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Jolevski: Migrants arriving in Macedonia has increased tenfold

The Army of the Republic of Macedonia (ARM) is willing to accept the increased number of foreign nationals, and at present there is no need...

Hahn will visit Skopje on Friday, tomorrow he will meet with Besimi in Brussels

European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations , Johannes Hahn, is expected to arrive in Skopje on Friday. Unofficially, the visit was scheduled for...

Koenders: Przhino Agreement needs to be fully implemented and the SPP needs everyone’s support

Europe supports the Przhino Agreement and it must be fully implemented, said Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders in Skopje after meeting with Foreign Minister...

Poposki – Koenders: Cooperation and joint solutions are needed to solve this crisis

Joint decisions and coordination of efforts are needed to address the refugee crisis, concluded today in Skopje the Foreign Ministers of Macedonia and the...

Dutch Foreign Minister Koenders visits Macedonia

Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders today in Skopje will meet with the Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki and the President of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov. The...

SPP: The Court decisions have been appealed – The investigation continues!

The Special Public Prosecutor's office late last night through its official Facebook page announced that they had appealed the decision of the court, who yesterday...

Gruevski: The Court should not succumb to any pressure

The VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski called on the judicial authorities to resist any pressures and carry on regardless, working in complete accordance with the...

Court denies Janeva’s demand for detention of ‘Titanic’ suspects: What Next?

With the Court rejecting the requests from Katica Janeva and her team to take into custody the suspects in Operation "Titanic", time is of...

The Court confirms – No detainment for several suspects in Operation “Titanic”

The Basic Court in Skopje has rejected the Special Prosecutor's request for 8 suspects to be taken into custody, the request is linked to...

LDP: We need to urgently form a special court for cases from the Special Public Prosecution

The Liberal Democratic Party today demanded the immediate formation of a special court in the Republic of Macedonia for processing charges by the Special...

Hundreds of citizens came out to protest “How many shoes remain unworn”

Several hundreds of people gathered  today in front of the Government in a protest called "How many shoes remain unworn," organized by the Civil initiative...

Special Public Prosecution: The Court missed their chance to make history in Macedonia

The Special Public Prosecutor's Office today through its official “Facebook” page expressed disappointment with the court's decision and said that they will appeal. "The Criminal...

Janakieski and Temelko left the Court – The decision will be known later today

Around three o'clock in the morning, the Basic Court Skopje 1 finished questioning the former Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski and the...

Mile Janakieski being questioned at the Criminal Court

Former Minister of Transport and Communications, is currently being questioning before a judge at the preliminary procedure in the Basic Court Skopje 1. Journalists waiting...

US Embassy: No-one should put political pressure on the Special Prosecutor’s Office

The US Embassy in Macedonia today again expressed its support for the work of the Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva and her team and asked...

VMRO-DPMNE on “Titanic”: We will not support illegal and unconstitutional activities

"VMRO-DPMNE won the trust of citizens in the past 10 years based on projects and measurable results. The confidence can not be challenged by...

On Sunday Dutch Foreign Minister Koenders will visit Skopje on his way to Athens

The Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders will visit Macedonia and Greece on Sunday, the Dutch Embassy has announced. Holland currently holds the rotating European Union...

Border crossing Bogorodica will be closed today again

Greek farmers will close the border crossing Bogorodica, vehicles won't be able to cross from 12:00 to 14:00 and 19:00 to 23:00. Thousands of...

The media have signed a Declaration for ethical reporting on elections

Today, at the EU Info Centre in Skopje, journalists and editors from major media outlets in Macedonia signed a Declaration for ethical reporting on...

Kurz: If necessary, refugee camps will be built in Macedonia

In the coming weeks, Austria will reach its limit for taking refugees for the year (37,500) and will close the border said Austrian Foreign...