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Young people in Macedonia have a huge dose of self-censorship

Recorded videos articles with larger number of citizens of Prilep, which present an objective picture of life in the city, as well as the...

Save the Internet – Campaign For Preserving Internet Neutrality

The European Commission and Council want to adopt a regulation that would allow internet service providers (ISPs) to discriminate among customers and charge extra...

134 unemployed persons to be employed, the budget for them is 11 million denars

Minister of Labor and Social Policy Dime Spasov today announced the measure subsidized employment of people at social risk, as well as assistance for...

MCET: More than half of the citizens believe that “bombs” are real

Citizens increasingly believe that audio recordings published by the opposition are authentic, according to the Macedonian Center for European Training, which has based its...

SDSM: “Freedom House” also noted the decline in all categories

In the latest report of the relevant international organization "Freedom House", Macedonia is again regarded as a country with a hybrid rule, reacts SDSM. In...

Foreign Ministers of the EU should adopt the conclusions for Macedonia today

Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the European Union is expected to adopt the draft conclusions for Macedonia today, which require, among other...

“Freedom House”: Macedonia remains in the group “transitional governments or hybrid regimes”

"Transitional governments or hybrid regimes" is the group in which Macedonia remains in the last report of "Freedom House" entitled "Countries in Transition". Macedonia was...

Council of the EU: A serious concern about the situation and the crisis in Macedonia

Reaffirming its conclusions in relation to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia from December 2014 to April 2015, the EU's commitment to the Thessaloniki...

Gruxit in October or January?

The elections will be early and in April 2016. It remains only to agree when and with what justification will the Prime Minister withdraw,...

EU Foreign Ministers to discuss Macedonia

At today's Council of Foreign Relations of the European Union, which will be held in Luxembourg, the situation in the Republic of Macedonia will...

Edmond Temelko, Mayor of Pustec for the third time

According to the first unofficial results of yesterday's vote in the local elections in Albania, Macedonians in the Municipality of Pustec won the mayoralty...

Macedonians satisfied with the turnout at the local elections in Albania – they expect at least one mayor

The only Macedonian party Macedonian Alliance for European Integration (MAEI), acts as part of a broad left coalition, but with only one candidate for...

VMRO-DPMNE: The party had no costs for construction of the facility

SDSM is trying to turn a repeated lie into truth. The truth is that VMRO-DPMNE has proper documentation for all assets that it owns...

Shilegov: The building of VMRO-DPMNE is a monument of Gruevski’s crimes

This building, fortress, as Gruevski called it yesterday, is a monument over monuments of the crimes and the criminal top of VMRO-DPMNE. While Macedonia...

Gruevski: The people will punish the games of the fifth column

"Although united as never before, the party faced blows from outside. In the last five or six months, the party tides over the strongest...

The new building of VMRO-DPMNE officially opened, birthday cake was cut

After the speech of leader of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski, the new building of the party was officially opened, and the birthday cake was also...

SDSM: Gruevski acknowledged responsibility for the situation

"The report of the expert group of the European Commission, prepared by Reinhard Priebe, literally indicates all abuses of the Government led by Nikola...

EU report: UBK was alpha and omega in the country

EU experts' report notes serious shortcomings in five areas: interception of communications, judiciary and prosecution, external oversight by independent bodies, elections and media, reports...

The crisis in Macedonia at the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU on Monday

The political situation in Macedonia will be one of the topics that will be discussed at the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union...

Negotiations to continue on 29th of June

At the meeting on the occasion of the presentation of the report of the EU, leaders of the four parties, Gruevski, Zaev, Ahmeti and...