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Snow(o)man is the new “employee” at the Dutch Embassy in Skopje

While cleaning the snow, the Dutch Embassy in Skopje turned the whole affair into entertainment. Yesterday, Ambassador Wouter Plomp and employees in accordance with the...

VMRO-DPMNE: There will be justice and peace when Zaev will be held responsible at a court and Janeva will...

“There will be justice when criminals like Zoran Zaev will be held responsible at a court and there won’t be all sorts of "Katicas"...

Zaev and Ahmeti discuss “party positions” without going into too much detail

The party leaders of SDSM and DUI, Zoran Zaev and Ali Ahmeti had a meeting today, as informed by SDSM, they talked about the...

Miloshoski: With Janeva’s decision to pardon Zaev there is no reason for the SPO to exist anymore

VMRO-DPMNE reacted again to the decision made by the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) which was announced yesterday regarding the dismissal of the “Putsch” case. The...

Jankuloska mocks Garrett’s predictions for the year 2027

The former Minister of Interior and a high-ranking official of VMRO-DPMNE, Gordana Jankuloska through her Twitter account, gave a mocking commentary on the predictions...

USAID remains dedicated to the democratization of Macedonian society

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has a strategic program that works and this is the second year of that program,  announced today...

Gruevski and Ahmeti discuss the elections and the political situation

The leaders of VMRO-DPMNE and DUI, Nikola Gruevski and Ali Ahmeti, today had a meeting where they discussed the elections held on December 11,...

Veljanoski: SPO’s decision over “Putsch” case confirms they are party affiliated with SDSM

After today's decision to withdraw the indictment in the "Putsch" case, the SPO confirmed that they are a partisan branch of SDSM/Soros, said today...

Garrett: By 2027, Macedonia will have a female Prime Minister and will be a part of EU and NATO

The British Embassy in Skopje through its Facebook page began a campaign named as “Macedonia 2027” through which it wants to hear from the...

SDSM: The SPO’s decision confirmed that “Putsch” was fabricated by Gruevski

The biggest, most desperate and the lowest attempt for a show trial in an independent Republic of Macedonia, initiated by former Prime Minister Nikola...

What does the original SOS mean? “Save our Souls”, “Save our Skin”… or “Save us from Soros”?

Yesterday, the formation of the new civil movement "Stop Operation Soros" was announced, and if you look closely  at the abbreviation or acronym, it...

SPO withdraws charges for “Putsch” case as it contradicts the evidence

The Special public prosecutor’s office is withdrawing the bill of indictment for the “Putsch” case that indicted SDSM’s leader Zoran Zaev and the former...

New civil movement formed – “Stop Operation Soros”

“Stop operation Soros” is the name of a new civil movement which its founders say in the upcoming period “will initiate and will contribute...

UBK refuses to declassify documents for “Fortress 2” case

The Administration of Security and Counterintelligence (UBK) has refused to declassify classified information the Special Prosecutor’s Office proposed as evidence in the "Fortress 2"...

Journalists removed from “Fortress 2” trial due to classified information being read

Judge Lidija Petrovska, who presides over the “Fortress 2” trial, removed the press from the courtroom so the content of an official letter the...

AJM condemns the verbal abuse by the Government against journalists

The Association of Journalists of Macedonia condemns the coordinated surge of verbal abuse by the Government against journalists, who, the AJM says, is directed against...

VMRO-DMPNE and DUI do not agree on the “desorosoization process”

DUI doesn’t agree with its current coalition partner VMRO-DPMNE when it comes to the process of “desorosoization” that was announced by VMRO-DPMNE’s leader Nikola...

Still no security certificates for the two new jurors after two and a half months in “Putsch” case

After two and a half months, the two new female jurors allocated to the "Putsch" case have still not received security clearance, confirmed the...

The West is forcing Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina to join NATO, says Nikolai Patrushev

The Security Secretary of Russia, Nikolai Patrushev last night said that a stable course for a further expansion of NATO has been set and...

DZLP has received requests to probe online media and newspapers, requests personal data to be deleted

Last week the Directorate for Personal Data Protection (DZLP) received more initiatives to perform inspections on the media, and online information portals "to determine...