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The meeting between leaders of political parties began

The meeting between leaders of political parties began with 20 minutes delay, because the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski did not come on time. The format...

Kodzias in Skopje on Wednesday

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kodzias will travel to Skopje on Wednesday for a meeting with Macedonian political leadership. Macedonia will be the first state...

SDSM: Without transitional government, the agreement from Przhino is invalid!

The agreement of 2nd of June, made during a meeting at the residence of EU Ambassador Aivo Orav in Skopje Przhino must be respected,...

Party leaders will today agree whether to continue negotiations

Meeting of the leaders of the four main parties in Macedonia will be held in the Club of MPs at 1:30 pm, along with...

Assembly adopts amendments to the Law on Asylum

With 69 votes "for," the Assembly this afternoon passed amendments to the Law on Asylum, with which immigrants are allowed to legally reside on...

Ivanov astray between perception and reality: Numbers, competencies, activities and expectations

President Gjorgje Ivanov again took center stage in yesterday's interview on TV "Telma". Social networks exploded, emphasizing his gaffes and comparing them with those...

VMRO-DPMNE to celebrate its birthday and open the new building on VMRO Square

On Saturday at 7 pm, VMRO-DPMNE will celebrate its 25th birthday. 122 years since the formation of VMRO will also be marked. According to...

The Assembly approved the need of adopting Law on Asylum

With 67 votes for and none against and abstained, the Assembly approved the need for amendments to the Law on Asylum and Temporary Protection....

Mogherini: Efforts for a lasting political compromise should be made

High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union Federica Mogherini this morning met with Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Besimi. "Deputy Prime Minister...

The state gives 2,000 euros a day for immigrants

In the first five months of this year, the Ministry of Interior (MOI), which is responsible for the Reception Center for Foreigners in the...

Hahn after meeting with Besimi: Compromise based on the agreement of 2nd of June

After the meeting between Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Fatmir Besimi and EU Commissioner for accession negotiations Johannes Hahn in Brussels, the European...

Does anyone remember the case “Puch”?

Council of Criminal Court has no legally defined deadline for the review of the indictment in the case "Puch" when to enter plea and...

The state pays around 40,000 denars for the burial of the killed immigrants

The state so far paid about 16,000 euros for burial of dead immigrants. IRC says that a burial with a plot and the rite costs...

Garrett: United Kingdom is a faithful supporter of Macedonia

The United Kingdom is faithful supporter of Macedonia since its independence in its Euro-Atlantic integration and a true friend in difficult times, and that...

Whether, when, where and why: Many questions and few answers for the negotiations

Pending to solve the dilemma and the vacuum of clear answers about what will follow after the fiasco of the negotiations in Brussels for...

Amendments to the Law on immigrants at tomorrow’s parliamentary session

56 plenary session with a single item on the agenda, the draft law for amending and supplementing the Law on Asylum and temporary protection...

Macedonia’s friend Suleyman Demirel died

Former Turkish President Suleyman Demirel died in hospital in Ankara on 90 years. He performed the duty head of the government in more mandates...

DUI: Zaev’s accusations are taken out of context

Through a statement, DUI denied all accusations stated at today’s press conference of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, and stressed that "accusations that are just...

Final conference of NEAP project on Friday

The final conference of the project "Network of civil organizations for effective active participation" will be held on Friday in hotel "Arka" in Skopje,...

Zaev: DUI functioned as VMRO-DPMNE – for power and money

At today’s press conference, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev announced new tapped new materials, this time dedicated to the role of DUI. - All that Nikola...