Tags Германија

Tag: Германија

Call for Germany to speed up recognition of foreign doctors

Doctors from abroad who want to work in Germany should have their qualifications recognized more quickly, the German Medical Association has said, publishes dpa news agency. "There is undoubtedly a likelihood of long waiting times or delays due to the complex recognition procedure," said Ellen Lundershausen, the association's vice president. According to the association, the number of doctors in Germany without...

Authority: German political parties at greater risk of cyberattacks

German political parties and political actors are currently exposed to a particularly high number of cyberattacks, according to the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). "Particularly in light of the upcoming European elections, it can be assumed that there is currently an increased number of attacks," a spokeswoman for the authority told dpa. The BSI and the domestic intelligence service have...

Limited legalization of cannabis takes effect in Germany

The partial legalization of cannabis for personal use, which was championed by the centre-left government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, took effect in Germany on Monday, publishes DPA news agency. The Bundesrat, or upper house of parliament, let the long-debated bill pass last month after it was approved by the lower house, the Bundestag. Shortly after midnight, several hundred people gathered in...

Last Generation climate activists spray paint on German chancellery

Members of the Last Generation climate activism group daubed orange paint onto the façade of the German chancellery on Saturday morning, publishes DPA News Agency. A photo published by the group shows the phrase "Help! Your children" written in large letters, and numerous handprints. Several activists can be seen sitting or lying down on the ground in front of the...

Germans gather to mark two years since Russia invaded Ukraine

Several thousand people gathered at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin early on Saturday afternoon to commemorate the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine exactly two years ago, publishes German news agency dpa. Many participants in the rally carried Ukrainian flags. Others displayed their views on the war on banners and posters with slogans like "Russia always lies" or "The...

Four pupils injured in attack at western German school

Four pupils at a school in the western German city of Wuppertal were injured, at least two of them seriously, in an attack on Thursday, according to police and officials. The suspected attacker, who is in custody, is believed to be a 17-year-old male pupil at the school, said Herbert Reul, the interior minister of the state of North Rhine...

Germany plans ‘early detection unit’ to fight right-wing extremism

Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser plans to set up an "early detection unit" for foreign manipulation and influence campaigns as part of government efforts to fight right-wing extremism, publishes DPA news agency. The plan is part of a package of 13 measures which Faeser presented in Berlin on Tuesday together with the head of the domestic intelligence services, Thomas Haldenwang,...

Huge rally in Bremen as Germans protest against far-right continue

The north-western German city of Bremen saw thousands of people fill its streets on Sunday to demonstrate against right-wing extremism, as weeks of nationwide protests continued at the weekend. The police estimated the number of participants at around 16,500, while the organizers put it higher at 25,000. The rally was organized by a new alliance in Bremen of left-wing and...

German defence minister warns Ukraine war could expand

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius warned that the war between Russia and Ukraine could expand beyond the neighbouring countries, publishes dpa news agency. "We hear threats from the Kremlin almost every day - most recently again against our friends in the Baltic states," Pistorius told the Tagesspiegel newspaper in an article published on Friday. With regard to the Bundeswehr, the minister...

Survey: Most German students have used ChatGPT for homework

Around a year after the hype surrounding ChatGPT began, tools like this have arrived in the everyday educational lives of many young people in Germany, according to a new survey, writes the news agency DPA. The survey found that 68% of school pupils, trainees and university students have already used ChatGPT or similar artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools for homework or...

Renewed threats of attack at German schools, radio station

There have been renewed threats at several German schools and radio stations, following a series of bomb threats that targeted at least seven schools and public broadcaster ZDF on Monday, publishes the news agency dpa. A secondary school in the southern state of Bavaria was evacuated after it received a second bomb threat on Tuesday morning. Police spoke of a threat...

Top German medic says AI must be used cautiously

German Medical Association president Dr Klaus Reinhardt sees a growing use of artificial intelligence in medicine, but has also called for ethical guidelines for it. "Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize patient treatment," Reinhardt told dpa. This also applies to increasing efficiency in the healthcare system and advancing medical research, he said. But he warned that ethical aspects must not...

Study finds views of German voters shifting to the right

According to a new study, far-right extremist attitudes have increased sharply in Germany since 2021, with the researchers determining that one in 12 adults now hold an extreme right-wing worldview, writes German news agency DPA. The study, conducted by researchers at Germany's Bielefeld University, was commissioned and published by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which is closely tied to the centre-left...

Macedonian Foreign Affairs Minister Dimitrov asks for help from the EU during the video conference meeting with the German State Minister Roth

The initially planned working visit to Macedonia by Michael Roth, the State Minister for Europe of the Federal Republic of Germany, instead occurred in the form of a video link conference that apart form the Euro-integrations they also discussed the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The head of the Macedonian diplomacy called the EU to provide assistance in dealing...

Macedonian Foreign Affairs Minister Nikola Dimitrov meets with the German Minister of State Michael Roth: We shall continue with the joint efforts to move forward

We share the disappointment due to the impossibility for North Macedonia to take the deserved step ahead. We will continue our shared efforts to achieve this goal in the decisive period ahead of us. In parallel, focus must be paid to EU by conducting reforms at home, stated Michael Roth the Minister of State during today's meeting in Berlin...

Michael Roth: We shall not make the EU better if we keep breaking our promises

The Western Balkans remains a test for the durability of the European model for permanent peace. We shall not make Europe Better if we break our promise, said the German State Minister for Europe, Michael Roth in his column that was published today in the German newspaper Die Welt" "Yes, we have to reform the European Union! But,...

Germany will keep supporting Macedonia’s European perspective

For Germany, the start of the accession negotiations for Macedonia with the European Union is and will remain to be of essential issue of the security and stability in Europe. "With its decision on the 26th of September, the German Bundestag fulfilled its responsibility. Our position never changed and it has to serve further as an impulse for thinking...

it is still not known whether the EU will separate the integrations for Macedonia and Albania

In a text published on Sunday (06.10.2019) the Serbian website "Vesti Online" through the text titled as "EU is splitting Macedonia and Albania" has passed on false information for the public. By writing this sort of title one gets the impression that Macedonia's accession process for Macedonia and Albania into the EU has already been separated as if...

Osmani-Roth: The German government supports Macedonia’s European integrations

The Vice Prime Minister of European Affairs, Bujar Osmani as part of his working visit to Germany has met with the Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office and Germany's representative in the EU, Michael Roth. Osmani was given a confirmation from Minister Roth that the German government strongly supports the country's European integrations and that...

Germany finished the ratification of the NATO accession protocol

Yesterday, the Deputy Ambassador of Germany in the US, submitted the official document for ratification of North Macedonia's accession protocol into NATO, informs the Embassy of Germany in Macedonia. With it, in Germany, the procedure concerning the ratification of North Macedonia's NATO accession is over" informs the Embassy. The German Bundestag ratified the country's NATO accession protocol on the...