On the 10th of May, the Constitutional court of the Republic of Macedonia will discuss the initiatives for canceling two articles from the Law for local municipalities and the Election Code which in turn would allow the mayors and the councilors to remain in their functions until local elections are organized.
Apparently, the court announced today that with the two new initiatives it is expanding the agenda for the community that was set for the 10th of May, where its agenda had only two initiatives for issues that were non-current.
As a third point, for Wednesday it was announced there will be a discussion for the initiative for marking the constitutionality and the lawfulness of “Article 35 paragraph 1 and Article 49 of the Law for the Local Municipality, Article 16, Paragraph 1 and Article 16, Paragraph 1 of the section “during the first half of May” from the Election Code”.
The disputed articles 35 and 49 of the Law for Local Municipalities determines that the mandate of the counselors in the municipalities and the mayors lasts 4 years, while with Article 16, Paragraph 1 of the Election Code it is determined that the local elections be organized during the first half of May.