Municipality of Kumanovo opened a call center for citizens who need to be cared for. All families who need accommodation or any other help and problem can call the phone numbers 031 475-830 and 475-800.
Dormitory “Professor Mijalkovik”, gyms of schools “11th of October”, “Kocho Racin” and “Hristijan Todorovski-Karposh” and kindergartens will be used as accommodation.
Municipality of Kumanovo has allocated two million denars for the needs of the internally displaced people from the so-called Divo naselje. Mayor of the Municipality of Kumanovo Zoran Damjanovski announced that crisis headquarters decided the schools not to work tomorrow.
– The 2001 crisis was nothing for the citizens of Kumanovo in comparison to this urban terrorism we face. I appeal to citizens for restraint and calmness – said Mayor Damjanovski.