The statement by the President of the Government, Zoran Zaev announcing a tender for March the 29th for the purchase and installation of new electrostatic filters in REK Bitola, assessed as “inconsistent”.
“The investment is estimated at 20.4 million euros, funds that the company will provide from its own resources, which also pleases us as a government. One of the most important state-owned companies is investing more than 20 million euros from its own funds, money it has earned. This means that in the past there were times when the state power plants struggled with electricity, they imported expensive electricity, and the money went to unnecessary investments. Now ESM is focused on producing electricity that meets the needs of consumers in the country, and as we recently heard, it also sells the surplus, which makes profit for both them and the state budget,” Zaev said.
Zaev’s statement could be completely correct, but for “Vistinomer”, however, the concrete statement it evaluates is from the aspect of its consistency due to a possible conflict with the Electoral Code.
The problem of consistency more precisely stems from Article 8-a, paragraph 1 of the Electoral Code.
You can read all the analysis at “”.