If Zoran Zaev’s so-called agreement is to accept a change in the constitution, and the internal and external use of the new name, then it is Zoran Zaev’s contract of capitulation, said Hristijan Mickoski, VMRO-DPMNE’s leader tonight at a press conference immediately following th the prime minister announcement of the agreement reached on the name.
“Zoran Zaev showed indecisiveness, a lack of dignity, and displayed a continuous changing of his own personal views, undignified for prime minister of the state. The views of VMRO-DPMNE are known, unchanged and precise. VMRO-DPMNE will not depart from its principles and beliefs and will not support the change of the constitution”, said Mickoski stressing that “if Zoran Zaev attempted to smuggle the capitulation through a parliamentary procedure, he must know that a referendum must take place, and it must be compulsory, and not consultative, owing to his poor attempt at smuggling at today’s press conference to the Macedonian public”.
According to him, the damage now being done is huge and the state is being pushed into an irreversible abyss.
“We are in favor of EU and NATO membership, much moreso than all others, but progress and integration there must be appreciated by the merit system i.e. after the work is done, and not by treachery and capitulation, as Zoran Zaev today tried to when he made his announcement to the Macedonian public. With such agreements as today, Macedonia is losing”, said Mickoski and stressed that he will vote “against” the announced referendum.