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With the re-balance, more money for the Constitutional Court, MOI and the Intelligence Agency

The proposal re-balance for the budget will cut the budgets at a majority of state institutions, but this is not the case for the...

DUI supports the formation of a special court for cases from the SPO

The initiative for establishing a special court department for cases which the Special Public Prosecutions Office litigate received support from the Democratic Union for...

Gruevski and Zaev, Both Ready for Elections, All that Remains is a Date

The leaders of the VMRO-DPMNE and the SDSM, Nikola Gruevski and Zoran Zaev, confirmed this weekend that the two largest political parties in Macedonia...

The “Student Plenum” have blocked the entrance of the Rectory at UKIM

Representatives of the "Student Plenum" at this very moment are blocking the entrance to the Rectory at the University of St Cyril and Methodius...

Today the Court of Appeals will review Taleski’s appeal against his house arrest in a public session

Today, Skopje’s Court of Appeals Court in a public session will review the measure for the house arrest of Bitola’s Mayor, Vladimir Taleski, which...

Zaev: The name dispute should be solved by a credible political government

The issue of solving the name dispute with Greece has not been placed on the negotiating table due to the political crisis, claims the...

Zaev: SDSM are ready for elections, and I am ready to be the future Prime Minister

The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia are ready for elections, said the leader of the opposition party, Zoran Zaev in an interview with "Radio...

Gruevski: VMRO-DPMNE certain winners of next elections, whenever they may be

The VMRO-DPMNE are the certain winners at the next election, whenever they are held, albeit, the sooner the better, so as to cut losses...

Verushevski tells Ivanov: My Influence Over the Intelligence Services has Never Been Bigger Than it is Today

My influence over the Intelligence services has never been bigger than it is today,  said the former Head of Security and Counter Intelligence Agency...

Ivanov: The System of the Intelligence Services was Tectonically Breached by Verushevski

President Gjorge Ivanov in an interview with the newspaper "Dnevnik" again attacked the SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, this time accusing him of creating the...

SDSM: The Proposal of the Re-Balance on the Budget will be Deadly for Macedonia

The sole purpose of the new re-balance of the budget is to create conditions and the atmosphere for new borrowing through the Eurobond, and...

“Colourful Revolution” Announces New Protest for Monday at 19:00

The “Colourful Revolution” has announced a new protest, on Monday, and it begins outside the Special Prosecutor’s Office at 19:00. The “Colourful Revolution” in a...

Governor Bogov believes that Brexit will not affect the exchange rate

“The exchange rate of the denar is stable, there is sign no inflation, and we guarantee there will be no shock for exporters”, said...

Ivanov: Zaev is calling for a Ukrainian scenario and violence

Zoran Zaev is the one who is calling for a Ukranian scenario, with violence and he compares the situation in Macedonia to the one...

Brexit will be felt in Macedonian trade

Reducing imports and exports with the UK is a possible consequence for the Macedonian economy after the country leaves the European Union. However, overall...

Poposki on Brexit: Macedonia has lost a supporter of the enlargement process of the EU

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Poposki commented on Great Britain's exit from the European Union, saying that with Brexit, the EU has lost...

Ivanov on Brexit: We fear that the EU could travel the same road as Yugoslavia

We received the news about what happened today in the UK with great concern, primarily because all our strategic objectives are aimed towards the...

Jankuloska tweets to British Ambassador Charles Garret, “Now what?!?”

The former Minister of Interior and senior official of the ruling party, VMRO-DPMNE, Gordana Januloska today used the social networks such as “Twitter” and...

Baily: Work Towards Removing all Obstacles so the SPO can Function Normally

US Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess Baily today emphasized that all institutions and political parties should be working towards removing all obstacles so the Special...

No Jail Time for Grujovski, Judge Pop-Stefanija only Confiscated his Passport

Judge Aleksandra Pop-Stefanija denied the request by the Special Public Prosecutor (SPO) for the detention of the prime suspect in the "Fortress" case, Goran...