Fri, 24 January, 2025
Tags пресуда

Tag: пресуда

The Court in Strasbourg decided against North Macedonia for violation of freedom of expression

In September 2020, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) reached a verdict, with which it ordered the Republic of North Macedonia to pay compensation in the amount of 3.000 EUR to Nikola Gelevski for the violation of his freedom of expression, announced the portal The Court in Strasbourg's verdict is related to the case where the former editor-in-chief...

Fugitive Gruevski sentenced to additional 1.5 years in prison – he will have to serve 3.5 years sentence in North Macedonia

Four years after the indictment, the former Macedonian prime minister and fugitive from justice, Nikola Gruevski was sentenced to one and a half years in prison in the "Violence at Centar Town Hall" case. With the first judgement, when he was sentenced to two years in prison, VMRO-DPMNE's former president Gruevski will have to serve a total sentence of...

The Association of Journalists of Macedonia demands all charges against Kezarovski to be dropped

Since the Supreme Court returned the case against journalist Tomislav Kezarovski for a return trial, today, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) at a press conference demanded that the Basic Public Prosecution should withdraw and the Criminal Court should reject the charges against the journalist. AJN's President, Mladen Chadikovski, announced that this morning they were discussing the Supreme...

7 defendants received sentences totaling over 80 years prison for the attempted murder of Zijadin Sela

The seven defendants were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 10 years and 6 months to 13 years and 6 months, in total 81 years and 6 months, for crimes such as attempted murder of MP Zijadin Sela which took place on 27th of April, last year, inciting bloody violence in Parliament, the Skopje Basic Court has announced the...

Gruevski sentenced to two years imprisonment for the luxury “Mercedes”

The Criminal Court sentenced the former prime minister and former leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, in the court case “Tank”, to two years in imprisonment, for the procurement of the luxury bulletproof "Mercedes" which costs 35 million and 266 thousand denars, i.e. 575.000 euros. Gruevski, who did not appear in the courtroom to hear the verdict, was charged for "receiving...

After five years in prison, today Ljube Boshkoski was released

This afternoon, Ljube Boshkoski was released from prison after being incarcerated for five years, “Fokus” has learned. He was arrested on June 5, 2011, outside the restaurant “Vodenica”, for allegedly illegally financing his election campaign. He was sentenced to five years in prison. In the last five years, Boshkoski was only once allowed to leave prison for his mother's funeral. His case...

“I am Kezharovski”: Journalists solidarized with their colleague

With signs reading “I am Kezharovski”, written in French, as an analogy to manifest solidarity after the massacre in “Charlie Hebdo”, Macedonian journalists and news organizations expressed their discontent with the ruling of the court, with which the journalist Tomislav Kezharovski is sentenced to two years in prison in the case “Liquidation”, in front of the Court of Appeal...

Reactions: The decision for the sentence of Kezharovski is scandalous and political

“Not judicial, but a scandalous and political decision” is the view of the organizations of journalists and journalists themselves after the verdict of the Court of Appeal with which journalist Tomislav Kezharovski was sentenced to two years in prison for the case “Liquidation”, in which he was accused of revealing the identity of a protected witness. Gathering of reporters in...

Court of Appeal gave journalist Kezharovski two years prison

Journalist Tomislav Kezharovski was sentenced to two years prison by the Court of Appeal, which decision was today submitted by Basic Court Skopje 1, announced the court. The verdict of the Court of Appeal follows after the Kezharovski’s complaint to the first-instance verdict with which he was sentenced to four and a half years prison for the case “Liquidation” and...

What will be built at the crime scene at Smiljkovo Lake?

After the long delay of the verdict on the case Monster, the court has now delayed the translation of the text of the verdict, delayed action, thus stopping the procedure for appeal of the defense for the first instance verdict to the Court of Appeal, stated lawyer Naser Raufi for Portalb. According to him, the appeal procedure will be delayed...

Семејното насилство се храни од бавноста и нереагирањето на институциите

Четири убиства, од кои едно двократно и едно трикратно, на кои им претходело семејно насилство, се случиле од мај до ноември годинава, што е алармантната бројка која укажува на нефункционалноста на системот за заштита, реагираат од Националната мрежа против насилство врз жени и семејно насилство и Невладината организација „Хера“. Карактеристично за сите овие случаи е што убиствата се извршени од...