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The deadline runs out today for an agreement over electoral legislation

Today is the last day of the deadline for the working groups to come to an agreement on electoral legislation, as required by the...

Miloshoski: The middle class isn’t non-existent for Zaev to re-created it

Like his famous predecessor, who promised employment to a member from each family, Zoran Zaev steps into the same political foot steps, promising everything and...

Shekerinska: VMRO-DPMNE wants to block negotiations, but it will not work

"VMRO-DPMNE are repeating their the old tactics, and wants to block negotiations with their constant delays and requests for consultations, breaks, returning to issues...

The Council of Public Prosecutors will choose Janeva’s team next week

Despite rumours that that the selection for Katica Janeva's team of Special Prosecutors will be held tomorrow or on Wednesday, the Council of Public...

Zaev: We do not need dirty money which is offered to us

We do not need dirty money, said the SDSM leader Zoran Zaev when asked by Journalists whether businesses are encouraged to financially help the...

Zaev: Administration employees will not be laid off, but reallocated

Parliamentary questions once a week instead of once a month, accounting for all budgetary and public companies for their expenses and their websites, within...

VMRO-DPMNE asks for a break from working groups, and refuses to return

Yesterday for six hours, representatives from SDSM, DPA and DUI waited for representatives from VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Todorov and Nikola Popovski, to return from a...

“Putsch” postponed again: Zaev only recognizes Katica Janeva

The trial 'Putsch' which was officially meant to start today was postponed again, because the fourth accused defendant, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, was not...

Greek fears grow over US pressure on Macedonia name dispute

The dispute over the name of Macedonia can be found high on the list diplomatic priorities of the Greek government this fall, in the...

SDSM: On what grounds did the MFA give Mijalkov a Diplomatic Passport?

The information that Saso Mijalkov was issued a diplomatic passport has opened a completely new serious scandal. This means that institutions run by associates...

Gezim Ostreni’s new political party, “Uniteti” is now official

Former Chief of Staff of the NLA (National Liberation Army, or Kosavan Liberation Army) General Gezim Ostreni and the current MP Zulfi Adeli and...

In the last 24 hours, MOI have issued 2.140 certificates to migrants

Yesterday, the Ministry of Interior had issued certificates to those who had expressed intention to seek asylum to 2,140 foreigners, of whom 1,419 are...

No reaction from the Vatican over expensive Mother Teresa memorial monument

On the capitals City Square “Makedonija”, building has began of the the memorial to Mother Teresa, which will be 32 metres high and for...

20 years since the assasination attempt on former President Kligorov

Twenty years ago, on this day, October the 3rd , 1995, the President of Macedonia, Kiro Gligorov survived an assassination attempt, who pulled through...

Gruevski: Macedonia remains dedicated to NATO and EU Membership

"The Republic of Macedonia still continues to be a constructive and key player in the stability of the region. Macedonia's main goal still remains...

Will Greece propose new name suggestions for negotiations from November?

John Kerry, US Secretary of State, suggests that Greece should be try from November to make new proposals in the negotiations, said the Greek...

Zaev gets to keep his Passport, and no longer has to report to the court every week

The Criminal Chambers of the Skopje District Court declined the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office to strip the SDSM's leader Zoran Zaev of...

Zaev: The international Community will tell us who is stalling negotiations

Today, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev responded to the question on whether the allegations are true from VMRO-DPMNE that the opposition are blocking the negotiations...

Yesterday, 2.500 conirfamations were issued to migtants

Yesterday, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) confirmed the expressed intention to seek asylum were granted to a total of 2,473 migrants, most of which,...

Gruevski will address the General Assembly of the United Nations and will meet with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will address the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York and later, meet with UN Secretary General Ban...