Tags German Embassy
Tag: German Embassy
Thaci: Przhino Agreement is Dead, another Agreement is Needed
The Przhino Agreement is dead, it is time for a new agreement, said DPA leader Menduh Thaci after meeting with the German special envoy to Macedonia, Johannes Hajndl at the German embassy in Skopje. He said that Ali Ahmeti's idea of convening Parliament was a bad marketing ploy.
"We have been talking for eight days and eight nights and now...
Zaev on talks with Haindl: There are no concrete results, this is just the beginning of talks
"We havn't agreed to anything concrete, this is just the beginning of talks", stated the SDSM leader Zoran Zaev after his meeting with the German special envoy Johannes Haindl.
Straight after Zaev's meting with Haindl, DUI leader Ali Ahmeti turned up with his Chief of Cabinet Artan Grubi and the Mayor of Tetovo, Teuta Arifi. After Haindl's meeting with Ahmeti,...
Germany: There are no conditions for elections according to European standards
Germany shares the opinion of the European Commission on the state of preparations for parliamentary elections in Macedonia, that it will take further reforms before there is an opportunity for elections in accordance with European standards, announced the German Embassy in Skopje on Thursday.
The Embassy urges all political parties involved to make an effort and show political will to...
German Embassy: Elections need to be credible and all parties need to receive the same opportunities
The German Embassy in Macedonia today in a statement called upon all political parties to fully implement the Przhino Agreement and to conduct fair and democratic elections.
"The Przhino Agreement must continue to function and must be fully implemented. Unfortunately, there are still significant delays in many areas. The resignation of the Prime Minister and elections are two of several...
German Embassy: We welcome the agreement and we expect a swift implementation
Tonight the German Embassy welcomed the agreement by the parties and said it expects a swift implementation of the decisions.
“We welcome the (declarative) agreement reached by the parties, and now expect swift implementation of the decisions. The time until the elections is short and there will be fair conditions if everything is done what is agreed, we'll see all in...
Germany to VMRO-DPMNE: Show us that you have the will and carry out the Przhino Agreement
"The Special Commissioner for the Western Balkans, Turkey and the EFTA countries, Dr. Ernst Rajhel on the 28th of October 2015 invited the Macedonian Ambassador in Berlin, Saso Markovski for a discussion at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, to express his disappointment and concerns about the Federal Government's implementation of the Przhino Agreement, which is still insufficient”, announced the...
German Embassy: The special prosecutor should have complete autonomy and access to all materials
The German Embassy in Macedonia today announced that it has high expectations regarding the appointment of a special prosecutor on the 15th of September, established by the Agreements of June the 2nd and July 15th.
"This appointment is an important obligation of the aforementioned agreements, the special prosecutor should ensure an independent, transparent and comprehensive legal redress charges for serious...