Tags Greece

Tag: greece

There is a new impulse for solving the name dispute, said Nimetz

The UN's Special Envoy for the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, Matthew Nimetz, remarked that there is a "new impulse" in the efforts for finding a solution for the problem. "After years of parliamentary dead-ends, we have a new government in Skopje, which wants to reactivate its foreign policy in the region, and obviously, the name issue is an...

Kotzias had an “interesting and serious” meeting with Nimetz

I had a very interesting and serious meeting with Mr Nimetz, who recently visited Skopje. He briefed me on the atmosphere he encountered there, stated Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias, after meeting with Matthew Nimetz in Brussels today. “ I briefed him on our thinking following the meetings we had with our northern neighbor's new government. We agreed to stay...

Kotzias: The new government has toned down the rhetoric but basically nothing has changed

The new government has toned down the rhetoric and the communication level is more correct, however, in substance, I have not seen anything new, said Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias in an interview with "Euroactive" while talking about the new government. He stressed that during his upcoming visit to Skopje in August, he will talk to the Macedonian Foreign Minister,...

Vuchic has no intention to confute Dachic’s statements about Macedonia

Serbian President Aleksandar Vuchic announced today in Thessaloniki that he has no intention to confute the recent statements issued by the head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dachic, that Serbia has made a mistake for recognizing Macedonia under its constitutional name. -If I wanted to criticize or confute Dachic, I would have done that easily But, obviously, I haven't done...

Tsipras: Name issue must be resolved before our tiny neighbour joins NATO, EU

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has repeated today that the name dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) must be resolved before the tiny Balkan neighbor can join the European Union and NATO, reports the Greek daily newspaper "Kathimerini." Speaking during a joint press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić ahead of a trilateral summit...

Kotzias accuses the international community of spoiling Macedonia

Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias, in an interview with Greek television “Antenna”, accused Macedonia of irredentism, being unprepared, but also being spoiled by the international community. “As you know, I was in Skopje twice, we talked about the issue, and they were unprepared. They came to Greece, again unprepared. They have been spoiled by the international community. Here, we are...

Athens tells Roth to refrain from giving history lessons

The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs today appealed to the Minister of State for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office, Michael Roth “from refraining from history lessons” when visiting the Balkan countries. “We call on Michael Roth, the German Deputy Foreign Minister to be more cautious when visiting Balkan countries, and to try and avoid giving history lessons and...

Dimitrov to Dačić: In this region we rise and fall together

The head of the Macedonian diplomacy Nikola Dimitrov has expressed his disappointment for the statement issued by the Serbian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dačić that Belgrade has made many mistakes when it recognized Macedonia under its constitutional name. I regret Dačić's statement. Together with Serbia we were part of one federal state and as Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Serbia...

Trilateral meeting Tsipras – Vučić – Borisov in Thessaloniki, Macedonia will be one of the topics

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov on Thursday in Thessaloniki, reports the Greek news agency ANA-MPA. Tsipras and Vučić will participate in the Greek-Serbian high-Level Cooperation Council, after which they will give a joint statement. After the meeting with the Serbian President, Tsipras will meet with his Bulgarian counterpart in...

Dačić does not know geography or he is provoking: Serbia has no territorial pretensions towards Greece!

Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Ivica Dačić, after meeting his Greek counterpart, stated in Athens that Serbia had made a mistake twenty years ago when they recognized Macedonia under its constitutional name. “I believe that Serbia made a mistake twenty years ago when we recognized Skopje under the name Republic of Macedonia. It was not correct of us towards Greece, and Skopje...

Apart from Zaev, Pence had a telephone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Tsipras

The VP of the USA, Mike Pence, had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev and had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, announced the White House. During the telephone conversation, Pence and Tsipras have reaffirmed the longstanding relations between Greece and US. "The Vice President congratulated the Greek Premier for...

Ahmeti: Joining NATO under the temporary name and then a solution over the name dispute

The two main priorities of the new government coalition in Macedonia are the solution to the longstanding dispute with Greece regarding the constitutional name of the state and the joining of NATO under the reference “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” said DUI’s party leader, Ali Ahmeti for an interview for the Greek daily newspaper “Kathimerini” "Solving the name dispute is...

Dimitrov – Nimetz: Now is not the right time for coming out with a definitive proposal

"We didn't talk about new propositions regarding the name, nor did I come here with a definite proposal. We talked about the actual process and how to intensify it", said Matthew Nimetz for the media the UN's special representative, after meeting with Macedonian Foreign Minister, Nikola Dimitrov. When asked whether there has been any certain progress, whether Greece's has stepped away...

An additional positive impulse is needed from both sides regarding the name dispute, said Ivanov to Nimetz

It is necessary to adhere strictly to the framework within which the talks about the name dispute are occurring – the resolutions of the Security Council, the Interim Accord and the verdict by the International Court of Justice in Hague, stressed the Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov during the meeting with Matthew Nimetz, the UN’s Special Representative in the talks...

Dimitrov: We do not need hundreds of monuments to be proud Macedonians

“The Macedonia I represent, is a more mature Macedonia. We do not need hundreds of monuments on Skopje Square to be proud Macedonians. This Macedonia approaches its neighbours without prejudice and fear”, said Macedonian Foreign Minister, Nikola Dimitrov in an interview with the regional television “H1”. Regarding the name dispute, Dimitrov said that during his recent visit to Athens, progress...

Nimetz in Skopje will meet with top state officials regarding the name dispute

There will talks held between Macedonia and Greece and UN Special Envoy, Matthew Nimetz, who will be staying in Skopje until July 4th and will be meeting with state leaders about possibilities for resolving the name dispute. The UN Secretary General Office spokesman, stated that Nimetz has come to Skopje at the request of the Macedonian government, in order to...

Nimetz will arrive on a two-day visit to Macedonia before heading to Athens

The UN's Special Representative and Mediator in the negotiations for the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece, Matthew Nimetz, will arrive on a two-day visit to Macedonia before embarking on a two-day visit to Athens. During his visit to Skopje, NImetz will have meetings during which he will be introduced to the opinions of the new government regarding the...

Nimetz will be coming to Skopje this week to meet with top state officials

The UN special envoy and mediator in the Macedonia-Greece name dispute, Matthew Nimetz, will arrive in Skopje later this week, MTV reports, citing sources in Washington. Nimetz, according to unofficial sources, will meet with top state leaders in Skopje, where they will discuss the continuation of negotiations regarding the name dispute. However, after visiting Macedonia, he will not travel to Athens. Recently,...

Bulgaria and Greece to Macedonia: If you want membership in the EU and NATO, respect history

The countries in the Balkans must respect history and develop good neighbourly relations if they want to join the European Union and NATO, concluded Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and his Greek counterpart, President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, at their meeting in Athens yesterday. Radev's visit to Athens comes at a time when the focus of the EU's enlargement to the Western Balkans...

Cavusoglu: A great injustice is incurred to Macedonia

The relations between the two states, Macedonia’s priorities, the memberships in the EU and NATO, as well as the political situation in the country and abroad, were the subjects that were discussed the ministers of foreign affairs of Turkey and Macedonia, Mevlut Cavusoglu and Nikola Dimitrov. Cavusoglu said that Macedonia can serve as an example for all other countries...