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Tag: greece

Tsipras: We can not forbid them to identify themselves as Macedonians

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said yesterday in an interview with Greek state television ERT that with the new agreement, Greece can not ban the right of the people of the Republic of Macedonia to self-determination, MIA reports from Athens. “There is a solution for citizenship in the agreement, because we can not ban our neighbors' right to self-determination as...

Ivanov refuses to sign deal “I will not be shaken by threats and blackmail”

The agreement between Macedonia and Greece does not unite the society, but additionally polarizes it. I will strive for a solution that will not violate the dignity of the Macedonian people and the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, President Gjorge Ivanov said when he addressed the public and went on to announced that he did not intend to...

Monuments will have inserts with explanations, anthem remains the same, says Government

State institutions, meaning all those financed by the state, will have to adapt and follow the spirit of the agreement with Greece, said government spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski while answering questions of possible changes to the names of institutions ARM, MANU, MRT, MNT. He revealed that the meeting between the two prime ministers Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras will take place...

Dimitrov: The deal is not ideal, but it must fulfill the most important interests of both parties

Is the deal ideal? Of course not. But let's not forget that every successful agreement must fulfill the most important interests of both parties. This was written by Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov on his Facebook profile. He took to the social media page after the agreement reached with Greece. "Have we done everything we can in the circumstances? Did we get...

Nimetz: It was an honour to be mediator, Dimitrov and Kotzias demonstrated leadership and vision

United Nations mediator Matthew Nimetz welcomed the announcement by Prime Ministers Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras on finding a mutually acceptable solution to the decades-long name dispute. Mr Nimitz said it had been an honour mediating between the two countries and commended the two foreign ministers who demonstrated leadership, vision and determination in the negotiating process and never faltered in...

Mogherini, Hahn and Tusk congratulate Zaev and Tsipras for showing leadership and determination

In a joint statement, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini and EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn congratulated the Prime Ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras for their determination and leadership in reaching a historic agreement on the name...

Stoltenberg: Historic solution to name dispute will set Macedonia on its path to NATO

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the agreement over the name dispute reached by Prime Ministers Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras and called on both countries to finalize the agreement. "I warmly welcome the agreement reached between Prime Ministers Tsipras and Zaev on a solution to the name dispute between Athens and Skopje. This historic agreement is testament to many...

State Department: Historical agreement will benefit both countries

The State Department congratulated the prime ministers of Greece and Macedonia today, regarding the resolution of the name dispute, saying they demonstrated vision and courage. "The United States congratulates Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev and welcomes the historic agreement to resolve the name dispute. This resolution will benefit both countries and bolster regional security and prosperity. Prime Ministers Zaev...

Republic of North Macedonia with Macedonian language and identity, says Greek media

The Greek media has already published items from the alleged agreement regarding the name, reached by Macedonian and Greek prime ministers, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras. According to the media, the name “Republic of North Macedonia” (for overall use) was agreed upon. The use of adjectives, such as Macedonian before words like “citizenship” and “language” will be preserved and are guaranteed. A...

Kotzias: Zaev chose a name, Greece will give the green light to the EU and NATO

Yesterday, Greece's Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said in an interview for the TV programe “Contra” that Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev chose which name he preferred from the three proposals by mediator Matthew Nimetz - North, Upper and New Macedonia, but Kotzias did not say specifically which name it was. Today, Kotzias is expecting a telephone conversation between the prime...

Zaev hopes for a solution regarding the name dispute before EU Summit

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev expressed hope that a solution to the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece is getting closer and that this could happen before the EU summit scheduled for June 28 and 29. Today in Aracinovo, while marking the occasion of the start of a project for a new municipal building, Zaev stated that a swift resolution to the dispute...

Žbogar: A solution will be good for the entire region and Europe, not just Macedonia and Greece

A solution to the longstanding dispute between Macedonia and Greece will be good for both countries, but also for the region and for the whole of Europe, said ambassador to the EU Delegation Samuel Žbogar during a visit to the National Park "Pelister", in Bitola. According to ambassador Žbogar, patience and faith are needed for this to happen. “We are all eagerly...

US encourages Macedonia and Greece to find a mutually acceptable solution

The State Department reiterated its constant support for the talks between Macedonia and Greece, while encouraging the leaders of the two countries to reach a mutually acceptable solution, the State Department told Greek news agency “ANA-MPA”. "The United States continue to support the ongoing talks under the auspices of the United Nations to resolve the issue of FYROM and Greece....

Osmani: These are the last and most crucial meters in this 25-year long marathon

The next few hours will be crucial in deciding the outcome of the negotiations between Macedonia and Greece. I think it's too early to tell what kind of outcome there will be, however, I do believe that these are the last meters in this 25-year long marathon, and in most cases, it’s the last meters that are most critical, said...

Bailey: Resolving the name dispute will contribute to the stability of the entire region

For a long time the United States has supported the Republic of Greece and the Republic of Macedonia regarding resolving the name dispute, Ambassador Jess Bailey said. Answering to a journalist's question at a break at the first Macedonian Energy Forum 2018, which has being held today in Struga, organized by AD ELEM, the US Ambassador said that resolving this...

Mitchell: The United States practice of silent diplomacy regarding the name dispute

Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, Wess Mitchell, said the United States continues to play a silent role in the process of resolving the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece. “We have recently taken a common view, not only for Serbia and Kosovo, but we also work on B andH regarding the name issue between Macedonia and Greece....

On 8th of July a protest for “Macedonia”, in Athens

After today's protests across northern Greece, a protest in defense of the name "Macedonia" will be held in Athens, in the central Syntagma Square, on 8th of July, just a few days before the NATO Summit. Proto Thema writes that the protest in Athens, is being organized by the Association for the Protection of the Rights of Vlachs speaking Greek...

Protests planned across 13 cities in northern Greece, MFA advises caution to Macedonian citizens

Tonight, at 19.30h there will be coordinated protests across 13 cities in Northern Greece, where protestors will send a message that Macedonia is one country and it is Greek. Organizers are calling for protestors to bring the Greek flag, irrelevant of any political party affiliation. In many cities, demonstrations are supported by the local government, mayors, and also by the...

MFA warns against travelling to Greek cities where protests are being held tomorrow

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a warning to all citizens planning to travel to Greece tomorrow. The Greek organization “The Committee for the fight for the Greek character of Macedonia” has announced protests tomorrow in fourteen major cities in Northern Greece, all protesting against the use of the word “Macedonia”. Protests begin at 19 o’clock. The Ministry of...

US State Department supports the leaders of Macedonia and Greece in finding a solution

The United States continues to support the ongoing negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations concerning the name issue of Macedonia, the State Department told the Voice of America in the Macedonian language, emphasizing its support for a solution to the longstanding dispute. "We hope that the leaders of Macedonia and Greece will find a mutually acceptable solution to...