Tags Greece

Tag: greece

Dimitrov will not react to Kotzias over the stickers from Greek customs officers

The future of the region was the topic of the bilateral meeting between Macedonian Foreign Minister, Nikola Dimitrov, and his Greek counterpart, Nikos Kotzias, as well as the four-way meeting that takes place today in Thessaloniki, attended by government officials from Bulgaria and Albania . “We discussed what we can do to create a positive vision for the future and...

Kotizas: The issues are being solved and there should be no room for fear of reaching a compromise

The talks for solving the name dispute aren't focusing on the identity, said today in Thessaloniki the Head of the Greek diplomacy, Nikos Kotzias, replying to a question whether during a briefing session with Greek journalists after the meetings in New York he has said that the negotiations include talks about the identity, the language, and the nation....

Asselborn: I am not Orbán, I support the normal functioning of the country

I can not say when the negotiations on Macedonia's membership in the European Union will start, because the EU is more complex than the Balkans, said Luxembourg Foreign Minister, Jean Asselborn, after meeting with his Macedonian counterpart, Nikola Dimitrov, at the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Asselborn explained that the European Commission can propose the start of negotiations with Macedonia,...

Dimitrov: The question of identity will play no part in the upcoming negotiations

Today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, Nikola Dimitrov, denied the information that during negotiations with Greece, they are discussing the matter of identity. “Negotiations have not yet started, we are currently drawing the contours at what level, in what format and when they begin. It is not useful to speculate about something that Minister Kotzias...

Zaev: I expect by next year proposals for the name, now we are not discussing essential issues

At the moment, we are building friendly relations with Greece and strengthening the trust between the two sides in order to be friendly for the moment when the serious name dispute should be resolved, answered Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at today's press conference where he shared his impressions from the participation of the 72nd General Assembly of the United...

Dimitrov: The EU membership process and the name dispute to run in tandem

Macedonia hopes it has done enough to convince the European Union to start accession talks despite the name dispute with Greece still hasn't been solved, announced yesterday the Head of the Macedonian diplomacy, Nikola Dimitrov for Reuters. “If we have enough in terms of reform at home, we hope we will reach that stage (to start EU accession talks)...

Dimitrov: Negotiations with Greece will definitely begin at the end of this year

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, in an interview with Deutsche Welle on his visit to Germany, expressed strong confidence that negotiations with Greece over the name dispute, which have gone on for a long time, will continue by the end of the year. “During a visit by Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias, last Wednesday in Skopje, we discussed confidence...

The biggest measure of trust is for Greece to unblock the integration process, Ivanov tells Kotzias

The biggest measure that will affect mutual trust and create an even better atmosphere, is for Greece to unblock the Euro-Atlantic processes for Macedonia and to ensure that the right to prosperity is not denied, said the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, at the meeting with the Greek Foreign Minister , Nikos Kotzias, who is visiting...

Zaev-Kotzias: If Macedonia moves forward that will beneficial for the whole region

The future of the region lies only in the positive approach to solving open issues among the countries, with mutual respect and understanding, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev during the meeting with the Head of the Greek diplomacy, Nikos Kotzias, who is visiting Macedonia. At the meeting, which the government press service reports it has passed in a pleasant...

Kotzias: We want our dear northern neighbour to be part of NATO and the EU, but conditions need to be met

Greece supports the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the whole region, stressed Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias, after meeting with his Macedonian counterpart, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov. -We want to help the country and to pass on our experiences and weaknesses. The resolutions from Bucharest have to be accomplished in order for the country to become a member of NATO....

Kotzias in an official visit in Skopje with meetings with the state leadership and the political parties

The Head of the Greek diplomacy, Nikos Kotzias is on a one-day visit to Macedonia, during which he will have one to one meetings with state leadership representatives. Kotzias, who arrived in Macedonia by car, firstly will meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, after which both will have a press conference. After the meeting with Dimitrov,...

Dimitrov: The process for resolving the name dispute has just begun

Today, the Minister of Foriegn Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, did not want comment on exactly what was said at this morning’s meeting with his Greek counterpart, Nikos Kotzias. He said it would not be correct to comment that they would only discuss confidence building measures, taking into account that trust is crucial to good relations. “It’s necessary to determine what is...

Working groups from Macedonia and Greece will synchronize the new confidence measures

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, during his visit to Skopje on Thursday, in addition to his meeting with the Macedonian Foreign Minister, Nikola Dimitrov, he will meet with President Gjorge Ivanov, as well as with Deputy Prime Minister for EU Integration, Bujar Osmani, "Meta" has learned. Kotzias will arrive in Skopje by car will immediately before the planned meetings. The...

Zaev expects new proposals from Nimetz for the name issue by the end of the year

Today in Durrës, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said he expects the United Nations Special Envoy Matthew Nimetz, to make new proposals in the talks on the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, by the end of the year. “I expect by the end of the year to have new ideas from Nimetz to solve this problem. I am convinced that...

Kotzias and Dimitrov will not be discussing the name dispute

The name dispute will not be the subject of the forthcoming meeting of the Head of the Macedonian diplomacy Nikola Dimitrov with his Greek colleague, Nikos Kotzias in Skopje, as was confirmed for Meta by its sources. As usually, Kotzias will arrive in Skopje by car in order to avoid landing on the "Alexander the Great" airport. Next Thursday,...

Dimitrov will ask for help in Berlin for starting the EU negotiations

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, during the visit to Berlin on the 6th of September, will ask Germany and the European Union to help Macedonia to completely accomplish the Euro-Atlantic integration. -This is a chance for the EU and Germany to show that not only they are able to help by stopping the crisis and to prevent it...

Macedonia is the next country that will join NATO, concludes general Stavridis

Macedonia is the next country that should be joining NATO, stated former NATO commander James Stavridis for "Voice of America." - I hope that Greece will be able to work with Macedonia in finding a solution for the name dispute which will open the door for Macedonia to join NATO. I think Macedonia is the next country that will join...

Albani: We hope that with EU mediation we will find a compromise for the solution over the name dispute

Macedonia, with the new government led by Zoran Zaev, can again begin to focus on projects on foreign policy, such as the REU and NATO integration, said in an interview for the "European Western Balkans" the German MP from the ranks of the ruling Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) Stephan Albani who is presiding with the German-Southeastern European Parliamentary Group. "Macedonia has...

“Kathimerini”: Next year, it may be crucial to resolve the name dispute

Next year could be crucial for the resolution of a longstanding dispute between Greece and Macedonia regarding the official name of the state, diplomatic sources have indicated to “Kathimerini”. Officials in Europe and Washington believe that there could be an opportunity to solve the dispute for the name in the period between local elections in October this year and presidential...

Bartol: Resolving the name dispute with Greece and reforms are crucial for NATO membership

Resolving the name issue is crucial for Macedonia’s accession to NATO. Together, with a mutually acceptable solution to the name issue rests, also, the importance of reform and stability in the country, said Captain Gorzad Bartol, the Chief of the NATO Liaison Office, Skopje, in an interview with “European Western Balkans”. According to Bartol, the formation of the new government...