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Today new rounds of negotiations: Agreement on electoral issues to be reached by the end of the month

Today, meetings continued at the Club of Deputies between working groups of the various Macedonian political parties who have signed up to the Przhino...

Number of migrants passing through Macedonia has decreased

This morning a train left from Gevegelija's processing refugee camp to Tabanovce with approximately 600 migrants. For three days now, the number of migrants...

Poposki and Jolevski at Northern Atlantic Coucil

A Macedonian delegation, led by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defense, Nikola Poposki and Zoran Jolevski  attended an annual meeting...

Gruevski: I am not afraid of Katica Janeva

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is not afraid of the Special Prosecutor. He said during a visit to the Clinical Centre and added there is...

Katica Janeva ruled over Google for 24 hours

Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva, which was sworn in this morning and officially took office yesterday was a real enigma yesterday because search engine...

Janeva: Today you see me alone, but in a month you will see my whole team

Special prosecutor Katica Janeva today was sworn in before the Council of Public Prosecutors to consciously and honestly perform her work and duties. She...

Katica Janeva has been officially selected as Special Prosecutor

The Council of Public Prosecutors unanimously voted in Katica Janeva as the new Special Prosecutor. Three prosecutors praised the proposal and said that Ms...

“Ajde” say: We will not give our unconditional support to the Special Prosecutor

"Ajde", a platform for public politics from 18:00 pm outside Parliament began the event in support of the Special Public Prosecutor. Macedonian citizens are fully...

MP’s passed the bill for law for the Special Public Prosecutor

With 111 votes "for" out of the 114 MP's who attended, the Law on Public Prosecution and related offenses arising from the content of...

VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM are satisfied with the choice for Special Prosecutor

The two major political parties say they are both happy with the outcome and agreement reached yesterday regarding the choice of the Special Public...

European Commission has welcomed the agreement and are now waiting for the law to be passed by Parliament

The European Commission has welcomed the agreement reached on appointing the special public prosecutor, said Maja Kocijancic spokeswoman for Commissioner Johannes Hahn during today's...

Katica Janeva has been selected as the new Special Public Prosecutor

Katica Janeva, a prosecutor from Gevgelija has been selected as the new Special Public Prosecutor. Marathon negotiations lasted until this morning between the four...

Parties have come to an agreement on the new law and name of the Special Public Prosecutor

After marathon talks by the working teams of the negotiating groups, the parties reached an agreement this morning for a special law on the Special...

Hahn will have lunch with Gruevski, and dinner with NGO’s

The EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Johannes Hahn, arrives on Friday in Skopje to re-new accession talks at a high level with...

The Government have not discussed the building of a fence on the Greek border

Building a fence on the Greek border, or sending the army has not been discussed at Government sessions, senior government officials sources told 'Meta'. For...

The Przhino Agreement is key for accession talks with the EU

It is uncertain whether accession high level accession talks with the European Union will be on the agenda of the EU Commissioner for Enlargement...

Miloshoski: These talks are serious, and we are doing everything we can

These talks are serious, and we are doing everything we can, said MP Antonio Miloshoski from VMRO-DPMNE, before the working groups gathered for their...

Ahmeti: DUI is ready to compromise

Political parties should overcome their differences and agree on the legal framework and the name of the prosecutor appealed today the leader of DUI...

Skopje’s ring road to be closed until the 28th of September

As of today the Skopje`s ring road will be closed again to traffic due to the filming of the French film, 'The Fund'. Due to...

6.000 refugees pass through Macedonia daily

Over the past day and night, more than 4,000 refugees with seven special trains were transferred from the reception camp in Gevgelija to the...