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US Embassy: SPO must be able to conduct a full inquiry

The Special Public Prosecutor must it be able to conduct a full and independent inquiry, without interference, and the state institutions and political parties need...

SPO are checking whether UBK carried on illegally wiretapping after “bombs”

Yesterday and today, the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office have been trying to verify and determine whether the wiretapping systems, which are active in the...

Kanceska-Milevska: SPO’s allegations are “hearsay”, everything is crystal clear

At a press conference, held immediately after the press conference of the Special Public Prosecutor's Office, the Minister of Culture, Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska, from the...

Ristoska: It is worrying when a state institution does not comply with a court order

At a press conference today, prosecutor Lence Ristoska informed the public that investigators and prosecutors from the SPO still can not come to an...

SPO opens investigations into Sun City and tenders from the Ministry of Culture

Today, the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office opened two more investigation, code-named “Toplik” (meaning, sunny place) and “Tenders”. The “Toplik” investigation refers to the construction of...

Andonov: Janeva has raised the question of national security

Katica Janeva has taken precedence which could jeopardize national security, alleged additional Deputy Interior Minister, Oliver Andonov, the Director of the Public Security Bureau,...

Janeva: We have wasted 12 hours, UBK won’t give us access to the data

For 12 hours now, we have been inside the Administration of Security and Counterintelligence and we have made no progress, we do not have...

Janeva: We have entered UBK with a court order to find out who conducted the wiretapping

Today, the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva with her whole team entered the Administration for Security and Counterintelligence (UBK) and from there, she announced that she...

SDSM Bitola sends over 100 proposals for MPs for fifth constituency

Social Democrats from Bitola sent a long list to the SDSM headquarters in Skopje of 104 potential candidates for MPs in the upcoming parliamentary...

If elections go well, with luck, by New Year a new Parliament, and by St. Tryphon, a new Government

If all goes well at the elections on December the 11th and they meet the expectations of the public, political parties and the guarantors...

Saveski: Levica will run as an independent party after being ignored by all parties in the opposition

At the Levica party’s Central Committee, they decided to run independently for the early parliamentary elections on December the 11th after their initiative to be part...

SPO to open two new investigations on Thursday

The Special Public Prosecutor’s Office scheduled a press conference on Thursday at 11:0am where they will announce two more investigations. The Prosecution announced this through...

Trajko Veljanoski has officially announced elections

Parliament Speaker, Trajko Veljanoski has signed the decision to call early parliamentary elections, which will be held on December 11, reports his Cabinet. "With this...

The Agency for the Media and the ad hoc body are to recieve funding on Friday

Kiril Minovski, Minister of Finance via telephone informed the Director of the Agency for  Audio and  Audiovisual Media Services, Zoran Trajchevski that the Government...

Barbara and John Cochran in Macedonia to dicsuss the influence of social media in US elections

The Foundation for Internet and Society "Metamorphosis" in cooperation with the US Embassy in Skopje tomorrow, starting at 14.30 pm at the GEM club,...

New President of Constitutional Court will be elected today – Gosheva’s favorite Judge Ivanovski

Today, Constitutional judges will elect a new president of the Constitutional Court at 11:00am at the Faculty, "Meta" has learned from sources within the...

Tomorrow Parliament is to dissolve, there will be a vote on the budget, and possibly the laws on the...

At tomorrow’s session, the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia should dissolve if early parliamentary elections are to be held on December 11.  The...

“Congratulations on the elections, we are winning”, Gruevski tells sympathizers

“Congratulations on the elections, we are winning". With these words, the leader of the VMRO-DPMNE, started his 70-minute speech at the party gathering in "Boris...

Misajlovski promises an additional 6 million euros for the repairs to areas affected by floods

Another six million euros have been allocated for the repairs to the damage in the areas affected by the floods which occurred on August...

Survey by the Institute “Dimitrija Čupovski”: VMRO-DPMNE with an 11% advantage over SDSM

27.6% of the population would vote for the VMRO-DPMNE, while 16.1% would vote for the SDSM, 6.3% for the DUI party and 2.9% of...