Tags ДУИ

Tag: ДУИ

The Difference Between VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM is 4.8%, Shows Poll by Telma TV

The difference between the main Macedonian political parties is 4.8%, according to a poll commissioned by "Telma" TV and conducted by the Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis and MCMS. If the elections were held tomorrow, VMRO-DPMNE would have 23.7% of the vote, 18,9% would vote for SDSM, 6.2% for DUI, 3.3% for DPA, 1.2% for BESA, while 4.9% would vote...

Gruevski: We accepted everything the SDSM have asked, only so elections will be held on December 11

The leader of the VMRO-DPMNE party, Nikola Gruevski left today's leaders’ meeting early at the MPs clubhouse where details are being discussed regarding the elections which are expected to be held in December. He said that his party had accepted all conditions the SDSM had proposed only so they will not have the opportunity of postponing the elections again. “Once again,...

No agreement – Talks continue tomorrow

Today's negotiations over the cleansing of the electoral roll and reforms to the media between the working groups of the political parties and Ambassadors Aivo Orav and Jess Baily came to an end without an agreement. US Ambassador, Jess Baily, said he was not disappointed because sometimes to reach an agreement, time is needed. “We had a five-hour constructive debate and...

“What elections? Are you joking?” – Ahmeti tells Vienna’s “Standard”

"What elections? Are you joking?" This was the reaction of the leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), Ali Ahmeti, when he answered the first question in an interview with the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" about the elections. The DUI’s response explains the parties position on meeting all the criteria, according to them, the credibility of the elections has to...

DUI withdraws its Ministers from Government

The Presidency of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) tonight at their party headquarters in Tetovo decided to withdraw its ministers from Government, to examine the parties policies for the coming days. At the meeting, despite the decision to withdraw their ministers, the party Presidency has also confirmed that the views of party leader Ali Ahmeti will carry full authority...

The Brussels trio would not give a statement after meeting with Zaev

MEPs Richard Howitt, Ivo Vajgl and Eduard Kukan today declined to give any statements or comments after their meeting with SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, saying that they will make a statement tomorrow once they have finished all meetings, with all leaders. The Brussels trio had a meeting at the SDSM headquarters and then headed to the Office of the European Commission...

Brussels trio will unblock the Przhino Agreement

MEPs Richard Howitt, Ivo Vajgl and Eduard Kukan today at noon will start meetings with representatives of the political parties who are signatories of the Przhino Agreement, announced the EU delegation in Skopje. During the visit, the MEP threesome, along with the EU Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, who brokered the Agreement, will also meet with the Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva...

MFA: Ahmeti is visiting Greece as a party official, and not in coordination with the Government

The leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), Ali Ahmeti, the Vice Prime Minister for the Framework Agreement Musa Xhaferi, and the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Fatmir Besimi are not visiting Greece and their Foreign Minister in the capacity as government officials, said the Macedonian Ministry for Foreign Affairs to “Meta”. The MFA said that it was a party meeting,...

DUI about the agreement: Macedonia is stronger after last night

The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) welcomed yesterday's agreement, according to a statement from the party, "the only open point of the agreement of 2 June, which was about the form of government which will organize early elections “. „Macedonia since last night is stronger, and has regained the political stability and approached even more to the EU and NATO....

DUI presidency disappointed by the failure of negotiations

At the meeting held today, Presidency of the General Council of DUI discussed the latest political developments in the country since the political parties have not reached an agreement in Brussels on 10th of June. Once party leader Ali Ahmeti informed the membership, DUI presidency expressed disappointment with the failure of negotiations and breach of agreement signed between the leaders...

The ambassadors believe that DUI should use its influence for the benefit of citizens

DUI leader refused to give a statement to reporters after the two-hour meeting with the ambassadors of the US, EU, France, UK and Italy, reports "Nova TV". Journalists asked Ahmeti whether he will bear responsibility for the event in Kumanovo, but his spokesman said that the ambassadors will give a statement. In a joint statement, the ambassadors also emphasized that...

DUI: citizens to remain calm and not to succumb to disinformation

Democratic Union for Integration said that they follow today's developments in Kumanovo with great concern and urge citizens to be calm and not succumb to any provocations. "Democratic Union for Integration believes that today's events in Kumanovo, but also the previous ones in Goshince and the explosion in front of DUI headquarters and others, are actions that are in complete...

Ahmeti and Ambassador Petkov discussed the current political situation in Macedonia

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti today in Tetovo discussed the current political situation in the country, the need for cooperation between our two countries, Euro-Atlantic integration of Macedonia and the affair with mass tapping Macedonia with Bulgarian Ambassador to Macedonia Ivan Petkov, informed the party. Petkov informed Ahmeti on the political situation in Bulgaria after the elections and stressed that Sofia...

DPA: Government should withdraw the proposal for the new Coat of Arms

The proposal to change the Coat of Arms is fully a symbol of one ethnicity, accused DPA today. - The imposition of such a symbol as Coat of Arms certainly doesn’t contribute positively in a country where the ethnic composition and the reality is different from what the Coat of Arms, proposed by VMRO-DPMNE and DUI, shows - said DPA...

Grubi: SDSM won’t come to power through DUI and Ahmeti

Opposition shouldn’t hope that it would come to power through DUI and Ali Ahmeti, and return to the Assembly, said DUI MP Artan Grubi at today’s session of the Commission on Mandate and Immunity issues, on which, the draft decision for revocation of the mandates of opposition MPs who boycotted the Assembly was brought. - From 2002 to today, both...

Ahmeti is preparing the ground to absorb attacks on DUI

Analysts estimate that the statements of Ali Ahmeti, leader of DUI, that the country should solve a lot of problems with unexpected solutions are just as incomprehensible as the bombs of Zoran Zaev, when there are so many problems in the country that require bold solutions that maybe aren’t projected in the electoral program of the party, reports Portabl....