Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva, which was sworn in this morning and officially took office yesterday was a real enigma yesterday because search engine “Google” could only find scanty information about her biography and a photograph could not be found.
But despite the lack of information, the Macedonian public yesterday restlessly searched her name hoping to learn more about the obscure new prosecutor.
Under “Google Trends”, which is based on Google searches and shows how often a term is entered into the browser, the name of the Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva had mostly been searched yesterday morning at 9:30 am.
The horizontal axis of the graph display shows the time and the vertical axis shows how often that term was searched in relation to the total number of searches globally.
On the 15th of September at 6:30 am , the name of the prosecutor was not searched on “Google”, then people began “Googling” her name by the masses. Top searches occurred at 9:30 am, after the lack of information, interest in the prosecutor reduced and by 20:30 there were almost no more name searches in Google. During the night and today, people again began to enter her name into their search engines, but with a greatly reduced intensity.
According to cities, Ms Janeva was mostly searched by people from Skopje, followed by Bitola and Ohrid.
The social network site “Twitter” showed many reactions yesterday because the Special Public Prosecutor’s name is not a prominent one. Katica Janeva to date was mentioned 441, yesterday morning she was mentioned 240 times, whereas after that interest began declining. The hashtag #SPP is an abbreviation for ‘Special Public Prosecutor’ was used 299 times, and only yesterday was used 209 times.