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Tag: greece

Talks about the name dispute will resume after a three year delay

The meeting of the Macedonia's and Greece's negotiating teams about the name dispute will take place today and tomorrow in Brussels. The UN mediator, Matthew Nimetz, after a three-year pause, will meet with both countries' representatives, Vasko Naumovski and Adamantios Vassilakis. As was announced by Niemitz's office, is part of the UN's effort to help both sides to find...

Tsipras: If Skopje makes a concession then 2018 can be a positive year

The Macedonian government should stop with the irredentism and the rhetoric about being the only descendants of ancient Macedonians, to make substantial steps forwards and to find a mutually acceptable solution, said the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras during his stay in Belgrade. He said if the necessary steps are done, the following year can bring a positive development...

Kotzias: Athens and Skopje understand they must work based on a consensus and compromise

In order to open our neighbour's path to the EU and other organizations the country wants to join, there must be a compromise over the name dispute, said Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias in an interview with the “Ethnos” newspaper. “In the case of FYROM, our neighbors believed that they can continue joining these organizations without an agreement with us,...

Dimitrov: We will enter negotiations with Greece with good faith and without fear

We will enter negotiations with Greece with good faith and without fear, in an effort to overcome our differences, said Macedonian Foreign Minister, Nikola Dimitrov in Sunday's interview with “Radio Free Europe”. "If there is a defeated side it will not be good for the winner or for the loser, because terrible nationalism will develop. We need to find a...

Osmani and Kotzias still cannot find an appropriate term for a meeting

The Vice Premier for European Affairs, Bujar Osmani and the Head of Greek diplomacy, Nikos Kotzias, will hold a meeting, but for now, no one knows when the meeting will take place. The Administration for European Affairs (SEP) stated that at the moment they are working on adjusting the agendas. -There shall be a meeting, but for now, no...

Dimitrov-Kotzias: Open and constructive dialogue will contribute to mutual trust

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov and his Greek colleague, Nikos Kotzias, at the margins of the ministerial meeting in Brussels had talks about the name dispute and the measures of building trust. "We talked about the further promotion of the measures of trust and the promotion of our cooperation. During the meeting, we spoke about the process of...

Zaev: I hope this will be the last effort for sovling the name dispute

Macedonia is entering in an effort that I hope it will be the last, where the final aim is solving the problem that Greece has with our constitutional name, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev as an answer to a question posted by a journalist after his meering with the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Miro Cerar. -This is really...

Dimitrov and Kotzias discussed communication mechanisms between the two countries

The communication modalities between the two countries, as well as the communication mechanisms within the European Union, were part of the topics discussed by the foreign ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Nikola Dimitrov and Nikos Kotzias, who met on the sidelines of the meeting between the Foreign Ministers of EU countries in Brussels. "We talked about communication issues, communication mechanisms...

Dimitrov and Kotzias will talk about the name dispute in Brussels

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov and his Greek colleague, Nikos Kotzias will have a bilateral meeting in Brussels, on the margins of the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the EU countries. According to the announcements, Dimitrov and Kotzias will discuss the name dispute including the measures for building trust. Before leaving for Brussels, Kotzias...

Zaev expects an intensification of the process around the name dispute and he had talks with Ivanov regarding the process

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev expects that by the end of this month the efforts for solving the name dispute with Greece to get intensified, for which, as he has confirmed already, he already had discussions with the President of the state, Gjorge Ivanov. -There is a hope that in an surrounding of strongly expressed friendly relations with the neighbors,...

Dimitrov: There will not be a revision of the history with Greece only a meeting between historians

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov denied today that he has agreed on a revision of the history with his Greek colleague, Nikos Kotzias. -At the meeting in Thessaloniki, this wasn't the subject that was discussed. During the meeting in New York, we talked about a meeting between historians and experts that will start talking about this. This...

Dimitrov: There shall be a meeting soon between Macedonia’s and Greece’s negotiation teams

This month there shall be a meeting between negotiations teams. During the first phase, there will not be a visit on part of the mediator, Matthew Nimetz, announced today the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov. When asked how would he comment the statement of the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hoyt Yee, who remarked that the mood...

The mood to resolve the name dispute is at its highest, says Hoyt Yee

Macedonia's security depends on resolving the name dispute and the country's entry into NATO, said the Center for International Relations in Washington today, reported the Voice of America in the Macedonian language. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State assessed that the mood in resolving the name dispute has so far been at its highest level. He expressed hope that a...

Kotzias: The name dispute should be solved in 2018

The Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias gave a statement for the Greek daily newspaper "Kathimerini" that the government has an intention to solve the name dispute with Macedonia. He said that the national wound, which was opened 26 years ago, should be cured in 2018, writes "Kathimerini." -I believe that the dispute will be solved in the...

Zaev doesn’t expect Greece to hinder the extradition of Grujovski and Boshkovski

The Prime MInister Zoran Zaev said today that he doesn't expect Greece to hinder the extradition of Goran Grujovski and Nikola Boshkovski, out of political reasons. There is an international warrant for their arrest and the Special Public Prosection has filed charges against them for illegal wiretapping and for destroying the surveillance systems. In conversation with journalists, Zaev stressed...

Zaharieva: Bulgaria and Greece are ready to help Macedonia with its reforms

Bulgaria and Greece are ready to help Macedonia to implement the reforms necessary for starting the EU accession talks, said the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, Ekaterina Zaharieva, in an interview for the Bulgarian radio "Darik." -For a start, it is necessary to build trust between the political leaderships. They have a long way...

Spasovski: We will investigate who from Macedonia helped Grujovski and Boskovski

The Prosecutor's Office will have to seriously look into the logistics and planning that went into the helping the former chiefs of the Administration for Security and Counterintelligence (UBK), Goran Grujovski and Nikola Boskovski flee the country. They had help from people in Macedonia for their escape from the country, said Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski, in an interview...

Zaev isn’t thinking about early parliamentary elections, but about the name dispute and the reforms

I'm not thinking about early parliamentary elections because the local elections are still happening, and our priority is for them to end completely in a regular and proper manner, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at today's joint press conference with the President of the Councils of Ministers of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Denis Zvizdic. -The results from the local elections...

Macedonia might be the next member state to join NATO, assessed Hutchison

The permanent US Ambassador to NATO, Kay Bailey Hutchison said that Macedonia was a country that could meet the criteria to become the next NATO member, but added that the name issue must be resolved, that is, to find a solution that would be acceptable for Macedonia and for Greece. Hutchison, in an interview with the Washington Post newspaper, said...

Dimitrov: During the course of the negotiations we will need to turn Greece into being our friend

In the negotiations with Greece, we need to act positively and not with shallow nationalism, said today in Prilep the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov. He visited the city in order to provide support for the mayoral candidate, Ilija Jovanovski. The Head of Macedonian diplomacy said that the main catch in the negotations with Greece regarding the name...