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Students supported by reputable university professors

Several professors from world renowned universities wrote a letter to the students of informal student organization “Student plenum” as a support of the student...

Bribery, scandals and video tapes in Greece

New political scandal in Greece after the accusations of the MP of Independent Greeks, Pavlos Haikalis, for the attempt of buying of votes for...

Museum of VMRO activists opens in Shtip

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski today visited Shtip, where he attended the opening of the Museum of VMRO activists from Stip and the region in...

Protests didn’t change Government’s mind

  Legislative amendments which project paymentof contributions for pension and health insurance by the freelancers will be enforced from 1st of January. During today’s visit...

Officials will also pay contributions for additional income

The public got used SDSM to try and block every positive measure, regardless how useful it is for the citizens, especially workers, and by...

SDSM: Why are the budgets of the pension and health insurance empty?

  The new legislation will lead employers to seek to lower their contracts for work under the minimum wage to avoid additional payments for health...

Russia assesses US sanctions as useless

 Russia assessed US sanctions as useless and adds that it will respond to the measures, but didn’t specify how. In today’s press release, Moscow says...

Charges for Director of the State Inspectorate for Agriculture

Gevgelija police filed criminal charges against R.S., Director of the State Inspectorate for Agriculture due to abuse of power and authority. In opposition to...

Another Macedonian citizen killed in Syria

  Another Albanian from Macedonia, who was a member of the jihadists of the Islamic State, was killed in Syria. E.A. from Skopje Indzikovo, 23,...

SUT says “no” to the state exam, Ademi announces a pilot application of the law

  “No” to the state exam said students and professors at the State University in Tetovo today. At the public debate, on which even the...

More than 100 items at the open Government session on Sunday

 On Sunday, the Government will hold an open meeting which will be transmitted live through the media and on which there will be more...

Stavreski: Capital in the financial zone will come from a reliable source

  In the international financial zone in Macedonia, every capital will come from a reliable source. The regulation should be completed in the first quarter...

SDSM: VMRO-DPMNE is responsible for political lynching of opponents

Every new decision of the so-called Commission for verification of facts is further confirmation that the Government has turned the process of lustration into...

SDSM: Macedonia doesn’t have a deal with the US, whose accounts is Gruevski hiding?

  “This is the US Foreign Account Tax Complience Act FATCA. According to that law, all US citizens, including those who live outside the United...

Gruevski and Tusk discussed the name dispute

  After the meeting with President of the European Council Donald Tusk, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said that Macedonia can count on his support. Tusk...

Spasov and Damchevski will appeal lustrators’ decision

  Former Minister of Justice and former ambassador of Macedonia to Bulgaria, Gjorgji Spasov, was a collaborator of the state security services, announced the Commission...

Soros and Strauss-Kahn main candidates for Director of the National Bank of Ukraine

  Famous US billionaire George Soros could become head of the National Bank of Ukraine, reports Ukrainian TV “Channel 112”, citing sources close to the...

Putin announces new pipeline that would pass through Macedonia

  Setting up a new European gas pipeline on the border between Turkey and Greece depends on Europe, said Vladimir Putin at the annual conference...

Mandatory issue of promissory notes is postponed for 1st of April 2015

Ministry of Finance prepared amendments to the Law on promissory notes with which this measure is postponed for 1st of April 2015. “In accordance with...

The ruble didn’t reduce, but will slow down Macedonian export

The fall of the Russian ruble will not reduce, but will slow down the export of Macedonian companies in Russia, which, this year, according...