
We fight corruption only with debates and forums

The website of the State Anti-Corruption Commission holds more information about debates, forums and public events rather than information about procedures initiated by the Commission. Namely, from June to today, the website of the SACC had only six notifications for procedures, seven announcements for...

Samaras proposed Dimas to succeed Papoulias

Stavros Dimas is the candidate of the governing coalition to succeed President Karolos Papoulias. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has just announced that the former Foreign Minister and former European Commissioner will run for the presidency on the early voting that are scheduled for...

“Student’s Plenum”: Come to the march without party and national symbols

Tomorrow at 12 am, in front of plateau University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius “, starts the second student march against the Government’s proposal to introduce a state exam for the faculties. Students will march from the plateau of University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius “,...

Gruevski: Modern woman must be successful in career and family

The modern woman has more challenges, she struggles in every field, professional and private, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in his speech at the annual conference of the Union of Women of VMRO-DPMNE, held under the motto “Part of the new age, part of...

Government adopts proposal for a new Coat of Arms

Red angry lion on a gold - yellow shield, and mural crown in the form of a fortress at the top, is the proposal for a new Coat of Arms, which was adopted by the Government this afternoon and is soon to go to...

Emigration to Belgium to cost 225 euros

Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, nationalist Theo Francken, clarified the plans of his Government to charge the right of residence of immigrants on Belgian territory, and, according to him, it will cost 225 euros. If the immigrant refuses or is unable to...

Citizens won’t benefit from the cheaper oil

The fall in the price of oil on world markets and the reduction of fuel prices on the domestic market is not expected to unburden the budget of the citizens, because there is little or no impact on the prices of retail products, think...

Search for new architectural solutions for the two squares in Ohrid

Citizens of Ohrid will beautify both their squares: the central one, St. Kliment Ohridski, and the small square, Krushevo Republic, at the old Ohrid plane tree. With that purpose, the Municipality of Ohrid already announced a competition for the selection of an architectural solution...

Europe reacts on South Stream, Macedonia still silent

After the announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin that Russia was forced to withdraw from the project South Stream, because the European Union doesn’t want to support the construction of the pipeline, reactions by several concerned parties arrived today. - If European Union doesn’t want...

A step closer to the revocation of the mandates of the SDSM MPs

Assembly Committee on Rules of Procedure and Mandatory-Immunity Issues adopted a draft decision to revoke the mandates of opposition MPs. Their colleagues from the Assembly unanimously voted that the absence of opposition in the past six months is unwarranted, because they didn’t showed at...

Ahmeti is preparing the ground to absorb attacks on DUI

Analysts estimate that the statements of Ali Ahmeti, leader of DUI, that the country should solve a lot of problems with unexpected solutions are just as incomprehensible as the bombs of Zoran Zaev, when there are so many problems in the country that require...

Andov speculates on Miloshevik’s involvement in the assassination of Gligorov

In an interview with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini, Stojan Andov speculated on the possible involvement of the former Serbian President Slobodan Miloshevik and the Yugoslav secret services in the assassination of Kiro Gligorov. Although Andov didn’t directly mention the name Miloshevik, through his statements...

Petkovski: Macedonian Bank is child’s play compared to Zaev’s “bomb”

Our sole purpose is to reveal the reality, the truth about the way the Republic of Macedonia is ruled and to shed some light to all the knowledge of corruption, greed, crime, moral dimensions of people who lead the Republic of Macedonia today. The...

Brussels to check legality of Macedonian airline subsidies

In a statement for META, European Commission Spokeswoman Maja Kocijanchik doesn’t confirm the position of the Ministry of Transport on state subsidies for cheap flights to Europe by domestic and foreign airlines. “The Commission is aware of the financial assistance of the Former Yugoslav Republic...

Secretary of the Municipality sues councilor in Ohrid!

Secretary of the Municipality of Ohrid, Dimitar Spaseski, sues member of the City Council, Dejan Blazheski, who is also chairman of the municipal organization of LDP and a member of the top party leadership in Skopje, for slander and insult. Through a question at the...

TV stations form Macedonian Media Association

National television stations Telma, Channel 5, Sitel, Alsat-M and Alpha today formed the Macedonian Media Association (MMA), which will be a part of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia. Television stations, as well as the journalists employed in them, can become members of this Association. Ivan...

Thessaloniki MEP Kaili defends Greek veto for Macedonia

Greek MEP Eva Kaili heated the discussion regarding the name dispute at a lecture organized by the European Parliament in the Netherlands on the occasion of the annual summit of the NATO Parliamentary Committee. The Summit of representatives of parliamentary committees of NATO member-states...

Tourists from Albania replaced Greeks at Mt. Pelister

In recent years, after the guests from Greece lost interest to relax at mount Pelister, there are massive visits of tourists from neighboring Albania. This year as well, Albanians have chosen the hotel Molika to celebrate Catholic Christmas and Vasilica, Old New Year’s Eve. -...

New discord between Papandreou and Venizelos

New internal disagreements shake the Greek socialist party - PASOK after the proposal of the former Prime Minister and party leader George Papandreou the party to be reformed and a new congress to elect a new president of the Socialists to be announced. Papandreou’s proposal...

Professors are not public officials for taxes, but they are eligible for lustration!

According to one law, professors and doctors are public officers, while they are not according to another. If we guide according to recent statements of Tome Adziev, President of the Commission for Fact Verification, professors should be subject to lustration and the consequences of...