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Zaev: We will publish everything Gruevski accepted for the name and how he fixed elections

After today’s press conference at SDSM head office, party leader Zoran Zaev answered to journalists' questions, during which he made a few key points. SDSM...

Duo Gruevski – Janakieski mined opponents

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev held a press conference on which he announced new audio recordings of wiretapped conversations. - Cousins Gruevski and Mijalkov have control...

“Ajde” organized performance in front of MTV tomorrow at noon

Members of "Ajde", the platform of civil policy, motivated by the need to publicly recommend Macedonian Radio Television (MRT) that it should be a...

Kodzias: The problem is not the name, but irredentism

Not the name, but irredentism of Macedonian Government is a key element that creates a problem between Macedonia and Greece, according to the new...

Gruevski, master of intrusions

When you mention the sudden appearance of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at a press conference, you immediately think of his deliberate tactic of "intrusions"....

US: We are concerned about the political turmoil in Macedonia

The US government concernedly follows the political turmoil in Macedonia with the wiretapping affair and case "Puch", said a spokesman for the US State...

Council of Europe: Wiretapping journalists violate human rights

Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muižnieks, in an exclusive statement to META news agency, expressed his "serious concern" about...

Macedonians with the least chance of asylum in Europe

Macedonians are the second largest asylum seekers in the European Union, but at the same time have the lowest rate of acceptance, which is...

Minimum wage in Macedonia is 12 times lower than the EU

The highest minimum wage in the EU is in Luxembourg and it is 1.923 euros, while the lowest minimum wage in Bulgaria is 184...

Leaflets with messages against the Government appeared in Tetovo

Several types of color leaflets in different designs and text appeared on the cars in Tetovo this morning. One of them has the text...

The average net salary for December was 22,407 denars

The average monthly net salary per employee in December 2014 amounted to 22,407 denars, while the gross amount was 32,741 denars, announced State Statistical...

Grcheva: The worst thing is that no one denies the recordings

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and several ministers from the Government attended today's session of the Assembly, on which MPs asked questions. MP Solza Grcheva said...

SDSM filed criminal charges against Gruevski for disclosing official secret

SDSM today filed criminal charges against Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski for disclosing official secret. Oliver Spasovski, general secretary of the party, and Philip Medarski,...

IRI poll: VMRO – 26, SDSM – 10 percent confidence

If elections are held today, 26 percent of citizens would vote for VMRO-DPMNE, while 10 percent for SDSM, according to a public opinion poll...

Whose was the ear and who ordered it to listen?

Addressing the public, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had extensive, fierce and controversial explanation of events in the scandal "Puch" and its, perhaps, main attribute...

MAJ: AJM started working for SDSM

AJM was silent when SDSM and Zaev published unconfirmed conversations of other journalists who, according to SDSM, are not close to the opposition, and...

AJM: Gruevski, Jankulovska and Mijalkov should resign

"We demand Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska and the Director of the Security and Intelligence Service Sasho Mijalkov to resign. Regardless...

Visit of delegation of PES in Macedonia

A delegation of the Party of European Socialists yesterday visited Macedonia. The delegation is led by Sergei Stanishev, President of PES. As informed by...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev continues to create instability in Macedonia

Press conference of Zoran Zaev is just an extension of the script to create instability in Macedonia, to manipulate the public and to carry...

SDSM: Gruevski’s attempts to defend from the truth with “action movies” are desperate

Nikola Gruevski confirmed all scandals involving him and several of his associates and clumsily tried to justify the shameful actions that horrified the public,...