostadinovski were not elected as new judges in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia because there were not enough MPs in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia to vote on their appointment. At today's continuation of the 27th session, which one of the main topics was the proposal...

The Constitutional Court received the proposal from the Government for Article 175, but will not review it at the session

The Constitutional Court have scheduled a new session for next Wednesday, which, as can be seen from the proposed daily agenda, they will not be reviewing the subject of Article 175 of the Law on Electronic Communications, for which the Government sent their opinion to the court with the proposal that it not be abolished. The Constitutional Court confirmed for...

Spasovski: The new regulation for monitoring communications will be over by New Year

The termination of article 175 of the Law for electronic communications on part of the Constitutional Court in this moment will lead to a vacuum situation where the possibility of any kind of legal monitoring of communications will be denied, a kind of monitoring that would be within the framework of protection of Macedonia's constitutional order and fight against...

Reforms in UBK are the reason Government is demanding the suspension of Article 175 at the Constitutional Court

The Government is asking that the Constitutional Court stop the procedure for assessing the constitutionality of Article 175 which is the Law on Electronic Communications because it is already working on security system reforms, and this "initiative is partial and does not approach this topic comprehensively, and it meets a process that is already in process ". The announcement adds...

The decision for wiretapping through the telecom operators is waiting for the Constitutional court to consolidate its personnel

At today's session, the Constitutional Court didn't make a decision about the constitutionality and the legality of Article 175 of the Law of Electronic Communications that will allow the Administration for Security and counter-intelligence (UBK) directly to wiretap through the telecommunication operators. The Constitutional Court has confirmed for Meta agency that the decision about this issue is postponed because...

On Wednesday the Constitutional Court will decide whether to allow UBK to wiretap through telecom operators

The Constitutional Court will hold their first session after the summer holidays, on Wednesday, where according to the judges, should make the final decision on Article 175 of the Law on Electronic Communications, that is, whether the Administration for Security and Counterintelligence is allowed to wiretap through telecommunication operators. The initiative to abolish Article 175 of the law was accepted...

The successors of Gaber and Starova in the Constitutional Court, test for cohabitation with Ivanov

Parliament is late with the election of a member of the Constitutional Court whose mandate expires, Bujar Osmani, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration said on 30th of August, presenting the results of the implementation of the first part of the reformatory "3-6-9" plan. It is about the election of a member of the Constitutional Court for the position of...

The Constitutional Court has posted an obstacle for the Government to proclaim objects of special interest

The Constitutional Court has canceled the Article 50 from the Law for Urbanistic Planning and has saved fro Barok, among other buildings, the City Mall, the University Library and the Macedonian Opera and Balette. At yesterday's session, the majority of judges have voted for article 50 of the Law for Urbanistic planning to be canceled. The law provided an...

The Constitutional Court decided to open a session on whether UBK can wiretap without a court order

At today's session, the Constitutional Court passed a decision to initiate a procedure to determine the constitutionality of Article 175 of the Law on Electronic Communications. The majority of the judges at the session expressed doubt that the way the Law was regulated, through articles 168 and the disputable article 175, UBK and the Ministry of the Interior were...

SPO has vanished from statements issued by political parties and foreign officials

With the euphoria that erupted in the country after the formation of the parliamentary majority, the election of a new Parliament Speaker and the yesterday’s granting of the mandate for forming a new government, there has been no mention of the Special Prosecutor's Office, it has vanished from the narrative including the extention of its mandate for filing charges. The...

The Constitutional Court did not initiate proceedings, the Mayors’ mandates will expire on May 15th

At today’s session at the Constitutional Court, the members present decided not to discuss the constitutionality and legality from initiatives requesting amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government and the Electoral Code to extend the mandate for the Mayors and municipal councilors. This means, under the current laws still in force, Mayors and municipal councilor’s mandate expires on May the...

Constitutional court will discuss on Wednesday the extension of the mayors’ mandates

On the 10th of May, the Constitutional court of the Republic of Macedonia will discuss the initiatives for canceling two articles from the Law for local municipalities and the Election Code which in turn would allow the mayors and the councilors to remain in their functions until local elections are organized. Apparently, the court announced today that with the...

Minoski: There is money for the subsidies, but we are awaiting the Constitutional court’s ruling

If the Constitutional court disputes the article from the Election code, there won't be any obstacles for the payment of the subsidies. We have an appropriate liquidity - said the Minister of Finance, Kiril Minoski for "Television 24." He is hoping that the sums will be paid within the planned deadline until the 30th of June. The Constitutional court has confirmed...