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Ilir Meta to visit Macedonia next week

Next week, Speaker of the Albanian Parliament Ilir Meta will pay an official visit to Macedonia. On 20th of January, Speaker of the Albanian Parliament...

“Univerzalna sala” will be renamed into Convention Center “Aleksandar Makedonski”

The new name of “Univerzalna sala” is Convention Center “Aleksandar Makedonski”, reports “E-magazin”. The old website no longer exists, and the preparation of a new...

Tsipras: Samaras made a historical error on the name issue

Alexis Tsipras accused Prime Minister Antonis Samaras that, because of his views as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Greece is stuck in the name dispute...

Vranishkovski will be released, but what will MOC get in return?

Call of the Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church - Ohrid Archbishopric (MPC-OA) to the competent authorities in the state for mercy to the...

Prophet Muhammad on the new front page of “Charlie Hebdo”

At the first front page of the French satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo” after the attack, in which 10 journalists and two policemen were killed,...

White House admits mistake: We should have send someone in Paris

The administration of US President Barack Obama admitted that they made a mistake by not sending US representative with a higher rank than their...

Plenum representatives requested veto, Ivanov appealed for unity and dialogue

When deciding whether to sign the bill on higher education, President Gjorgje Ivanov will perform as a statesman, not a teacher. He communicated this...

Stavreski demands an apology by Shilegov

The Ministry of Finance reacts to a press conference of the spokesman of the opposition SDSM and says that Petre Shilegov shamelessly distracts and...

SDSM: Government to immediately pay subsidies to farmers

“Subsidies are not good will of Gruevski’s Government, but the obligation of the state to farmers, which is guaranteed by law. Hence, the Government...

Ivanov has a farewell meeting with Wohlers

President of the Republic of Macedonia Gjorgje Ivanov today held a farewell meeting with Ambassador of the United States Paul Wohlers. According to Ivanov’s office,...

Prosecution agrees Vranishkovski to be released on probation

By serving more than half of the prison sentence and the compensation of the damage for which he was sentenced, the legal requirements Jovan...

Vevchani Carnival begins tonight

The main music program in Vevchani begins tonight. In addition, tomorrow night is the main event - the carnival with most original masks. Attendees...

Shilegov: Gruevski’s Government gave the business of the tenants to Janakieski tete-a-tete?!

Official documents published on the website of the European Union revealed that the Gruevski’s Government gave the business of the German company “Ludwig Pfeiffer”,...

The black boxes from the crashed plane of “Air Asia” found

The two black boxes of the plane of the airline “Air Asia”, which crashed in Java Sea two weeks ago, were found, announced Indonesian...

EU to hold an emergency session on the fight against terrorism on Friday

Latvian Presidency of the EU proposed an extraordinary session of the foreign ministers of the Union to be held on Friday, on which they...

Albania requests citizens to report any suspicious activities

Yesterday, Albanian authorities appealed to the citizens to cooperate with the police in order to prevent any act of organized crime and terrorism. Interior Minister...

“Day of Silence” on 14th of January

On the occasion of the massacre that took place in the editorial office of the French magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, countries from the region -...

Who attended, and which leaders ignored the march in Paris?

US President Barack Obama didn’t attend the march in Paris, held yesterday in protest against the killing of the journalists of the satirical weekly...

More than 300 doctors left Macedonia

Shtip emergency department remained without head after warden Sunchica Postolova went to work in Germany. Doctor Postolova joined several dozen young doctors from Eastern...

Ohrid citizens expect more than 30,000 visitors for Epiphany

Great Orthodox Christian holiday of Epiphany should bring more than 30,000 visitors to Ohrid, announces the local self-government and the Association “Epiphany”, which are...