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New project: Tablet for every child

Tablet computers will be supplied to schools, informed Deputy Minister of Education and Science Spiro Ristovski, reports TV "Sitel". - 152 million denars will be...

Gruevski about Juratovik: The man is probably not fully informed

At today's launch of the new edition of the issue "Macedonian temptations", Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, when asked about the statement of reports of...

Contacts with the pages for crisis assistance are ongoing

Activities and contacts between Macedonia - European Union, in order to resolve the political crisis that has boiled further after the announcement of the...

VMRO-DPMNE: Pendarovski to explain how Zaev obtained wiretapped conversations

Stevo Pendarovski should explain how Zoran Zaev has obtained audio recordings of wiretapped conversations, with which foreign service he worked and explain what foreign...

Opposition submitted new recordings to the prosecution

Five members of the senior leadership of the opposition submitted materials of their tapped conversations today to the Public Prosecutor on, as it claims,...

There is no one left to trust

If Zoran Zaev , leader of the opposition, cannot be trusted, who, if we apply the same principle of facing statements, can we...

Bitola citizens demand discussion on air pollution in the Assembly

Bitola advocates for clean air of the association "We are concerned" demand parliamentary debate on air pollution in the country. In the request submitted...

“Civil” demands legislative changes for the use of rubber bullets to be withdrawn

"Civil" condemns the procedure of making legislative changes that enable the use of rubber bullets and other light weapons against protesters. Given that these...

Journalist Ljubisha Arsik wins “Nikola Mladenov” award

Research Award "Nikola Mladenov", bestowed by the Macedonian Institute for Media, was won by journalist of "Fokus", Ljubisha Arsik, for the series of texts...

Greek MEPs attack Mogerini for Macedonia

High Representative for Foreign Policy of the European Union, Federica Mogerini, raised pressure in Greece with the decision to refer to us as Macedonia. Greek...

SDSM: Which Gordana Jankuloska spoke today?

Gordana Jankuloska had a historic opportunity to apologize to the citizens and to resign in front of the cameras, reads the written response of...

310.8 million denars worth subsidies for tagged cattle were paid

The country today paid 310.8 million denars worth subsidies for tagged cattle. Ministry of Finance transferred the funds to the accounts of 15,663 farmers. Support...

Gruevski: The early settlement of the debt is a confirmation of economic stability

The early settlement of the debt to the International Monetary Fund of 174 million dollars and today’s return of 25 million euros taken from...

OSCE reacts to hate speech of Milenko Nedelkovski

OSCE Mission reacted with a letter to the Council on Ethics in the media regarding the statement of Milenko Nedelkovski given at an...

We became Macedonia for Mogerini, while we stayed FYROM for Hahn

High Representative for Foreign Affairs of the European Union Federica Mogerini today in Brussels named Macedonia under its constitutional name. - Yes, it is on...

Graffiti: “Alo nachalniche” leads to “Shu praish”

Audio recordings with tapped materials released by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev inspired art forms on the walls, so graffiti inspired by "juiciest" phrases used...

Jankuloska: I won’t comment on created and illegally obtained materials

In her first public appearance since the leader of the opposition began to publish recordings of the "bomb," Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska would not...

Hahn: Solve the crisis to keep European perspective

High Representative for Foreign Affairs of the European Union Federica Mogerini today in Brussels, responding to reporters’ questions, said that Macedonia is on its...

Kosovo authorities write off citizens’ debts

Kosovo's Government today decided to write off the debts of citizens and lawyers created up to 31st of December 2008 under the condition to...

Orav: All politicians to show that they want to see Macedonia in the EU

"In the past years we have heard many wonderful words about the integration of the country into the EU. Now is the time for...