DUI’s Vice-President and Deputy Prime Minister for implementing the Ohrid Framework Agreement Musa Xhaferi before the PMs Clubhouse said they were continuing the debate on the Ohrid Agreement.
As Xhaferi had told the meeting which had been attended by representatives of political parties, University Professors and representatives from various NGOs who work in that field.
“There are different opinions concerning the use of language and it should be regulated in the Constitution or by a separate law. We need to create an atmosphere and show our political determination to implement these activities”, said Xhaferi.
When asked by a journalist whether as Deputy Prime Minister he feels responsible for implementing the Framework Agreement and after several written requests written on the progress report of the country, there still hasn’t been an assessment of the Framework Agreement, Xhaferi said that the responsibility for the failure of analysis of the Framework Agreement is collectively the whole government. According to Xhaferi, the analysis is now being conducted and it will be for the good of all citizens.