

VMRO-DPMNE: SPO is a smokescreen for covering the Government’s incompetence

The Special Public Prosecution is a smokescreen for covering the Government's incompetence and the damaging decisions and agreements for the country, said the regular morning announcement issued by VMRO-DPMNE. "SPO has a task to lead a whole political process with only one intention i.e. to eliminate VMRO in order to weaken the state," said the announcement. This opposition party reminds...

VMRO-DPMNE: Macedonia is becoming a victim of Zaev and SDS’ anti-state behavior by SDS

"SDS was quiet when the Albanian flag was placed in the cabinet of the president of the Parliament. Now SDS is quiet after Talat Xhaferi's statement that he will make the Albanian language official on the whole territory and the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia will be the third Parliament in the region where the sessions will be...

VMRO-DPMNE: SDS owes the people an apology, whose revolt they deliberately caused

SDS brutally raped the will of the people and prevented the right of discussion with their democratically elected representatives, said VMRO-DPMNE in their statement. “SDS deliberately and violently, as announced by their journalists and experts, conducted a performance that they call an election of a Parliament Speaker and they did it with premeditation and put themselves, other MPs and employees...

Gruevski has told the ambassadors that the elections are the fastest ways for solving the crisis

VMRO-DPMNE’s president Nikola Gruevski had talks with the ambassadors of Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and Netherlands, Christine Althauser, Charles Garrett, Mats Staffanson and Wouter Plomp about the current political situation, the opinion, and stance of VMRO-DPMNE regarding its solution. At the meeting, during which the members of the party’s Executive Committee were present, Nikola Poposki, Nikola Todorov, and Vladimir...

There will be a new continuation of the constitutive session tomorrow and there are no retreats from the trench lines

After five days of holidays, the Parliament’s constitutive session should continue tomorrow at 11 o’clock. According to the regular morning announcements issued both by VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM, even before the continuation of the tomorrow's constitutive session, there will be no retreats from the parties’ trench lines. In the regular morning announcement issued by SDSM, it says that “Gruevski has...

VMRO-DPMNE: Nothing is sacred for SDSM, neither the holidays nor the state interests

SDSM shows that nothing is sacred for them, neither the holidays nor the national and state interests, said VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction to SDSM’s morning announcement. In its announcement, VMRO-DPMNE states that it was expected from a party that strayed from the people and has joined forces with the drug-mafia underground. “The people have stated that their delinquent politics is not...

VMRO-DPMNE: The solution for the crisis are new elections and the people to voice their opinion about the Tirana platform

The only way out of this situation, which the criminals of SDS brought the country too are - New parliamentary elections! Only this way will the citizens be able to clearly state their opinion about the Tirana platform. Only this way will the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia not be feel deceived, said VMRO-DPMNE in its regular morning announcement. The...

The session continues on Monday, SDSM’s proposal was not included in the agenda

Today’s ninth continuation of the constitutive session of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia for the election of a president and member of the Commission for Elections and Appointments and for the election of a Parliament Speaker ended without a constructive debate and with plenty of procedural remarks. The chairman of the session, former speaker of Parliament, Trajko Veljanoski,...

VMRO-DPMNE presents “Manifesto for a Unified Macedonia”

Today, members of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, Antonio Milososki, Nikola Poposki and Ilija Dimovski presented the Manifesto for a Unified Republic of Macedonia, at the Centre of Communications of VMRO-DPMNE. The document is a “vision” of the party for the state, which they say is “the only home country for Macedonians, where citizens live united, with Albanian people, Turkish...

The government will use 800.000 euros to finance civil organizations and foundations

The government of the Republic of Macedonia has published an advertisement for financial support in the amount of 50 million denars i.e. 800.000 euros for activities by civil organizations and foundations. According to the advertisement that was published in “Dnevnik” daily newspaper, these grants are divided into two categories. The grants in the amounts starting from 1.845.000 denars (or 30.000...

VMRO-DPMNE (FYROM): This is how sister parties introduced Gruevski in Malta

At the Congress of the European People’s Party (EPP) which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday in Malta, the delegation of VMRO-DPMNE, led by party president, Nikola Gruevski, were introduced as a party from “FYROM”. The party is listed as such on a list of all parties participating in the EPP congress on the official website. On the list of...

VMRO-DPMNE: Vajgl to renounce or to apologize for political manipulations

MEP Ivo Vajgl either didn’t understand something or he is intentionally siding with the pardoned criminal Zoran Zaev and his scriptwriters for issuing lies and made up stories, if he has ever given a statement like the one that was published, said VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction to Vajgl’s statement that the party leader, Nikola Gruevski will go all the way, because...

VMRO-DPMNE wants Hahn on Tuesday to condemn the platform and to consider the protests

VMRO-DPMNE will put forward three requests to the European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations,Johannes Hahn during his visit on Tuesday. This was announced by MP from VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Nikoloski as a guest on the daily news journal on "Sitel" television. "Firstly, we expect him to clearly condemn the Tirana platform and condemned the interference of foreign countries in the internal affairs...

SDSM: The program of the new government is a guarantee for a unitarity

Nikola Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE are the only ones that are working contrary to the state and national interests of the citizens of Republic of Macedonia through the conflicts, the violence, and the incidents that are causing in front of the domestic and international democratic public. All of this is for the purpose of saving themselves from the responsibility for...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev must renounce from turning Macedonia into a bi-national state

With his confusing and contradictory statements, Zoran Zaev didn’t reject the platform from Tirana, but on contrary, he announced a debate for all its points. This not only confirms the doubt that Zoran Zaev in order to grab the power has stepped over the national and state interest, and has accepted the realization of the platform from Tirana under...

Šekerinska: VMRO-DPMNE are using Poposki in Brussels to beg to remain part of the government

It has become clear to everyone in Macedonia and the international community from the behaviour of VMRO-DPMNE and President Ivanov in recent days, from all their statements of violence, provocation and the incitement of dividing Macedonia, they are not interested in national interests, or the protection of Macedonia, and even less for the citizens of Macedonia. This was stated by...

How VMRO-DPMNE has been changing the wording regarding the platform

Since the publication of the platform of the Albanian parties on January the 7th of this year, VMRO-DPMNE have repeatedly changed the terminology and wording in their statements, press releases and in their interviews they have referred to the platform as a “document”. VMRO-DPMNE’s terminology ranges from just “platform”, to “new platform”, “national platform”, “platform for Albanians”, and the wording evolved,...

SDSM’s Central Board will meet at noon

SDSM’s Central Board will  meet at the party’s headquarters at noon, the party announced. At the meeting, they will be deciding who will be the mandatar that will form the new government since the party was granted DUI’s signatures. Last night, spokesperson Bujar Osmani informed that DUI will give its signatures to SDSM in order to form the new government, but...

We have no differences about the use of Albanian language neither with VMRO-DPMNE nor with SDSM, said Osmani

DUI’s spokesperson, Bujar Osmani said on the show “Top Tema” on Telma TV that they have adjusted with VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM about the use of Albanian language – For the first time, we have no differences with VMRO-DPMNE or SDSM about the ethnicity issues. If so far the whole dilemma was centered on article 5 of the Constitution whether the...

VMRO-DPMNE: We will continue to cooperate with ambassadors – friends of Macedonia

VMRO-DPMNE in a statement, emphasized that they are not against ambassadors", but in principle, they will react when some ambassadors overstep their authority and act as a substitute for MPs and the government elected by the citizens." "The self-proclaimed intellectuals and mercenaries of Soros need not be afraid, the campaign is not against ambassadors, but in principle, we will react when...