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“Bomb” confirmed public secret. Verified!

Phone calls that opposition leader Zoran Zaev announced in two turns, although didn’t cause tectonic shifts, still showed that almost everything we suspected they...

With the bomb, “YouTube” became the most watched TV in Macedonia

Zaev decided to broadcast the press conference for the second part of the "bomb" live, via stream on the “YouTube” channel, which at one...

Governments of Macedonia and Serbia working together on specific projects

Governments of Macedonia and Serbia today, after the second consecutive joint session, signed seven bilateral agreements in the field of economy, health, education, culture...

Shilegov: Gruevski confirmed that he was eavesdropping

Nikola Gruevski confirmed that he was eavesdropping in Macedonia along with his cousin, director of UBK, Sasho Mijalkov, stated Petre Shilegov, SDSM spokesman, at...

Gruevski announced concrete response to the “bomb”

Today Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski would not comment on the allegations of the recordings and accusations of opposition leader Zoran Zaev that he himself...

Russia announced countermeasures to EU sanctions

Moscow will "appropriately" react to the new EU sanctions imposed due to the Ukrainian crisis, said the Russian Foreign Ministry, adding that such measures...

SDSM strategy is revealed: “Bombs” will explode by theme, along the lines of the remarks of the EU

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev yesterday announced the second "bomb" with telephone recordings, which, according to him, revealed that there is no rule of law...

Drama in Greece over the choice of candidate for President

Election of the President of Greece has turned into a real drama. The failing to choose Stavros Dimas led to early elections and a...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev proves to be an instrument of foreign intelligence services

SDSM leader continues to work for foreign centers, announcing created materials with which is hoping that, without the support of citizens, without a program,...

Grabar-Kitarovik officially assumed presidency

The newly elected president of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovik, today took over the function by giving a solemn oath. At the inauguration on Zagreb square "St....

Zaev announced recordings of fixing judges and verdicts and party bargaining

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev at today’s press conference announced the second "bomb", in which, through recorded phone conversations, indicated that there is no rule...

Protest for Tamara: When the system kills a child, what remains as comfort?

Several hundred people, under the slogan "Every our child is Tamara", gathered at the Youth Park in Veles today to express anger and to...

Court of Appeal should decide whether Kezharovski remains free in two days

Court of Appeal in Skopje should state whether the journalist Tomislav Kezharovski should stay on parole or have to return to prison to serve...

Tetovo is suffocating, Skopje and Bitola are barely breathing

At 11 am, ambient air pollution in Tetovo is very high, and in Skopje and Bitola is high. In Tetovo, level of carcinogens PM10...

Copenhagen: Three injured in attack on synagogue

Three people were injured in last evening's attack on a synagogue in the center of the Danish capital Copenhagen. As Danish media report, one of...

“Trud”: Macedonia gives up to 35 euros per Bulgarian tourist

Macedonian Government subsidizes Bulgarian tour operators who organize group trips to Macedonia, said yesterday in Sofia Kristijan Dzhambazovski, Director of the Macedonian Agency for...

Dimitrov with a new “pearl”: Ukraine is fictional country – it is “Russian Macedonia”

Ukraine is a fictional country, just like Macedonia, stated Bulgarian historian Dimitrov for Bulgarian National Television. - In 1954, a drunkard gave away the Crimea,...

Ahmeti: Brussels to assign a political and expert team to the country

Today at the Embassy of Germany in Skopje, DUI leader Ali Ahmeti met with the delegation of the Parliamentary Group for Cooperation in Southeast...

Macedonian flag bore the title of most beautiful flag

With 13,190 votes, Macedonian flag won first place on the competition for the best flag in the world, which was organized by the Canadian...

MES: No order for classes on Saturday

Ministry of Education and Science informs that plans for compensating for missed classes of the schools in the country, where there was a boycott...