Tags Evaluation
Tag: evaluation
Out of 58 countries, North Macedonia 45th in mathematical literacy and 51st in natural sciences
Out of 58 countries, the Republic of North Macedonia ranked 45th in mathematical literacy, and 51st in natural sciences. This is what the results of the international TIMSS testing that was carried out in 2019 show, informs the Ministry of Education and Science (MES).
"Regarding mathematical literacy, countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Japan rank the highest. Compared to...
“Vistinomer”: During election campaigns, they cannot boast of infrastructure success
The statement by the President of the Government, Zoran Zaev announcing a tender for March the 29th for the purchase and installation of new electrostatic filters in REK Bitola, Vistinomer.mk assessed as "inconsistent".
"The investment is estimated at 20.4 million euros, funds that the company will provide from its own resources, which also pleases us as a government. One of...
“Freedom House”: Macedonia is a Partly Free Country
In a report done by "Freedom House", which looks into freedom across the globe, in 2015, with a rating of 3.5 Macedonia is ranked among countries who are 'partly free'. Political rights are evaluated with a 4, and civil liberties and evaluated with a 3.
The American Organization in the newly published stated that "the downward trend in Macedonia is due...