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Zaev from Kumanovo: Future strategy of SDSM will be decided tonight

Opposition leader Zoran Zaev, along with SDSM Secretary General Oliver Spasovski, and the Mayor of Kumanovo Zoran Damjanovski, visited houses in Divo naselje where...

Vajgl, Kukan and Howitt request investigation

Through a joint statement, today reacted the three MEPs who mediated the negotiations between VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM in Brussels, Ivo Vajgl, Edward Kukan and...

Kurtz: Macedonia to be a topic of a meeting of foreign ministers of EU

Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurtz expressed concern over the latest escalation of violence in Macedonia and asked current events to be a topic of...

„Meta“ in Kumanovo: Shocking images from the conflict

„Meta“ News Agency reporter visited Kumanovo settlement Divo Naselje today. This suburb was the center of gunfights between police and terrorists during the weekend....

Ivanov: There must be accountability for all that has and has not been done

Security Council expressed sharpest condemnation for violation of security of the country, aimed at destabilization of Macedonia, said President Gjorgje Ivanov after the session. After...

New “gaffe” of Bozhidar Dimitrov: Bulgaria to annex Strumica region if Macedonia falls apart

Constant critic of events in Macedonia, Bulgarian historian and director of National History Museum Bozhidar Dimitrov said that the violence had been long expected. -...

Bulgarian extremists are gloating: Ohrid Agreement and defocus of protests is to blame for Kumanovo

Bulgaria should not be silent about Macedonia! It should come up with a position that is against the violation of borders, separatism and against...

Gruevski: We lost eight that perhaps prevented 8,000 innocent killings

"These were two very tough days. The most difficult in my life. Terrorist group of more than 40 heavily armed persons illegally entered Macedonia,...

Municipality of Kumanovo opened a call center to accommodate displaced

Municipality of Kumanovo opened a call center for citizens who need to be cared for. All families who need accommodation or any other help...

Kotevski: The action in Kumanovo ended

MOI can inform that the action in Kumanovo has been completed, said Deputy Interior Minister Ivo Kotevski at today’s press conference. According to him, the...

Shots are fired in Kumanovo this morning as well, three more policemen wounded

Shots are fired in Kumanovo this morning as well. Around 7 am, police had another shootout with an armed group in "Diva naselba". According to...

Today and tomorrow – days of mourning

At an extraordinary session, Government of the Republic of Macedonia decided today and tomorrow to be days of mourning to mark the death of...

Jankuloska: Five policemen killed, more than 30 were wounded, the situation is still highly risky

Officers Zharko Kuzmanovski, Sasho Samojloski, Nenad Serafimovski and two more are today's heroes of Macedonia. In my name and in the name of members...

Three police officers killed in shootout in Kumanovo, the action is nearing its end

Three members of the security organs were killed in shootout in the police action in Kumanovo which is nearing its end and the last...

Russia concerned about events in Kumanovo, but also about the protests

Russia urges political forces of Macedonia to engage in constructive dialogue, and the international community, particularly the OSCE mission, to promote to the maximum,...

Shots are still fired in Kumanovo, the area of action is being evacuated

Residents of Diva naselba in Kumanovo are being evacuated and the police operation is still ongoing. Shots are occasionally heard from the settlement. The approach...

Serbia also alert about the situation in Kumanovo

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vuchik scheduled an extraordinary session of the Coordination Bureau of the security services for tomorrow at 1 pm, on the...

Ivanov interrupted visit to Moscow, will convene the Security Council

Because of the police action in Kumanovo, Macedonian President Gjorgje Ivanov interrupted the visit to Moscow and returned to Macedonia. Immediately after the return, it...

EU delegation calling for calmness and determining the facts

Regarding the gunfight in Kumanovo this morning, delegation of the European Union in Skopje calls for calmness from the public and asks to wait...

US Embassy calls for peacekeeping

Embassy of the United States in Skopje calls for peacekeeping and expressed condolences for the dead and wounded in the police action in Kumanovo. "We...