Tags Vmro-dpmne

Tag: vmro-dpmne

VMRO-DPMNE will file criminal charges against the signatories of the Treaty with Greece

VMRO-DPMNE will file criminal charges for the creators and signatories of the Treaty with Greece and the Law on Languages, announced Aleksandar Nikolovski, vice president of the party. According to Nikolovski, although it is very likely that the judiciary and the prosecution will not respond to their charges, because some of those do not become obsolete, and nevertheless, he says...

Mickoski calls for a protest march on Saturday in Strumica

The leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, called for a protest march in Strumica on Sunday, starting at 1 pm starting from the park in Strumica to the municipality building. “I, like many in VMRO-DPMNE, are determined to go all the way and not back down until we bring victory for Macedonia. It is time to hear our common...

VMRO-DPMNE: The country remains outside the EU due to the Governments incompetence

Zoran Zaev is a burden and is bringing down the Republic of Macedonia. The country remains outside EU structures because of the incompetence of the government, said the opposition VMRO-DPMNE. "In SDSM’s election program, they promised a date for the start of negotiations by the end of 2017; they lied. Zoran Zaev personally promised that he would speed up the ratification of...

Mickoski: Macedonia did not receive a date for negotiations, but a date for an assessment

The agreement with Greece is a capitulation and VMRO-DPMNE will not participate in the work in sessions regarding this agreement, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski at today’s press conference. Mickoski also said that Macedonia has not received a date for negotiations, but a date for an assessment of the situation. “Macedonia did not receive a clear recommendation right away,...

VMRO-DPMNE will not take part in Parliament’s efforts on Agreement with Greece

VMRO-DPMNE’s parliamentary group will not take part in Parliament’s efforts concerning the agreement over the name with Greece. Any further participation will be decided by party organs, said MP Antonio Miloshoski today. According to him, the agreement is not a compromise but blackmail, which someone had to sign, either because of previous actions or future rewards. “Legally, the agreement is anti-constitutional,...

MPs give green light for the fast-tracking of Agreement with Greece

At today’s 51st Parliamentary session, MPs supported the fast-tracking of the draft-law on the ratification of the agreement with Greece, which was signed on Sunday by the foreign ministers of Macedonia and Greece. The law was explained by Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, who said that it is more than necessary for Parliament to consider the fast-tracking of this law in...

Mickoski: Zaev’s deal is capitulation, VMRO-DPMNE will not support it

If Zoran Zaev's so-called agreement is to accept a change in the constitution, and the internal and external use of the new name, then it is Zoran Zaev's contract of capitulation, said Hristijan Mickoski, VMRO-DPMNE’s leader tonight at a press conference immediately following th the prime minister announcement of the agreement reached on the name. “Zoran Zaev showed indecisiveness, a...

Mickoski demands early elections next year, Anjushev says it wont be good for the economy

At a protest in front of the Government, the leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, demanded early parliamentary elections saying they should be held next year along with the presidency. “There must be elections! We must have early parliamentary elections along with the presidential elections. Let's prepare a clean and equal terrain for all political parties. Let's elect a...

Zaev accepts TV debate with Mickoski

Prime Minister and President of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, accepted an invitation for a TV debate from the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Kristijan Mickoski. This was announced by the government yesterday, shortly after Miskoski sent the challenge to Zaev after the party's Central Committee session. "Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is ready for a TV debate at any time with Hristijan Mickoski, because the...

Leadership meeting on name issue will take place, but at a time which suits everyone

A leadership meeting will be held at a time that suits all political entities that take part in discussions of this type of meetings. While organizing a time that's agreeable with all concerned, the leader of the opposition may request a meeting with the prime minister, reports MIA, regarding VMRO-DPMNE's request for an urgent leadership meeting in regard to the...

Mickoski told Hahn that there is corruption and inefficient institutions in Macedonia

The president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski met with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn today, at the party headquarters where they discussed the European Commission's report on the integration process of Macedonia towards the European Union and the situation in the country economically and politically. The party reports that Mickoski has indicated to Hahn that the...

Freedom House: Macedonia has a chance to get out of a captured state and problems with its neighbors

According to the writers’s report, the change of government in June created a chance for the country to make a turn after many years of being a captured state and to resolve disputes with its neighbors. On the scale from 1 to 7, where the number one is the best score and the number seven marks the lowest level of...

VMRO-DPMNE will return to Parliament and file vote of no-confidence against the Government

At yesterday's Central Committee, the opposition VMRO-DPMNE decided to return to Parliament, said leader of the party, Hristijan Mickoski. He announced that after returning to Parliament, VMRO-DPMNE would be filing a vote of no-confidence against Prime Minister Zoran Zaev's Government. "The first step of VMRO-DPMNE's parliamentary group will be to raise a no-confidence vote against the government, because what we have...

Shcherbak: Russia disappointed by VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction to expulsion, counter measures to be expected

The statement made by VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Nikoloski, is an expression of the inconsistent policy of part of the leadership of that political party, and as a result of such a policy, VMRO-DPMNE lost the elections. However, I know that more than a handful of members of one of the biggest parties are actually sincerely determined to develop constructive...

Nikoloski: Moscow is not our partner and the Government’s decision was a right one

Vice President of the VMRO-DPMNE party, Aleksandar Nikoloski, in an interview for the "200" TV show on Alsat TV, said that the government's move to expel a Russian diplomat is fine and that "Moscow is not our partner, our partners are Brussels, London and Washington". "Both the Foreign Minister and the Government made the mistake of excluding the opposition from...

VMRO-DPMNE: Katica Janeva and SPO construct cases politically without any foundation

Katica Janeva and the Special Public Prosecutor's Office turned into caricature, because of the humility in carrying out political orders, VMRO-DPMNE said at today's SPO press conference, where three new investigations were announced - for the annulment of the 2011 census, for Antonio Milososki and for the contract regarding construction of the Demir Kapija-Smokvica highway signed with the Greek...

VMRO-DPMNE: There will be long-term consequences if the Law on Languages is passed without a debate

The violent adoption of the unconstitutional law on bilingualism and the possible deprivation of the parliamentary right to an amendment debate, is a serious blow to democracy and a precedent, which in the future may have long-term consequences, says VMRO-DPMNE in a press release. VMRO-DPMNE say that there was no discussion in regards to this law and added that the...

Mickoski: From today I will be out meeting the public, to hear the voice of the people

Macedonia is sinking, and Macedonian citizens are barely making ends meet. We have to change this. From today, I will be out in the field, and directly communicating and talking to citizens, said VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski. "In the upcoming period, starting from today, I will devote a huge part of my time out in the field, directly communicating and...

Spasovski: All investigations into civil society organizations have now been officially closed

All investigations against civil society organizations and foundations that began in 2016, and been taking place for most of 2017, have now been officially closed, said Minister of Interior, Oliver Spasovki at today’s meeting between representatives of the two dozen organizations. The meeting was attended by the Director of the Public Security Bureau, Lazo Velkovski, the Director of Financial Intelligence,...

Janushev: SDSM and DUI are competing with each other which party is going to make appeasements with the name

It seems like SDSM and DUI are competing who will make a bigger appeasement without making an evaluation of the consequences it might have on the highest national interests, stated today VMRO-DPMNE's General Secretary, Igor Janushev. -MP Artan Grubi bragged that the form of the new name has already been agreed upon. The same person has publicly stated that...