Tags SEC

Tag: SEC

Registration for the Diaspora to vote will last until November 11, 2016

A total of 1,011 citizens have applied through the electronic application on the official website of the State Election Commission (SEC), to vote in the early parliamentary elections in diplomatic consular representations. The Commission said that from the 1,011 applicants, 515 were accepted, 32 were rejected and 464 are still under review. “The State Election Commission calls on all citizens who...

The SEC has no money to announce new tenders, Government promises funding before elections

The second draft for the balancing of the budget, which has turned into a discussion between the Electoral Commission and Parliament, states that the budget for the State Election Commission remains close to 104 million denars. (1.6million euros) which was predicted in the first supplementary budget of June, this year. Then the SEC had its budget cut from 531,375 000...

What is, and what isn’t allowed during the election campaign?

If the parties do not change their minds, and do not postpone the elections again, then on October 12, Parliament will be dissolved and elections will be formally announced, followed by the election campaign officially commencing on November the 21st, 2016. According to the Electoral Code, the election campaign should begin 20 days before election day, and in the first...

Election deadlines: What awaits us until elections on December 11?

Early parliamentary elections have been twice postponed so far, and now they have been scheduled for December 11. This was agreed two days ago by the leaders of the political parties, signatories to the Pržino Agreement after elections were postponed on April 24 and June 5. If the political parties do not change their minds and again decide to postpone the...

Second deadline for disputed voters to register after elections are announced

The State Election Commission (SEC) will put the electoral roll for public inspection 15 days after the announcement of the early parliamentary elections, said the State Election Commission for sdk.mk. That way, the SEC says, as well as all other citizens with the right to vote, the unregistered voters among the 30,580 remaining disputed voters, will be able to apply...

The “disputed” electoral roll will be reviewed by the SEC on Tuesday at a public session

Today is the deadline for disputed voters to register for the electoral roll and it will be reviewed at a public session on Tuesday, the SEC told "Meta". The Commission added that there will not be an extension of the deadline for inspection and registration for the electoral roll, except if Parliament approves amendments to the Electoral Code. “We have...

The SEC has published the list of 39.502 disputable voters

The State Election Commission has published the list of names of the 30.502 disputable voters on their official website. These voters will have 25 days to report to the SEC for registration or risk their names being deleted from the Electoral Roll. Apart from the official website for the SEC, the list has also been published in the regional offices...

Disputable voters will be able to report to the SEC from tomorrow until August 19

The State Election Committee will tomorrow publish on their official website, the names of the 39.502 disputable voters, they will have a deadline of 25 days to get back on the electoral roll, decided the Commission at today’s session. Registering for the electoral roll will be carried out in person, where the ‘disputable voter’ will have to produce a valid...

The SEC will publish the names of the questionable voters by Tuesday

The website of the State Election Commission (SEC) by Tuesday, will be published the names of the 39,502 questionable voters on the electoral roll. During the last field check, they were either not found at home or there were no records found in the institutions. The SEC will prepare guidelines and an application form, and publish an open call on...

The Ministry of Finance: SEC’s budget reduced because there is no date for elections

The budget for the SEC is set to be reduced because of the absence of a precise date for elections, the Ministry of Finance has said after reports became public, showing that the proposal re-balance of the budget will cut the State Election Commissions funding by 400 million denars. From the beginning of the year, it has been estimated that...

After Cutting the SEC’s Budget – Will there be Elections this Year?

With the proposal re-balance budget for this year, 400 million denars will be cut from the budget of the State Election Commission, which raises the question will there be elections this year or not? At the beginning of the year, when MPs adopted the budget, the budget for the SEC was over 531.000.000 denars, however with the re-balance, which MPs...

VMRO-DPMNE: Electoral Roll is Clean, the SEC will be assured, as will the SDSM

The VMRO-DPMNE has called on the SEC to complete an additional action to clean up the electoral roll to assure the SDSM that the list has been cleaned. "The VMRO-DPMNE accepts any proposals or methodology that are put forward by any members from the SDSM in the SEC. We know that the electoral roll is clean. The SDSM knows it, but...

Germany wants quick elections and the formation of a technocratic Government

The current situation in Macedonia is worrying! This is what the German Minister of State told the German Bundestag, which is the Committee for Foreign Affairs, reported “Sakam da kazam”. The portal reports that the spokesperson, Thorsten Frei, a member of the Committee and MP from the CDU/CSU in the Bundestag, brought some relief with the news that all pardons...

Zaev: Confirm the constitutionality of the SPO and free all detained protesters

The Constitutional Court has to confirm the constitutionality of the Law on the Special Public Prosecution and all citizens who were detained during protests have to be released, said the SDSM leader, Zoran Zaev today at a press conference, as a condition, for negotiations between the parties to resume talks and begin to prepare for parliamentary elections. He asked...

Ahmeti with Baily and Orav: Ivanov must withdraw all pardons

Ali Ahmeti, President of the DUI party, at today's meeting with the US Ambassador Jess Baily, and EU Ambassador Aivo Orav, asked that President Ivanov withdraw all the pardons without further delay, and for the SEC to finish their jobs without obstruction. “Leader Ali Ahmeti talked about the opinions of the Democratic Union for Integration party and asks that Ivanov...

Trajanov: Macedonia should have a single election unit

The Democratic Alliance proposes Macedonia have a single election unit, because it would be a basis for, as the party say, a way of dismantling the one-party system and strengthen accountability in making crucial decisions and restoring the rule of law. "Within the framework of the priority reforms which are meant to be implemented by the reformed government, we propose...

The SEC has stopped all action related to the elections

The State Election Commission (SEC) at today's session put a stop to all further action related to the elections which were scheduled for June 5. The Chairman of the SEC, Aleksandar Chicakovski said they will stop all action and further action of the municipal election commissions, and request that they submit financial reports to the SEC, from the period of their...

Five members of the SEC sent a letter to Veljanoski warning him, elections will be illegitimate

Five members of the State Election Commission (SEC) sent an official letter to Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski, where they clearly state that for the elections on June 5, there is only one candidate. According to SEC members Violeta Duma and Igor Milev from the SDSM, Subhu Jakupi from DUI, Chairman and Vice Chairman, Aleksandar Chicakovski and Redzep Prekopuca, if elections...

VMRO-DPMNE has started its election campaign, instead of rallies, they will communicate directly with citizens

VMRO-DPMNE today launched its election campaign, but not with rallies, but through direct communication with citizens, the ruling party informed "Meta". They say that this is the kind of campaign they will be launching because of the situation in which the country is in. For now, they do not want to reveal whether they will be holding rallies. Today, the...

Today the SEC will decide how to proceed

State Election Commission (SEC) today is due to hold a working session to discuss how to proceed, after it was confirmed that the elections scheduled for June 5th will go ahead with only one coalition. The initiative for this session came from committee members from DUI and SDSM, and the outcome of today's session will determine whether the item will...