Tags Greece

Tag: greece

Zaev: We want a solution for the name, but not at all costs – we changed the Constitution once

The solution regarding the name dispute must guarantee the identity and dignity of both parties. We will do our best to find a solution to this firing 25-year problem, but not at all costs, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev today, answering a journalist's question at a press conference in Government. “The Government's view is that the name is acceptable with...

Hahn: The solution for the name dispute is possible only with leadership and statemenship

The Commissioner Johannes Hahn, in an interview with Deutsche Welle, said that he expects a solution for the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece to be achieved in the near future. -It is necessary to have a leadership and statesmanship not only for a solution to be found but also for an agreement to be reached and the necessary...

Zaev: We are ready for a geographical heading, and the airport will be called – International airport “Skopje”

At today's session, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia decided to call the E-75 motorway "Friendship Motorway" and the Skopje Airport "The International Airport of Skopje", Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced at a press conference with EU Ambassador Samuel Žbogar. “We are ready for a geographical heading. However, we have decided that any idea which will lead to a...

Kotsias: Skopje to publicly reveal what is the adjective used for the composite name

We expect that Skopje should finally publicly reveal what will be the adjective in the composite name and it should explain that to its citizens, said Nikos Kotsias, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in an interview for "Euro news" published in Greek language. He claims that Athens is preparing the terrain for the Greeks to accept the composite name...

Bildt: “Heavy” EU states need to get involved in resolving the name dispute

It will require some heavy lifting by heavy EU states and institutions to get a Macedonia name compromise, but without one the EU Balkan strategy risks collapse, said the Co-Chair of the European Council for Foreign Relations and former Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt. “I think it will require some heavy lifting by heavy EU states and institutions to get a...

Zaev and Nimetz have agreed: Naumovski and Vasilakis are out, Dimitrov and Kotzias are in

For future talks on resolving the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece under the auspices of the United Nations (UN), instead of the current negotiators, the foreign ministers of Macedonia and Greece will be head of the negotiating teams. This was agreed upon between the mediator in the negotiations, Matthew Nimetz , and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at their...

Dimitrov: Nimetz brought “ideas that are not so bad, but also ideas that are not so good”

The mediator in the name talks between Macedonia and Greece, Matthew Nimetz, said today at a press conference after the meeting with Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, that he is more optimistic than ever before to resolve the name dispute. “As for the issue of the identity of the people living here, besides everything we heard from the Greek side regarding...

Nimetz in Skopje for meetings with top state officials and Mickoski and Ahmeti

UN mediator in the Macedonia-Greece name dispute, Matthew Nimetz, will be in Skopje tomorrow for an official visit and talks with top state officials, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski and DUI president Ali Ahmeti. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nimetz will meet Nikola Dimitrov tomorrow at 12 o'clock. They will be discussing initial framework for...

Nimetz’s statement after meeting with Kotzias: The waiting is pointless, it’s time for making decisions

There is a momentum, it's time for decision making, stated the mediator in the name dispute, Matthew Nimetz after the meeting with Greece's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias, reports the Macedonian Information Agency (MIA). Nimetz stated that the meeting was constructive and said that the Head of the Greek diplomacy have talked about the ideas that the mediator...

Zaev: The referendum about the name is not anything tragic, frightnening or impossible

After the statement that was given by DUI's President, Ali Ahmeti, that it is best for the solution of the name dispute that the state leaderships of both Greece and Macedonia will arrive at to be solved as the Agreement with Bulgaria i.e. to be voted at the Parliament and not to call for a referendum, Prime Minister Zoran...

Nimetz will visit Athens today and on Wednesday he will visit Skopje

The UN's mediator in the negotiations between Macedonia and Greece about the name dispute, Matthew Nimetz, will visit Skopje this Wednesday from Athens where he will arrive today. Nimetz will visit both countries following the meeting of political leaders in Macedonia that took place on Saturday, where the President Gjorge Ivanov with two representatives of his cabinet took part...

Ahmeti suggests that the name dispute should be solved as the Agreement with Bulgaria – without a referendum

In an interview for the Greek daily newspaper "Kathimerini," DUI's party leader, Ali Ahmeti, suggested that the name dispute should be solved according to the model that was used for the Agreement for good neighborly relations with Bulgaria, with a consensus between the two governments and by ratification at both parliaments. -The best way for closing this issue...

“Macedonia is Greek” rally will take place in Piraeus instead of Athens

The rally under the banner of "Macedonia is Greek" in order to prevent the use of the term "Macedonia" as part of the solution of the name dispute that was supposed to take place in Athens on the 4th of February, instead it will take place in Piraeus, writes the Greek daily newspaper Kathimerini. According to the official press...

The MFA condemns the burning of the Macedonian flag in Thessaloniki

The Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) reacted to the major protest yesterday in Thessaloniki, where a Macedonian flag was burned. Despite building confidence measures by the two governments, unfortunately, there are still incidents of people still living in the past, said the statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "The entire region and our two countries are on the...

Mass protest in Thessaloniki, Greeks say “Macedonia is one and Greek”

“Macedonia is one and it means Greece”, “Macedonia is a holy Greek name”, “The solution is to have a border with Serbia”, “The person who gives away the name Macedonia is a national traitor”, were the main messages at yesterday’s protests in Thessaloniki, where protesters said they were defending Macedonia. At the protest next to the harbor, about 50,000 people...

Kathimerini: Athens prefers Vardar Macedonia while Skopje prefers New Macedonia

According to well-informed sources, it is clear that during the last week's meetings between Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras with the Head do the Greek diplomacy Nikos Kotsias and the archbishop Jeronimos, Greece would prefer the use of the name "Republic of Vardar Macedonia" as part of the agreement for the name dispute, writes the Greek daily newspaper Kathimerini....

Protest in Thessaloniki scheduled for today under the banner of “Macedonia means Greece”

Several Greek organizations of Macedonians and organizations of the Greek diaspora have scheduled a big protest rally in Thessaloniki under the banner of "Macedonia means Greece." These days all over Greece flyers are distributed that summoning the citizens to attend today's protest in Thessaloniki. The protest will start at 14 h local time in the center of Thessaloniki and...

Nimetz: With the new package with name proposals your identity is secured

The UN's envoy, Matthew Nimetz, in an interview for Sitel TV, said that according to him the new package with proposals for solving the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece, the country's identity and the nation is secured and that he believes that with his ideas it will be more strengthened than damaged. -I think that the agreement is...

Zaev is optimist that a solution for the name will be found that will be appropriate for both sides

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced today that he is an optimist and that he believes that a solution to the name dispute will be found that will be appropriate both for Macedonia and Greece. He confirmed that a meeting has been set with his Greek colleague, Alexis Tsipras on the 24th of January in Davos. -I'm an optimist and...

There is no Plan B for entry into NATO, the name dispute must be resolved, says Stoltenberg

I have to be honest with you and it's no good to lie to you - there is no Plan B and no entry into NATO until the name dispute is resolved, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on three different occasions, while answering journalist’s questions as to whether it is possible for the country to be accepted under...