
Jihadists conquer Internet, can anyone stop them?

Along with actual gunfights in Paris and the counterterrorist actions that later followed in Germany, France and Belgium, in which several extremists were killed and arrested, a fierce military propaganda is led online by jihadists who control the territory of the Islamic State. Extreme Islamists...

Trajanov: Services should intercept jihadist returnees

“We should not wait for something to happen and then react. Religious groups, political parties, institutions, NGOs should work on deterring jihadist returnees from possible actions. Of particular importance are the preventive activities, counterintelligence and intelligence services, for retrieving information in cooperation with strong...

Journalist Kezharovski expressly transferred from detention in prison

Journalist Tomislav Kezharovski, to whom Court of Appeal yesterday reduced the sentence to two years, was tonight transferred to the prison in Shutka. This was confirmed by his wife, who posted the news on her Facebook profile. “Not judicial, but scandalous and political decision” is...

70 complaints of unpaid K15 in two weeks

Two weeks after the deadline has passed for private companies to pay recourse for vacation, 70 people reported in the State Labor Inspectorate (SLI) that money had not been paid to them. Of these 70 reports, only eight were anonymous, and the others were...

Two gunmen killed in anti-terrorist action in Belgium

Two gunmen were killed, and third one wounded and arrested in the town of Verviers in eastern Belgium.  They just returned from Syria and were tapped by the authorities. Police officers broke into the apartment where the suspects were, and after a few minutes shooting...

Students and professors: Will take actions, but are waiting for Ivanov to react

Professorial and student plenums still don’t plan taking any concrete steps after the MPs yesterday passed the Law on higher education. Representatives of both plenums say that they don’t intend to give up the demand for withdrawal of the disputed law, but they still...

Everyone wants to profit from the tragedy in Paris

Millions of people in the world of social media posted “Je suis Charlie” (“I’m Charlie”), identifying with the slogan which in itself hides the message “I’m free, I’m not afraid”. The phrase “I’m Charlie” is the work of artist Joachim Roncin, who shortly after the...

Will the massacre in “Charlie Hebdo” tighten Schengen?

Recent developments in Paris are strengthening the measures in the European Union. Denmark, Belgium and Great Britain talk about closer security cooperation with other countries, about strengthening the measures for tapping, monitoring Internet communications and creating a database of all travelers. Changing the liberal...

“Student plenum”: We will boycott, we will block and we will occupy

All our letters to institutions were rejected, except the one to the President, who said that he will decide as a statesman. Does he know how a statesman should respect the Constitution, asked Ana Neshovski from “Student plenum” in front of the Assembly of...

Judicial chain: It is as solid as the weakest link

The governments of Montenegro and the Netherlands organized a two-day regional conference on 11th and 12th of December in Budva (Montenegro) on the topic cooperation in the judicial chain. The conference was attended by all potential EU member states from the Western Balkans with...

Who did and who didn’t publish the front page of “Charlie Hebdo”

Once they published the front page of the first issue after the attack on the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, it was massively spread through the social networks, but most of the traditional media didn’t publish it. The first medium that published the front page was...

White House admits mistake: We should have send someone in Paris

The administration of US President Barack Obama admitted that they made a mistake by not sending US representative with a higher rank than their ambassador in France on the march in Paris, reports CNN. - I think that Obama himself would like to attend the...

Who attended, and which leaders ignored the march in Paris?

US President Barack Obama didn’t attend the march in Paris, held yesterday in protest against the killing of the journalists of the satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo”. The Secretary John Kerry also didn’t attend, who, in turn, together with Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, was...

The world unitеs in Paris

One million and five hundred thousand people gathered at the main streets in Paris to join the march of solidarity. The protest walk called “Cry for Freedom”, held in honor of the victims of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, which started on Wednesday, with...

French police still searching for the girlfriend of terrorist Coulibaly

French police are still searching for Hyatt Bumedian for participating in the shootout in Montrouge, in which a policewoman was killed. Paris newspaper “Parisien” reports that Bumedian is not among those who have been killed or wounded in yesterday’s hostage dramas in Paris. Yesterday, around 5...

Hostage dramas throughout Paris shock the world

Several serious hostage dramas taking place today in and around Paris shocked France and the entire world. One with the two brothers Kouachi who are still at large after the massacre in the magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, and the other at the supermarket for kosher...

Two killed in new hostage drama in Paris

At least two people were killed in the supermarket in Paris in which an unidentified man burst in and kidnaped several people. It is unclear whether the attacker is connected to brothers Kouachi. During the attack in the supermarket, two people were killed and at...

Homage in the French Embassy for the victims in Paris

Homage for the killed in the terrorist attack on the weekly “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris was held today at the Embassy of the Republic of France in Skopje. Ambassador Laurence Auer said that today is a national day of mourning in France and in...

Session of the Committee on Education delayed: 24 hours for new proposals

The meeting of the Committee on Education, which was to discuss the proposed amendments to the Law on primary, secondary and higher education after the first reading at the Assembly was taken off the agenda. Unofficially, we learned that the session is suspended for...

Twelve dead in an attack on satirical weekly newspaper in France

Twelve people - ten journalists and two policemen - were killed in an attack on the editorial office of the French satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo” this morning in Paris. Three heavily armed masked men broke into the editorial office of the newspaper and began shooting,...