Mon, 10 February, 2025
Tags Public administration

Tag: public administration

Profesor Davitkovski: We are all aware that the advertisements for public administration jobs are for the “party soldiers”

The long practice of employing people in the public administration by party lists continues in North Macedonia. This is done without any criteria and appropriate selection and everybody knows that the job advertisements are rigged for the party soldiers, says university professor Borche Davitkovski in the interview with about the public administration reforms that had been promised so...

Investigative article: Aspects to pay close attention to: Security and privacy of electronic services in RNM (IV)

Cyber-security is one of the biggest challenges facing the modern digital world. Advances in technology and its inclusion in every segment of the functioning of society and state systems have also brought the risk of cyber attacks, certain structures or groups obtaining the data or information, which are super strong artillery to gain/cause great harm or great benefits, both...

Investigative article: We do not need proof of citizenship, we have an ID card, electronic services can remove many documents from use (III)

The electronic services in RNM would remove some documents from use, which should not exist, to be withdrawn from use, because they only increase the costs of the citizens and are a waste of time when applying and waiting to receive it. "The idea for digitalization of the registers in the institutions is to remove from use some documents, for...

Investigative article: RNM’s Portal for e-Services is semi-functional, citizens possess the equipment, but do not receive information (II)

"More commitment by all state institutions is needed to exploit the full potential of the e-portal. The COVID-19 crisis has proved the importance of digitalising the public administration and strengthening the provision of online services to citizens and businesses through the e-portal "- was the message in the European Commission report published on 6 October 2020, regarding the use...

From 1st of October, the public administration in North Macedonia will work from 8:00 to 16:00

After three years of applying the flextime, from the 1st of October the public administration in North Macedonia will start working again with a fixed work schedule from 8:00 to 16:00. The Government in its press release yesterday announced that this decision will enter into force in two days and will be temporary, but didn't provide any explanation for this...

EC’s report acknowledges the input by the ACTION SEE Project and the Metamorphosis Foundation to the Government’s Transparency Strategy

The European Commission (EC) in the short report released on Monday recommends that the European Union (EU) start accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Among the highlights, EC points out that North Macedonia has taken decisive steps to strengthen the independence of the judiciary,  improved its performance in the fight against corruption and organized crime and also advanced...

Starting from October, citizens will be able to get documents in electronic form – an electronic portal will become operational

Фото: Борче Поповски/
Starting from October, a new national portal for electronic services will start working that will allow the citizens, apart from the regular procedure, to receive their documents in an electronic way i.e. only by several clicks, which will help to remove bureaucracy procedures, walking from one stand to another and waiting long ques informs The Ministry of Information Society...

North Macedonia near the bottom of the lists in Europe by internet access to public administration

Last year, every fifth citizen of North Macedonia accessed public administration through internet.  While one out of twenty filled online official forms, show data from EUROSTAT the statistical office of the European Union (EU). In comparison, on average, in the European union every second citizen has access to information or services from state organs and public enterprises through the internet,...

Survey: Citizens still very dissatisfied with public administration

As much as 44.4% of respondents in a new survey conducted by the Open Society Foundation Macedonia (FOSM) and EuroThink Center for European Strategies have assessed the Public Administration in the country as poor. This was announced at today's presentation of a survey on the attitude of citizens regarding the work of administrators. From a survey conducted over the telephone...

The administration in the municipalities has doubled since 2011 (infographic)

Фото: Борче Поповски/
The municipalities have doubled the number of their employees compared to 2011, shows the comparison of two documents from the Ministry of Local Self-Governance and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA). The dynamics of the employments by the municipalities has doubled after 2013, when the number of employees started rising by 22% per annum. According to the Ministry...

Manchevski: From the employees under the Framework Agreement, 958 will begin work

A plan for the allocation of jobs in the public sector institutions to 958 people, from a total of 1,600, who are employed in accordance with the Framework Agreement has been created, said Minister of Information Society and Administration Damjan Mancevski and Deputy Prime Minister for implementation of the Framework Agreement, Hazbi Lika. Employees are given a chance to refuse...

Mancevski: Employees under the Framework Agreement may be redeployed in schools

Employees receiving salaries under the Ohrid Framework Agreement, and do not attend the workplace, will be deployed in jobs other than public administration, but will also receive offers of work throughout the public sector, for example, in schools, kindergartens, health facilities and public enterprises, stated Minister of Information Society and Administration, Damjan Mancevski. He went on to explain that the...

Osmani: The goal of the “3-6-9” plan is not to continue with “12”, but with the start of negotiations with the EU

The goal of the "3-6-9" plan is not to implement a new section “12” after, but with a decision to start negotiations, said Deputy Prime Minister Bujar Osmani at a joint meeting with the ministers Oliver Spasovski, Biljan Salji and Damjan Manchevski with EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn. Osmani's cabinet announced that the Deputy Prime Minister introduced Hahn with the sections...