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ECB extends financial aid to Greece under stringent conditions

Greece received green light from the European Central Bank for the extension of emergency assistance for liquidity, but at a higher price. ECB decided...

Greek leadership meeting ended with a joint declaration for support of Tsipras

Marathon meeting between the Greek Prime Minister and the leaders of the Greek political parties led to a joint declaration which gives support to...

Ivanov met with Croatian President Grabar-Kitarovik

Croatia fully supports Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic path, and because of the name dispute, the country cannot endlessly be maintained on the way, Croatian President Kolinda...

1,209 immigrants sought asylum over the weekend

Over the weekend, based on changes and amendments to the Law on Asylum, Ministry of Interior has issued certificates for 1,209 expressed intentions of...

Greeks in Bitola for gold and petrol

Greeks are buying gold coins in Macedonia in order not to lose their euro savings, claim people from Bitola Bazaar. - The crisis has forced...

Gruevski’s word for a new leadership meeting is awaited

It still unknown if today or when the leaders of VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, DUI and DPA will meet. From unofficial sources we learned that it is...

Zaev has until midday to report to the competent judge

Court in Strumica gave SDSM leader Zoran Zaev to report to a competent judge until noon, and if he does not, then a notification...

Tomorrow extraordinary EU summit dedicated to Greece

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande convened an extraordinary summit of the European Union for tomorrow, which is dedicated to Greece. The...

Tsipras in a race against time for a new agreement

Greek government begins a dynamic race to reach an agreement after the Greek referendum. After the resignation of Yiannis Varoufakis and his tactical replacement...

Foreign investors are not satisfied with the frequent changes of laws

Representatives of the International Monetary Fund met with President of the Foreign Investors Council Juan Pedro Jimenez Navarro, informs Economic Chamber of Macedonia. Navarro stressed...

Varoufakis resigns

The wave of dramatic changes after the Greek referendum continues. Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis resigned early this morning. Through text on his personal blog titled...

Menduh Thaci: Negotiations won’t be successful if leaders fail to reach an agreement on the name

If no agreement is reached on the name issue, the dialogue is conducted between the political leaders will have no meaning. This was stated...

Samaras resigns

The leader of the opposition New Democracy Antonis Samaras resigned after the strong “no” of the Greek people against European measures. Samaras asked PM...

Tsipras agreeing next steps, the Greeks celebrate at Syntagma

Supporters of the policy of SYRIZA loudly celebrate at Syntagma Square, while Greek government is in session and contacts European leaders. According to information,...

Greece: More than 61 percent of voters are against European measures

Greece clearly said “no” to new austerity measures that would cast the country into a new recession. The first official results from the Ministry...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zhernovski delivers wrong information

"Investor was chosen under a transparent procedure. Proceedings before the Municipality of Centar are underway to obtain the final license which has to be...

Gruevski: Debts of 13,100 citizens written off

Debts of 13,100 claimants worth 25 million euros were written off, said today PM Nikola Gruevski. - The process is carried out successfully. 25 million...

Municipality of Centar: The building of VMRO-DPMNE doesn’t have a usage permit

The Municipality of Centar carried out an inspection of the construction of ADG Beton, part of which is the headquarters of the political party...

Varoufakis: This is a holy moment for hope

Greek Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis assessed today's referendum as a holy moment for hope. He noted that, after five years of failures and inability...

Bogov: No need for outside assistance due to the Greek crisis

To prevent the possible impact of the crisis in Greece, the Macedonian banks do not need outside help, but access to the instruments of...