
Osmani-Roth: The German government supports Macedonia’s European integrations


The Vice Prime Minister of European Affairs, Bujar Osmani as part of his working visit to Germany has met with the Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office and Germany’s representative in the EU, Michael Roth.

Osmani was given a confirmation from Minister Roth that the German government strongly supports the country’s European integrations and that it will firmly stand in support during the Bundestag’s session in defense of the Government’s positions for a start of the accession negotiations with Macedonia in October.

From Berlin, Osmani will head to Warsaw, where he will meet with the Polish State Secretary for European Affairs Konrad Szymański, and he will meet with the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Jacek Czaputowicz.

The visits to Berlin and Warsaw are part of Vice Prime Minister Osmani’s European tour before the EU Council’s meetings in October.

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