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Students and professors demand the Government to back down

Several thousand students, professors and high school students gathered outside the Government of the Republic of Macedonian and demanded the withdrawal of the Law...

Committee for Education passed the bill on higher education

Parliamentary Committee for Education passed the bill on higher education with nine votes “for”, zero “against” or “abstention”. Minister of Education Abdilakjim Ademi stressed that...

Greece: A bit of Christmas, a lot of politics

In Greece continues political uncertainty and concerns among the Government for the third vote for head of state. Greek Government spends its Christmas holidays...

Assembly, without a quorum, didn’t remove mandates of SDSM

Assembly didn’t have two-thirds majority to start voting for removal of 31 mandates of opposition MPs. Only 65 MPs were present in the hall, and...

BAS project is proof that “wolf can change its fur, but not its character”

Institute for Macedonian language “Krste Misirkov” today harshly reacted to the project of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), according to which, Macedonian language...

SOC replaces FYROM with R. Macedonia in the new announcement

In the new, amended announcement of the Serbian Orthodox Church for the visit of Russian Metropolitan Hilarion to Skopje, FYROM is replaced by R....

Freelancers who earn more than minimum wage to be deleted from the records

Employment Agency will delete unemployed who earn a fee higher than the minimal wage and from the records of active job seekers and put...

Professors learn from students and set up a “Plenum”

Reforms in higher education led teachers to follow the footsteps of the students. Tomorrow, at 1 pm, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje,...

Whose is the A1on camera?

At today’s session in the Bitola Council, the councilors of the governing party demanded removal of the camera of A1on from the hall, and...

“Student Plenum”: Do not let Government’s monologue continue

Students from informal student organization “Student Plenum” appeal tomorrow’s protest, which will begin in front of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia at...

Dani sends all her love with the new song “Shine”

“Happy New Year, shine and be your own, let this song be on repeat” is the message that Dani sends with her new song.

Gruevski: Rubber bullets are European practice

Macedonian police will use rubber bullets against violent protesters after the model of their European colleagues. Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski assures that the amendments,...

Leaders of the coalition “For Better Macedonia” met

Today in “Porta Macedonia”, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski gathered the leaders of the smaller parties from the coalition “For Better Macedonia”. The topic of...

Professors demand to attend the hearing for the Law on education

A group of professors sent a request to the Committee on Education, Science and Sports and the Speaker of the Assembly demanding permission for...

Ukraine considers power cuts

Ukraine will be forced to implement additional power cuts if the temperature falls drastically, announced Prime Minister Arsenij Jacenjuk. Until recently, Ukraine had enough electricity...

Skopje polluted six times more than allowed

Pollution in Skopje measured at 4 pm was 280.71 micrograms per cubic meter, which is almost six times more than the allowed 50 micrograms. Currently,...

Twelve hunting grounds to be given under concession

In order to provide care, protection and use of the game in the hunting regions, but also for providing significant opportunities for achieving business...

ВМРО-ДПМНЕ: СДСМ живее само со деструкција, манипулации, закани, гнев и со омраза

VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM lives only with destruction, manipulation, threats, anger and hatred The leadership of SDSM lives only with destruction, manipulation, threats, anger and hatred, reads...

French officers of SFOR – important, yet forgotten link in the of the Trajkovski’s plane crash

According to Bosnian media, the new report on the crash of the “King Air” in which President Boris Trajkovski lost his life does not...

Zaev: A period when this madness must end is coming

Today, members of opposition parties set a makeshift memorial of the death of democracy in front of the Assembly of Macedonia to mark two...