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Only doctors specialists from Skopje to receive pay raise

What are the criteria according to which doctors specialists at the Clinical Center in Skopje and Hospital “8th of September” will receive a raise,...
Студентите сакаат да се сретнат со Министерот за образование и наука во петок во 12 часот

Ristovski: Meeting with students after they have a concrete proposal

Minister of Education and Science, Abdilakim Ademi, will meet with the informal organization “Student plenum” once it has a concrete proposal for the external...

Gruevski receives highest award of Shtip, “St. Nicholas”

The highest recognition of the festival of Shtip, “St. Nicholas”, will be awarded to the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. This was announced by the...

MEP from Bulgaria accuses Macedonian police of torturing Bulgarians

MEP from Bulgaria, Angel Dzambaski, sent a letter to the European Commission regarding the interrogations of Bulgarian citizens from the security services of the...

“Boulevard of Books” on Saturday until midnight

Just like the world capitals, Club “Matica” continues the trend which is worldwide dedicated to the promotion of reading and socializing with books. On Saturday,...

Brussels to check legality of Macedonian airline subsidies

In a statement for META, European Commission Spokeswoman Maja Kocijanchik doesn’t confirm the position of the Ministry of Transport on state subsidies for cheap...

Secretary of the Municipality sues councilor in Ohrid!

Secretary of the Municipality of Ohrid, Dimitar Spaseski, sues member of the City Council, Dejan Blazheski, who is also chairman of the municipal organization...

Slovenia to file lawsuits against debtors from former Yugoslavia

According to the verdict of the European Human Rights Court, the payment of savings to depositors from former Ljubljana Bank out of Slovenia doesn’t...

SDSM demands resignation of Jolevski and Kotevski

The silence of Minister of Defense Zoran Jolevski and Chief of General Staff Gorancho Kotevski, as well as Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, regarding the...

(VIDEO) Karolina has а new song “Begaj, begaj”

  Macedonian music star Karolina Gocheva presented her new song “Begaj, begaj”. The composer is Kokan Dimushevski, and the lyrics are by Vesna Malinova. Nikola...

Life became the cheapest commodity: Ten murders in seven months

The recent cases of murder, yesterday’s murder in Zletovo and the one in Kavadarci few weeks ago, by their frequency and the number of...

Juncker announces 315 billion euros investment for EUR

Today in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, presented the new “ambitious” plan of 315 billion euros of...

“Children of the Sun” in Kavadarci

Тhe latest film by director Antonio Mitrikeski, “Children of the Sun”, will be shown in the hall of the House of Culture “Ivan Mazov...

Kosovo to build ski resort worth 410 million euros on Shar Mountain

Kosovo will invest 410 million euros in the construction of the ski resort in Brezovica at Shar Mountain, and, according to the plan, this...

TV stations form Macedonian Media Association

National television stations Telma, Channel 5, Sitel, Alsat-M and Alpha today formed the Macedonian Media Association (MMA), which will be a part of the...

First congress of Besa within six months

The first congress of the new party of Albanians in Macedonia, Besa, is to be held within six months, World bulletin reported. This party was...

Triple murder: The body of the suspected killer found

Professional soldier D.M. (40), suspected of the triple murder that happened today morning at the Probishtip village Zletovo, is the man whose body was...

Pangalos: Venizelos second to the leader of Golden Dawn by repulsion

Theodoros Pangalos fiercely criticized Evangelos Venizelos and George Papandreou for the internal discord in PASOK. According to the former Minister and Deputy Prime Minister...

The state to “impose” socialization, parents and teachers will be whistling

Ministry of Education and Science yesterday informed that the implementation of the project “Joint care for proper direction of students”, which aims to strengthen...

Kathimerini: Maybe we would never know the identity of the resident of Amphipolis

Anthropological and DNA tests cannot discover the identity of the person buried in Amphipolis, reports Greek newspaper Kathimerini. This information comes as a cold shower...