Tags Русија

Tag: Русија

The propaganda that Russia is fighting “Nazis in Ukraine” reemerges

The pro-Russian post aims to justify the military invasion of Russia in Ukraine. Presenting Ukraine as the land of the Nazis is a false propaganda platitude that Russian President Vladimir Putin used to justify the military invasion he started on the 24th of February 2022, completely unprovoked. The term “special military operation” is also a propagandistic phrase created by...

No evidence supporting the claim that Zelenskyy bought a mansion from British King Charles III for 20 million dollars

EUvsDisinfo states that “no credible medium reported this unfounded claim, which was solely circulated by pro-Kremlin and social media accounts”. The only source for this disinformation narrative is, allegedly, a British media outlet, created a few days before the story was published, called London Crier, which was evaluated by members of the BBC Verify team — the verification team...

(INTERVIEW) Nikolovski: Russian Church Players in MOC-OA Imposed Fake Public Topics

Three months have passed since the public found out that Marjan Nikolovski, editor, journalist, and owner of the portal “Religija.mk” was summoned by the Ecclesiastical Court of Macedonian Orthodox Church – Archdiocese of Ohrid (MOC-OA) for his alleged dissemination of hatred among believers and the leadership – the Synod of MOC. The same amount of time has passed since he publicly...

Russia’s Destructive Disinformation Igniting American Political Scene

Key witness in the impeachment investigation of President Joe Biden, regarding the alleged receipt of bribes from an Ukrainian company through his son Hunter Biden, initiated by a Republican politician from the US House of Representatives, apparently did not tell the truth when sharing confidential information with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Not only that, but according to...

Russian propaganda spreads panic over alleged coup in Ukraine again

Disinformation is circulating in the region regarding Ukrainian special forces being dissatisfied with the Ukrainian Army’s new leadership and their subsequent preparation for a coup. As has previously been the case, the disinformation comes from the Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti. This time, the news agency is using an alleged voice message from a member of a secret...

Protest in front of Russian embassy in Berlin at Navalny’s death

Some 250 demonstrators gathered near the Russian embassy in Berlin on Sunday to protest at the death of jailed dissident Alexei Navalny, police in the German capital reported. The organizers had registered a protest by 450 people, German agency DPA reported. Shortly before the protest called for the early afternoon, the Pussy Riot protest group announced its own demonstration. A police...

Unwanted imports: Anti-EU Kremlin disinformation rides high in N. Macedonia

Most of the anti-EU Kremlin disinformation in N. Macedonia originate abroad, both in Russia and in the West, and then arrive in the country through the social platforms and some through the internet media. Some of them are then adjusted to the local context, and the small number of disinformation pushing Kremlin narratives are native. Because of this, there...

“Russian inclination” is constructed from a 15-year old photograph used in news reports on the Name Dispute

Photo: Screenshot of the FB post The photograph in the post we are fact-checking was used by Russian media in 2007 in the context of reporting on the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece at the time. Parts of the map posted belong to Greece and are marked as Western Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia, and Central Macedonia and they present, in...

The claim that Russia is at war with the “Anti-religious” Western civilization is a myth

Photo: part of the post with disinformation One cannot claim – as the post does – that the anti-religious civilization, or the West, is fighting against Russia. Russia wants to impose itself as the main global defender of the traditional and religious, which could be seen from Putin’s speech, two days before the anniversary of Russian aggression. Once again, he...

The man in the video is not Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but the dancer Pablo Acosta from Argentina

Photo: Screenshot of the video Several foreign fact-checkers published that the video is not of Zelenskyy, but of Pablo Acosta. He is a dancer, teacher of dance, and choreographer from Argentina and he published the video himself on 1st June. On the platform, there are several other of his dance videos. Zelenskyy and Acosta look alike, so when the video...

No Unification between Russia and Belarus

Photo: Kremlin.ru The post carries a false statement by Peskov disinforming that some kind of unification will happen between Russia and Belarus. Our check showed that neither Peskov made a statement claiming that Putin’s address from 26th June will determine the fate of Russia, nor did Putin announce any kind of unification with Belarus in his address. In his speech...

Bakhmut is a Ukrainian city; Russia attacked it, didn’t liberate it

Photo: Screenshot from the video Bakhmut is an Ukrainain city and it cannot be liberated from the Russians as claimed by the post. Russia attacked Bakhmut and destroyed it completely. The fact that Russia claims that this city is Russian is far from reality. According to Kyiv, parts of Bakhmut are still under the control of Ukraine, writes Truthmeter.mk. Under the...

Alternative medicine magazines as another tool for glorifying Russia through propaganda

In North Macedonia, several Russian alternative medicine magazines are sold: “Russian herbalist”, “Russian doctor” and “Russian medicine”. They send messages such as: “Russian advice is worth your health”, “Russians have medicine” and “You ask, Russian doctors answer”. In these magazines, folk medicine is “Russian folk medicine”, and various folk recipes are also “Russian recipes”. But despite the attempt to...

Truthmeter.mk: Narratives which Russia uses to influence news media in Western Balkans

A research titled "Russia’s narratives toward the Western Balkans", published by the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (NATO StratCom COE) identified several Russian narratives in the news media in the Western Balkans. The research is based on the media reporting in 2018, which cited the Serbian edition of the Russian state news agency "Sputnik". The Sputnik website, which...

Truthmeter.mk: A protest justifying aggression against a sovereign country

A small group of citizens protested in front of the Ukrainian embassy last week with a classic exchange of theses – to declare the victim of aggression by the “big brother” a justified goal and to wrap it all in some imaginary ideological sugarcoating, writes Truthmeter.mk We republish the analysis below:   Is there any justification for the annexation of a part...

Global Voices: Russia blocks access to Tor browser website

Russian authorities blocked access to the Tor browser website, torproject.org, on Wednesday, 8 December, according to reports from Tor developers and users. The official block follows earlier reports of Russian internet service providers blocking access to the service, with some Russian users unable to access the Tor Project website since 1 December, writes "Global Voices". Meta.mk republishes the original article, under the...

Plevneliev: Russia isn’t behaving like an aggressor only in Bulgaria but in the region as well

The current model for implementing sanctions against Russia isn't the most appropriate one. The sanctions don't act as they should, but not because they aren't effective but because we are shortsighted about the ways and the measures for their implementation. USA has decided to impose sanctions on Russia about everything, including Syria and Ukraine, and their interference in the...

Facebook joins the fight against disinformation by removing three Russian troll networks that spread media manipulations in Africa

Nathaniel Gleicher, Head of Cyber-security Policy of Facebook announced that on October 30 this social media company has removed three networks composed of accounts, Pages and Groups for engaging in foreign interference — which is coordinated inauthentic behavior on behalf of a foreign actor — on Facebook and Instagram. They originated in Russia and targeted Madagascar, Central African Republic, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte...

Bachev and Mihov’s hostess, the Russian MP Inga Jumasheva, questioned by the FBI at the Kennedy airport

The Russian MP, Inga Jumasheva aka a radio and TV host, was questioned upon her arrival at the Kennedy airport in New York. Due to her delay and questioning, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a protest against the US on Sunday, and a note of protest was sent at the US Department of State by the Russian...

Soft power: How alternative medicine publications promote brand Russia in the Balkans

One method for spreading Russian influence in the Balkans is through alternative medicine magazines. While the newspaper industry in all Balkan countries is in steep decline, numbers of magazines with titles like “Russian Doctor,” “Russian Herbalist,” “Russian Encyclopedia of Health” had been increasing since 2015. At least half dozens of them originate in Serbia and spread through the newsstands of...