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SDSM filed new evidence of the wiretapping scandal

SDSM submitted new evidence for the criminal charges for tapping, informed from the party. - Today we submitted additional evidence to the Public Prosecution for...

Judges are concerned that they must defend themselves from pressure publicly

This afternoon, Management Board of the Association of Judges of Macedonia held a session to discuss the recordings published by SDSM. The news crews that...

Faculty of Architecture “liberated”

Students from the Faculty of Architecture today declared autonomous zone. The corridors of the faculty were filled with tents, food and beverages. At the moment...

AJM: Kostovska showed how editors should cope with pressures

Association of Journalists of Macedonia is seriously concerned by information that Ivana Kostovska, editor-in-chief of the web portal "" and web portal in English...

Ivanov met with Dachik

President Ivanov today met with Ivica Dachik, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, who, as Chairman of...

Bulgaria is concerned about the political situation in Macedonia

Bulgaria is concerned about the lack of dialogue between the Government and opposition in Macedonia, stated Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov today. The head of...

Members of the plenum from Bitola were left without power in the autonomous zone last night

Members of the plenum from Bitola, who yesterday declared autonomous area of Technical Faculty, spent last night at minus 10 degrees Celsius. Twenty-five students,...

Hahn: Political actors to engage in constructive dialogue, within the Parliament

Commissioner Johannes Hahn, on his first visit to Skopje as Commissioner for Neighbourhood policy and Enlargement negotiations, met with government and opposition politicians, representatives...

Ahmeti: Political dialogue must be restored and intensified

The leader of the Democratic Union for Integration today, at the EU headquarters in Skopje, met with Commissioner of neighborhood policy and negotiations for...

“Kurir” peeked into the analytics of “Plusinfo”

"Plusinfo" today published an article titled Where are you, Kurir? which said that four portals that are critical of the government,...

Faculty of Architecture at UKIM to be occupied tomorrow

The "Facebook" page of the student magazine "Izlez" writes that the third Autonomous Zone is passed and that it is planned Faculty of Architecture...

Hahn: Eventually we will achieve significant progress on the European perspective of the country

Sometimes it is better to have internal discussions in order to achieve progress and I hope that eventually we will achieve significant progress on...

Tsipras nominates Provopulos for President

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras nominated Prokopis Pavlopoulos, former minister of New Democracy, as a candidate for President of Greece. Provopulos is a surprise because...

Kezharovski remains free, Court of Appeal dismissed prosecution’s appeal

Dismissing the appeal by the Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime, Court of Appeal today confirmed the decision of Basic Court Skopje 1 for...

Protest for Tamara and red card for Todorov on 24th of February

On Tuesday, 24th of February, at noon, citizens will march to express their anger about the death of young Tamara Dimovska from Veles. The march...

Endure: We will suffocate only two or three years

Measures to reduce pollution are taken, competent work in accordance with the laws, and air pollution remains high and it will not change in...

Informational spring in Macedonia with “Twitter” and “YouTube”

Student marches and protests, Zaev’s "bomb" and now the "counter-bomb" of the Anonymous and the case with young Tamara from Veles are the topics...

No agreement between Greece and the Eurogroup

The second attempt at an agreement between Greece and the Eurogroup failed. Greece rejects the proposal of European partners, which require it to continue...

Hahn in Skopje to request political dialogue to be conducted in the Assembly

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Enlargement, who comes to Skopje tomorrow, announced that he will offer a kind of mediation of the European Parliament in...

VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM is caught in its own lies

Every day, Zoran Zaev and SDSM continue to work in favor of foreign centers by announcing created materials that are causing direct harm to...