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Tag: greece

Nimetz: The term ‘Macedonia’ will be kept in the name

The proposed solution for the name will include the term "Macedonia", said United Nations mediator Matthew Nimetz, before today's new round of talks in New York with representatives from Macedonia and Greece, Vasko Naumovski and Adamantios Vasilakis. “The term "Macedonia" will be kept in the proposal for the name dispute, as it has already been recognized by more than 100...

Lavrov: Russia will accept the name that Macedonia and Greece will agree upon

Any kind of solution (for the name dispute) that will be agreed upon by Macedonia and Greece, and will be supported by the Macedonian Constitution, we (the Russian Federation), most probably are going to accept it, said the Head of the Russian diplomacy Sergey Lavrov, when he was answering a question posted by a Greek journalist at the annual...

Nimetz: There is no new proposal for the name, we will discuss the old proposals

United Nations mediator in the name negotiations between Macedonia and Greece, Matthew Nimetz, in an interview with the Greek national television ERT, says there is no new name proposal and that at the new meeting, scheduled for January 17th, in New York, he will come up with various suggestions which have already been discussed in the past. According to Nimetz,...

Kammenos wants a referendum in Greece concerning the name issue

The leader of the Independent Greeks, Panos Kammenos , in his column on Sunday's edition of the newspaper "Dimokratia", says that a referendum will have to be held in Greece, on the "new name of the northern neighbor". "The Greek people will have to decide this, without precedent in the history of mankind, the deviation of culture and the culture...

The express trains in Gevgelija have been re-established again

The railroad traffic between Gevgelija and Greece has been re-established but only during the weekends. As informs the Ministry of Interior, the railroad traffic with Greece which was stopped until now has been re-established and will continue only during the weekends. During the work week, from Monday till Friday, the express trains from Gevgelija to Thessaloniki will not be...

Dimitrov: We encouraged Nimetz to come out with an initial proposal for the name

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov said that there is still no proposal for resolving the name dispute, but mediator Matthew Nimetz was encouraged by the Macedonian side to come up with an initial framework as early as next week. “We do not have a proposal on the table to resolve the name dispute. We decided to encourage the mediator,...

Dimitrov: Macedonia and Greece will form working groups for the name negotiations

Macedonia and Greece have agreed to form working groups led by the ministers of foreign affairs who will lead the negotiations for solving the 25-year name dispute, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov for the Reuters agency. He expects that the first meeting of the new working groups will be held in February, where the negotiations about...

Zaev’s statement for the Greek Alfa TV: A solution for the name dispute by July, the red lines are an obstacle

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, in an interview for the Greek Alfa TV said that there is a possibility for finding a solution for the name dispute by the end of the first half of 2018 and stressed that it has to be acceptable for both sides. -I'm convinced that there is a solution and as it should, the solution...

Boshnjakovski: We will not be bidding with the name until we will have something concrete

Until there is a concrete and specific proposal we shall not be bidding with potential names, said today at the press conference the government's spokesperson Mile Boshnjakovski regarding the talks between Macedonia and Greece regarding the name dispute. -At the moment, there aren't any talks about a potential name but we are working intensively on building measures of trust....

Euractiv: Brussels expect concrete results from Macedonia and Greece over the name dispute

The European Commission (EC) welcomes the action taken by the Macedonian government to resolve the 25-year name dispute with Greece, and now expects "concrete results" on this issue, said an unnamed EC official for “EurActiv”, an independent pan-European network who specialize in media and focus on EU policies. According to the EC representative, maintaining good neighborly relations, including a negotiated...

Ivanov: Greece should stop holding Macedonia hostage for admission to NATO

The President of the Republic of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, said that at the upcoming NATO summit, Macedonia is finally expected to become a member of the Alliance, and Greece should “show awareness of what is happening in the region and its selfish interests should not to be the basis for holding out country hostage". During today's visit to the...

Papandreou: The name dispute aside, Skopje is our natural ally

The former Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou, in an interview for the Greek daily newspaper "Ethnos" said that it seems that the current Macedonian government has understood that the irredentism leads towards a dead end and that, according to him, the name dispute aside Skopje is our natural ally. -If the current situation will allow a mutually acceptable solution,...

Hoyt Yee: Skopje and Athens have an excellent opportunity to solve the name dispute in 2018

Skopje and Athens have an excellent opportunity to resolve the name dispute in 2018, told US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hoyt Brian Yee to the Greek news agency, AMNA. He believes that after the local elections, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has a clear mandate from the people to continue with basic reforms. “I believe Athens and Skopje have an excellent...

Zaev will celebrate the New Year’s Eve in Thessaloniki with Boutaris

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will celebrate the New Year's Eve in Thessaloniki where his host will be the city's mayor, Yiannis Butaris, informs Nova portal. Zaev accepted Butaris' invitation that was sent to him while he visited Skopje in November and when he met with the Macedonian Prime Minister. Apart from the invitation to visit Thessaloniki, in the spirit...

Boshnjakovski: If an agreement is reached, a referendum will be called for

The negotiations regarding the name dispute are undergoing under the wing of the United Nations, but at the moment there isn't any concrete solution. Certainly, when an agreement is reached, a referendum will be called, said the government's spokesperson, Mile Boshnjakovski when at the press conference was asked whether there is any breakthrough in the negotiations. When asked whether...

There will be news on the name dispute after the holidays, says Dimitrov

The negotiations on the name dispute will continue after the New Year and Christmas holidays, and in the meantime no developments are expected, said Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov at a joint press conference with Hungarian Foreign Minister, Péter Szijjártó. “The next meeting has been arranged after the holidays in January, so there should be no special event during...

Žbogar: Luck is on the side of the brave people, but we have to be patient and see what happens

The European Union sees the goodwill on both sides regarding the solving of the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, said the Europ Ambassador Samuel Žbogar in the interview for "TV 24" and said that the improved atmosphere will ease the dealing with this sensitive issue. -I understand the emotions around this issue, including the worries and the frustration...

The name can only be decided through a referendum, VMRO tells Xhaferi

The decision to solve the problem that the Republic of Greece has with our name is not and can not be exclusive property only to a certain group of politicians, nor the ruling majority in Parliament, reacted VMRO-DPMNE to Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi's statement for "Alsat- M" when he said if the parliamentary majority has the will, Parliament has...

The government is dedicated to finding a solution for the name dispute with Greece, said Zaev

The Government of Republic of Macedonia is creating conditions for building a national consensus with all crucial political subjects in order to accelerate the NATO accession, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who addressed during the ending conference that was a part of the "Straightening the youth dialogue for democracy promotion in the spirit of Euro-Atlantic integration" project organized by...

Nimetz: The dispute may be solved by next year, but there is no new magical name

After so many years, a new name isn’t going to magically appear, said the mediator in the name dispute with Greece, Matthew Nimetz after the meeting in Brussels with the negotiators of Macedonia and Greece, Vasko Naumovski and Adamantios Vasilakis. "The solution will be found with political will and good diplomacy," said Nimetz said, adding that the name issue could...