Tags Zoran Zaev

Tag: Zoran Zaev

No deal – Meeting between the leaders to continue on Monday

The meeting between the leaders ended without a final agreement. All parties remained on their positions. Leaders of SDSM, VMRO-DPMNE, DUI and DPA, Zoran Zaev, Nikola Gruevski, Ali Ahmeti and Menduh Thaci will meet again on Monday and the framework of the agreement will be prepared until then. The ambassadors of the US and EU, Jess Bailey and Aivo Orav, left the...

Zaev: Grim scenario will fail, protests to be suspended

Social Democratic Union of Macedonia appeals to citizens to be calm, not to succumb to the grim scenarios of causing conflict and destabilization of Macedonia, said today SDSM leader Zoran Zaev at the extraordinary press conference after the morning action of MOI in Kumanovo. - I call Nikola Gruevski to immediately come in front of the citizens of Macedonia and...

Milovanovik-Fazliu: The Macedonian Government is like that of Putin and Erdogan

Through it media controls and expensive marketing campaigns, Macedonian Government spreads and strengthens the idea that the Macedonians are disappearing and are under attack, writes Ana Milovanovik-Fazliu, daughter of former US Ambassador to Macedonia Jillian Milovanovik. In an article published on the website "Alliance for Peacebuilding", apart from giving a history of the Macedonian state and the Macedonian-Albanian relations, Milovanovik-Fazliu...

For the Prosecution, the claims of SDSM are pressure on the court

"The decision to submit an indictment in the case "Puch", as in all other cases, has been adopted and is based only on the evidence collected during the investigative procedure, and the Public Prosecution perceives the statement of SDSM as pressure on the court" reads the written response of the Public Prosecution to the claims of the opposition that...

Zaev called for a big all-national protest in Skopje on 17th of May

Tonight, after protest march in Kavadarci, which, as he said, is the latest in towns in the interior, opposition leader Zoran Zaev announced and called for a big all-national protest in Skopje on 17th of May. - Here in Kavadarci, tonight end protests in the cities in the interior of Macedonia. But there's a reason why. Here I use this...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev’s destructiveness has no boundaries

"SDSM is in a deep paranoia and shock due to the lack of effect of their performances and lack of interest and support from the people, but also that Zaev’s destructiveness has no boundaries," reads a statement of VMRO-DPMNE to today’s press conference of the president of the municipal organization of SDSM in Kavadarci. "In today's publication of the created,...

Zaev: Crvenkovski’s assistance is appreciated

"We welcome any assistance, especially from experienced people such as former party leader Branko Crvenkovski", said opposition leader Zoran Zaev to the question of META if something concrete was agreed between him and Crvenkovski on Wednesday’s meeting on Bihakjka about the inclusion of the former leader of SDSM in the project "Truth about Macedonia." - Former President Branko Crvenkovski and...

Branko’s “Lada” at the protest in front of the Government on 9th of May

"Lada Niva", the symbol of "Resistance", protests led by former SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski, which began after the events in the Assembly on 24th of December 2012, returns on the street. "Lada", which Zoran Zaev gave Crvenkovski after the congress on which he was elected president of SDSM, yesterday late evening was returned in the party headquarters on Bihakjka and...

Jankuloska: “MOI does not directly broadcast its procedures”

"We do not directly broadcast our procedures. When we have something to announce to the public, we will do so in a transparent way," was the reply of Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska to the question of META for the criminal charges of disclosing state secrets which MOI announced to file against opposition leader Zoran Zaev. At one of the press...

MOI doesn’t open “YouTube”

"At the request of the prosecution, we even then reacted to "YouTube" and the footages were removed, and if they are still there, probably somebody posted them again," says Ivo Kotevski, Deputy Minister for Public Relations of the Ministry of Interior (MOI), for META regarding the controversial video footages of the secret meeting between opposition leader Zoran Zaev and...

Everyone on vacation this summer, only Gruevski and Zaev in a courtroom on the trial of the century?

Lawyer Angele Ilievski, defender of the first suspect in the case "Puch" Zoran Verushevski, in his statement for META denies the information conveyed by part of the media that the indictment against the suspects will be ready in a week. - The indictment cannot be ready in a week because we have a deadline of 15 days in which we...

Zaev again today in Prosecution

Fourth defendant in the case "Puch", SDSM leader Zoran Zaev today will give a statement in the Public Prosecution. In the same case, the prime suspect Zoran Verushevski gave statement in the prosecution two days. On Tuesday, Zaev gave statement on the case "Bribery".

Zaev from Bitola: I’m not a hero or a traitor

Several hundred of Bitola citizens marched tonight on Shirok Sokak after the 19th bomb went off in Bitola, revealing the crime at the local level, electoral manipulations and the set-ups of lustrators. Along with Bitola citizens marched opposition leader Zoran Zaev, who retaliated to the government's attempt to declare him as traitor. - Zoran Zaev is not a traitor. Zoran...

All of our security businesses with Israel

What kind of equipment purchased MOI from Israel in 2011, which was discussed in audio recordings released by opposition leader Zoran Zaev? Besides claims of one and the other side, there is no official document attesting to what exactly it is. Zoran Zaev and SDSM stand behind the claim that it is the purchase of equipment for tapping and that,...

MOI: Zaev revealed highest state secret

Today's construction of the fourth suspect in the scandal "Puch" Zoran Zaev confirms the suspicions that the main objective of the agents’ network and others involved in the case, is the destruction of the institutions and the security system of the Republic of Macedonia, reads the statement from the Ministry of Interior after the press conference of SDSM leader. MOI...

Borisov and Rasmussen were tapped during their visit to Macedonia

Senior NATO and EU member states representatives were tapped during their visit to Macedonia, said the leader Zoran Zaev for the Bulgarian news agency "Focus". The recorded conversations owned by Zaev include former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen during his visit to Skopje, 22nd of May 2014, and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who was in Macedonia on 17th...

Twitter reactions: Pack them to go

According to audio recordings announced by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev today, Prime Minister Gruevski negotiated rates and fees and made illegal incursions into tenders. On the social networks emerged series of comments that percentages which, according to Zaev, Gruevski took are money stolen from the people. Some twitterers also commented the section of the conversation in which Gruevski said...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev continues to publish created, cut and assembled materials

Zoran Zaev continues to implement his destructive scenario and continues to publish created, cut and assembled materials without the support of the citizens. Allegations that Zoran Zaev tried to construct on today’s press conference are pure manipulation and untruth, reacted VMRO-DPMNE to the thirteenth "bomb" of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev. "Many times until now, he proved that the materials published...

VMRO-DPMNE: Constructions and creations won’t save Zaev from himself

"Zoran Zaev is burdened with the investigation proceedings against him for criminal and illegal conduct, so he continues to work in favor of foreign interests and hopes that someone else will save him from this mess in which he entered with illegal actions," reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE to today’s press conference of the leader of the opposition, on...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zhernovski wants to be a “golden copy” of Zoran Zaev

"By broadcasting the same created, installed and glued talks, Andrej Zhernovski ran for the award "Golden copy of the Year" in the film directed by foreign centers, and produced by Zoran Zaev, Zoran Verushevski and SDSM leadership," reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE on the occasion of today’s press conference of the Mayor of the Municipality of Centar, where he...